HomelinessDo it yourself

Wet vacuuming

Men at the mention of the words "wet cleaning" have an innate ability to find urgent matters. With the involvement of household members or without, but cleaning is necessary, and most often this has to be done on weekends. To ensure that this work was not a burden and was not considered wasted time, it is necessary to work out the correct procedure for action. Some housewives clean the entire apartment at once, others - through the rooms, successively passing the stages of folding things in their places, wiping out dust, dry cleaning, and this process is finished by wet floor cleaning.

The preparatory stage is to clean up everything that is superfluous, which will interfere with the rest of the work. If you learn how to put immediately used things in their places, then you can significantly speed up the entire cleaning process.

The next stage is the fight against dust. It includes cleaning the mirrors, wiping dust from furniture, window sills. Speed up this stage can only be the selection of effective detergents and napkins.

Dry cleaning is the most time consuming process, the acceleration of which depends on the power of the vacuum cleaner. When using aquafilters already at this stage of harvesting you will literally feel how due to humidification, the air becomes noticeably clearer. Of course, you can use a broom, but then this stage of cleaning should follow immediately after the preliminary. After all, the dust raised in the air will again settle on furniture and other surfaces. Therefore, at least once a week (and if the house is allergic, then more often) it is preferable to use a vacuum cleaner.

Wet cleaning is the last, final stage of the entire harvesting process. As mates are mops with different nozzles. Of course, the choice of mop is carried out depending on the existing floors. But it is desirable, that there was a mechanical pressing, allowing essentially to save time. So the classical plan of harvesting works looks.

You can significantly reduce the time allotted for cleaning, if you combine the stages of dry and wet cleaning with a washing vacuum cleaner. Its use is also effective because it allows you to simultaneously clean the apartment and humidify the room air. This is extremely important with a stable heat, and in the winter heating season. What can be simpler: to collect clean water in the tank, spray it under pressure and vacuum, drawing both water and dust. But the water presupposes a reservoir, and this weight increases the weight, makes the device larger, it is heavier to move it. For owners of large apartments, houses and dachas, where the floors are paved with stone, tile, carpet on latex, frequent use of a washing vacuum cleaner is actual.

But if a laminate or parquet is laid in the house, wool carpets or simple carpets are laid, then a wet vacuum cleaning is not for you. Ideally, it is good to have two vacuum cleaners: one for weekly, one for general cleaning. After all, for cleaning carpets, a washing vacuum cleaner is an irreplaceable thing, especially if there is a possibility of additional drying. However, it is unlikely that this work is done weekly.

Many finish cleaning by airing, lighting candles or aromatic sticks. The lovers of the lunar calendar say that wet cleaning should be carried out on certain "water" days with the waning moon.

Any household chores require a mood. But, as they say: eyes are afraid, and hands do. Like all events in life, wet cleaning has the property of ending. When all the affairs are over, you can sit down to rest in a chair and admire the result of your work, feel pride and pacification, because cleanliness affects not only physical, but also psychological health. Therefore it is very important that the house is always reigned order and coziness.

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