EducationThe science

How high atmospheric pressure affects a person

If you regularly listen to the weather forecast, then, most likely, you noticed that in the end always report atmospheric pressure. Have you ever wondered what it is all about, why and how is it measured? On atmospheric pressure and its effect on humans, and will be discussed in this article. It was possible to measure atmospheric pressure for the first time in the far 1643 year. Long experiences of the Italian scientist Evangelist Torricelli showed that air has a certain weight that can be measured. As a result of prolonged testing, the great scientist invented the barometer. Now the atmospheric could be measured with the utmost precision.

Imagine the effect of atmospheric pressure is not difficult. In fact, this is the force with which everything that surrounds us is pressed by atmospheric air. This force is measured in hectopascals (hPa), but the use of old units is also acceptable: the popular mm. Gt; Art. And millibar (mb). Often the question arises: "And what is the normal atmospheric pressure?". This is the force with which the pillar of air presses on the earth's surface at sea level. For this value take 760 mm Hg. The maximum atmospheric pressure was registered in 1968 in the northern region of Siberia and equaled 113.35 hPa. During this period, poor health was noted for almost all residents, since the maximum atmospheric pressure is an unusual phenomenon of nature and there is no adaptation to it.

Any deviation from the norm, whether it is increased atmospheric pressure or reduced, leads to a change in weather conditions. It is known that gases have an excellent resource for compressibility, respectively, than the gas is denser, the more pressure it can produce. The indicators of atmospheric pressure decrease significantly with altitude. The higher the sea level is measured, the smaller the indicators will be. This is due to the fact that the pressure of one layer on the other is reduced. For example, at an altitude of 5000 meters, its parameters are already half as large as on the ground.

At night, an elevated atmospheric pressure is usually observed, and in the daytime, with increasing air temperature, the pressure decreases. How does reduced or increased atmospheric pressure affect a person? First of all, it depends on the individual characteristics of the person and the state of his health. Usually people with cardiac and vascular pathology react more strongly to fluctuations in atmospheric pressure. For them it does not matter what normal atmospheric pressure, the main thing is that the pressure characteristic of their populated area does not give sharp jumps. Such people are usually interested in the forecast for the coming days, so that it is possible to take appropriate measures and prevent the worsening of their diseases.

From observations and studies it is clear that increased pressure does not in all people cause a deterioration in overall well-being. With a strong excess of the norm in individual people, breathing becomes deeper, the heart rate increases, the hearing weakens slightly and the voice becomes quieter. The main part of the population, these ailments are transferred almost imperceptibly. Elevated atmospheric pressure often becomes a problem for people suffering from migraine and cardiovascular diseases. Of course, this takes into account not only the magnitude, but also the frequency of the pressure oscillations. When the swings occur smoothly, and the difference is only a few units, they are felt much less.

Most often, we feel unwell with a decrease in atmospheric pressure. Blood pressure is reduced, the general condition resembles the process of oxygen starvation, the head is spinning, the legs become "wadded", etc. Scientists conducted research on the number of road accidents and received a disappointing result. The number of accidents during the period of low atmospheric pressure increases by an average of 15-20%. Drivers, be vigilant and careful!

Whether we like it or not, weather affects not only our mood, but also the overall physical condition. Feeling that you become "uncomfortable", try not to worry and, if possible, to reduce all serious physical exertion. In cases where the malaise is simply unbearable, of course, it is worthwhile to see a doctor.

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