Food and drinkTea

Green tea against blood pressure. The effect of green tea on pressure

Cultivation of tea as a cultural plant began in China in the 4th century AD. Much later black tea became known in Europe, and from the end of the 20th century in the West and in our country began to use green. Today on the shelves of stores you can find a huge number of different grades of raw materials, from which a fragrant drink is brewed, which contributes to the improvement of well-being and purification of the body. However, until now many are interested in the question of whether it is possible to use green tea against blood pressure.

A bit of history

As already mentioned, tea began to be cultivated in China in ancient times. And initially it was used as a medicine and was available only to the highest nobility and clergymen. It is not known whether Chinese healers used green tea against blood pressure, but manuscripts remained, in which there are prescriptions for ointments from rheumatism based on the leaves of this plant. In addition, water infusions from dried leaves were considered the best cure for eye diseases.

In Europe, tea came through Dutch and English merchants and at first was considered a medicine capable of maintaining vitality. Since aristocrats, weary of night balls and drinking bouts, often resorted to this means to regain their form, for example, to attend meetings of the Parliament, then drinking this drink became part of the everyday routine of the day. By the way, tea came to Russia even earlier than in England. In particular, it is known that in 1567 its dried leaves from China to Moscow were brought by the Cossack atamans Petrov and Yalyshev.

What distinguishes black tea from green tea

Remember the anecdote about a dispute about whether olives and olives can grow on one tree or not? So, it turns out that raw materials for black and green tea are grown on the same bush. Another thing is that the leaves for obtaining raw materials for brewing this or that drink are treated differently. In particular, for green tea, they are subjected to enzymatic oxidation by no more than 12 percent, and for black tea, by 80 percent. At the same time, experts say that in the second case a significant part of the useful substances contained in the raw material is lost.

What properties does green tea have?

It is known that the leaves of this plant are a real storehouse of useful substances. So, they contain in large doses some rare vitamins and useful trace elements: fluoride, zinc, copper, iodine, manganese, calcium and phosphorus. In addition, green tea has a lot of vitamin C, which is the strongest antioxidant, which increases immunity and helps the body to fight against viruses and infections. It also contains a significant amount of vitamin P (an order of magnitude greater than in black), which is known for its ability to have a beneficial effect on the walls of blood vessels. That is why there is an opinion that green tea affects the pressure. Whether this is so, more details will be told in the future, but the ability of this drink to maintain normal blood sugar level is proved by clinical trials. As already mentioned, there are special antioxidant substances in tea leaves, so regular use of a drink prepared by brewing helps maintain the beauty and youth of the skin, and also slows down the aging process of the whole organism.

Low blood pressure: symptoms

Today, doctors are trying to show an individual approach to patients. This also applies to blood pressure. In particular, the term "low blood pressure," or hypotension, is now used to refer to a person's condition, accompanied by a drop in blood pressure below the rates that are observed in his usual state. If you still want specifics, then the average patient has a norm of at least 100/60 mm. Gt; Art. However, some people can feel themselves perfectly and with the value of this indicator in 90/60 mm. Gt; Art. And even lower. Thus, the concern should not be caused simply by the figures that the tonometer records, but also by the presence of such accompanying symptoms as:

  • Lethargy, general weakness, increased fatigue;
  • Headaches localized in the occiput;
  • A feeling of lack of air;
  • Shortness of breath, excessive sweating;
  • Dizziness that occurs when trying to stand up or sit down from a lying position;
  • nausea and vomiting.

Why a person may have hypotension

Before discussing how green tea is linked and reduced blood pressure, it is necessary to understand the causes of this phenomenon. So, the first group of such patients inherits it from parents, mostly from mothers. It is clear that in this case, the effect of green tea on pressure can hardly be so strong as to radically change the situation for the better. As for the others, usually those who have been subjected to prolonged mental or psychoemotional stress for quite some time suffer from hypotension. By the way, this category of people most often wants to know what the influence of green tea on the pressure.

Among the causes of hypotension can also be called low physical activity and sedentary lifestyle. The fact is that in the latter case, there is a deterioration in the state of the heart and a decrease in ventilation of the lungs, as well as a violation of mineral metabolism. Strangely enough, low blood pressure is sometimes observed in athletes, in whom the body goes to "economical mode of operation" to withstand systematic physical stress.

Symptoms of hypertension and the consequences of this phenomenon for human health

If hypotension leads to deterioration of the patient's well-being, hypertension in especially pronounced forms is a great danger to their life. At an early stage, both diseases occur with almost identical symptoms, such as fatigue, irritability, frequent headaches and dizziness, but later in people with high blood pressure may increase in size of the heart, and in the vessels appear enlargements and aneurysms.

Why a person can have hypertension

Among the most common reasons why a person can develop hypertension, you can distinguish the following: violations of vascular tone and functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, hormonal disruptions, muscular dystrophy, adrenal or kidney disease, heart disease, inflammation and trauma, problems with the spine, etc. Obviously, That when a patient has one or the other of these, green tea against blood pressure is unlikely to help. In addition, the risk factors for the development of hypertension include alcohol abuse, sedentary lifestyle, destructive behavioral reactions, malnutrition.

Does the pressure of green tea, and whether it is worth using hypotonic

To find out what effect the drink can have on the circulatory system and the heart of a person, it is necessary to get acquainted with the results of serious scientific research. So, on the question of how green tea is connected and low blood pressure, scientists argue that drinking decoction from tea leaves will not have any effect. The fact that caffeine, which it contains, stimulates the work of the heart, but it increases the volume of blood pumped, but the same substance activates the vasomotor center in the brain. As a result, the vessels expand, and pressure changes do not occur.

Is it worth using green tea against blood pressure?

Japanese scientists put forward the theory that drinking green tea by healthy people can reduce the risk of myocardial infarction by 40 percent and reduces the likelihood of developing hypertension. Thus, on the question of how green tea and pressure are connected, it can be said that this drink is a good preventive tool to prevent the occurrence of vascular problems. At the same time, skeptics argue that the data obtained are true only in relation to the inhabitants of the Japanese islands, which have a distinctive food culture, radically different from that adopted in most countries of the world. So whether green tea raises pressure or lowers, when it comes to residents of other regions of the planet, remains to be seen. In any case, there is no confirmed fact indicating that regular use of this drink can worsen a person's well-being.

Summarizing all that has been said, it can be argued that experts have no common opinion on the question of how green tea and pressure are connected, but it is proved that it helps to lower the level of harmful cholesterol and strengthens blood vessels.

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