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Housing Hygiene: Definition, Features and Compliance Rules

Each person spends at least a third of their lives at home. It is for this reason that it is so important to create a comfortable and favorable environment in your native walls. Hygiene of a dwelling is a science devoted to the impact of living and working conditions on the health and working capacity of a person. How to make your home as comfortable and comfortable as possible? Consider.

Hygiene at home - what is it?

Everyone dreams of a cozy and comfortable house. In fact, each of us can make his home just like that right now. And it does not matter at all how good repair is in your apartment, and whether you have the means to change it. There is a whole discipline dedicated to the arrangement of the house and the care of it. Any person will be useful to know what is the hygiene of the home. This is a set of rules and proven tips on housekeeping, helping to make your home safe and comfortable for a long stay. A properly equipped house is a place where it is pleasant to be and where one wants to return. People living in it are full of strength, rarely sick and feel happy.

Interior decoration and interior

Think about how you will keep the house clean and tidy, it makes sense even during repair. Choose environmentally friendly and safe building materials. In living rooms may be pasting walls with wallpaper, painting with paint or decoration with decorative panels. For sanitary units, the best option is tile. Particular attention should be given to the choice of finishing materials for the kitchen. Over the sink and work area, you need to make an "apron" of tile. The walls in this room are best painted with paint. Cover the kitchen floor with linoleum or lay out a special tile. After the repair, pay special attention to choosing and arranging furniture. Do not clutter the center of the room. Choose furniture according to personal needs and functional purposes of the room.

Rid your house of all unnecessary!

In any apartment there are things that are stored "just in case". This is a broken technique, old magazines and books, not regularly used dishes, clothes are not in size and much more. The hygiene of the home must necessarily include the regular cleaning of the house of junk. Start a new tradition - to conduct general cleaning at least every six months and without pity throw out all unnecessary. How to start getting rid of junk? Before removing the dust and wiping dirt, dismantle the shelves and drawers. Try to pay attention to each thing, hold it in your hands and answer to yourself the question: "Do you need it, how often is it used?" Specialists in getting rid of trash claim that you can throw everything that you have not used in the past year. If you have a lot of good things that you feel sorry to send to a trash can, you can sell them or donate to a charity.

Home microclimate

Fresh air is very important for human health. Hygiene of the home must necessarily include regular airing. In any weather, open the windows for 5-10 minutes at least 2 times a day. Keep an eye on the temperature regime: for living areas, the optimum temperature is 18-20 degrees. It is useful to control and humidity. Today, there are special household appliances that can record and correct this indicator. Needless to say that in the ideal house there is no room for mold, insects and rodents? To cope with these uninvited guests will help regular cleaning and special means.

Let the light into your house!

Much better and more joyful a person feels in bright rooms. This rule should be considered when choosing the color scheme for finishing rooms in which you spend the most time. It is also important to ensure that sufficient sunlight is available in your home. Wash the windows as it gets dirty, not just 2 times a year when changing seasons. During daylight hours, keep the dark curtains open or completely discard them. Arrange properly artificial lighting in the apartment. Think about the location of the light fixtures and choose suitable lamps for them. Do not forget that home hygiene involves regular washing of chandeliers and lamps, as well as rubbing light bulbs. Dust on plafonds and lamps significantly reduces their brightness.

How to ensure the hygiene of the home? Cleaning rules in the kitchen

In all houses, the kitchen is the room in which food is stored, and food is prepared and consumed. This room requires increased attention. Try to maintain the perfect cleanliness and order in the kitchen. Wash dishes immediately after ingestion or cooking. Regularly clean the work surfaces and the dining table. In the kitchen, it is acceptable to use disinfectant detergents provided they are safe for human health. Organize correctly storage of food products and regularly check their expiration dates. For waste, pick up the trash can with the lid, discard garbage daily. When cooking, particles of fat settle on the entire surface. From time to time, wash the facades and interior shelves of furniture, walls, watch for the cleanliness of household appliances.

What else you need to know about cleaning in the kitchen? Hygiene housing rules for the care of this area offers particularly strict. At least once a week, change sponges for dishes, cloths for rubbing surfaces and towels. Every day all these devices must be thoroughly dried. From time to time, look through all the utensils and utensils. Without pity, throw away objects that are chipped. Such dishes are potentially dangerous for health, since in the cracks on its surfaces bacteria reproduce.

The perfect order in the house is always

Personal hygiene of the home involves daily cleaning throughout the house. Folk wisdom says: "Purely, where not littered, and not where they clean". And really, it's easier to accustom yourself to constantly maintain order in the house, rather than spend all the weekend for general cleaning. Always put things in order after you have used them. Every day it is necessary to clean the floor covering. Choose for yourself the most convenient way: vacuuming, washing or sweeping. But in any case, wet cleaning should be done at least 1-2 times a week. In a day, you should clean the open shelves. In fact, every apartment is always where to clean and what to improve. Plan for a day about 5 different household chores from cleaning a zone to a minor repair. With the regular observance of this rule, you will notice that the houses are always fresh and clean without the titanic efforts on your part. Daily care for your own home and timely cleaning in all rooms is called briefly - home hygiene. Treat your personal space with love and attention, and it will become truly cozy.

Household chemicals or folk remedies for cleaning?

On the shelves of any modern supermarket today you can find colorful cans and bottles, designed to clean all areas of our house. Many tools promise instant removal of complex spots and elimination of old dirt in a matter of minutes. The prospects are very seductive, but an increasing number of housewives are returning to using "grandmother's" home care products. Strongly active compounds are not safe for human and domestic animals. While folk are environmentally friendly and often quite well cope with their main purpose - the removal of contaminants. You can wash the dishes with mustard powder or soda solution. Citric acid helps to get rid of the scale, and the enameled surfaces perfectly clean the common salt from the carbon and grease. In fact, the hygiene of the body and home can be observed at all without modern means of factory production. Try different recipes and choose the ones that like you more than others.

Secrets of an interior renovation without repair

Over time, even the most refined interior bored and begins to seem boring to us. In fact, noticeably enliven the space and make it play with new colors is not difficult at all. If the room seems boring to you, try changing the textiles. This is one of the cheapest and most effective ways to change the interior. Also you can add or replace some decorative elements: photos and pictures in frames, sets of statuettes, kitchen utensils. Hygiene and decorating a home is a creative process. Do not be afraid of experiments, for example, move furniture or buy a new lamp. Today, seasonal decor of the premises is in vogue. If you want to decorate the rooms for the holidays, change the curtains when changing the seasons, place in the interior compositions of fresh flowers. Remember the most important rule: a house is a reflection of its owner, a visual demonstration of its tastes and level of culture. Take respect for your home, and then you will necessarily become happier.

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