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Green stool in the baby - is it worth starting to worry

Probably the greatest happiness for a young mother is when your baby is absolutely healthy and nothing disturbs him. But sometimes there are troubles that start to worry his parents. One of those can be called the green stool of the baby. And the reasons for this phenomenon can be different.

Initially, let's take a little look at the device of a small organism. Ideally, about the fifth day after birth, the stool of the baby begins to acquire a golden yellow color. Until now, the stool is usually dark and sticky, odorless. This is due primarily to the fact that the remains of meconium formed from the body are formed from the amniotic fluid that the baby drinks while in the womb of the mother. The frequency of the chair should also not bother the parents, because in infants it happens after each feeding and even more often.

But the green stool of the baby sometimes causes a slight panic. However, everything is solved if the cause is correctly determined. If the baby is strictly on breastfeeding, then the dysbacteriosis, which is usually accepted all to write off, you can exclude immediately, because the mother's milk contains all the necessary enzymes for the proper formation of the intestinal flora of the child. In the case of breastfeeding, the green stool of the baby often appears from malnutrition. It is known that the rear breast milk is much fatter, more nutritious and more useful than the front breast milk, but it is also more difficult to reach the baby. Therefore, he begins to be capricious, and my mother in return offers a second breast. As a result, the child receives low-fat front milk, which passes too quickly through the digestive system and causes a green, frothy stool. Additional signs of malnutrition may be poor sleep, frequent crying of the child and, of course, a weak weight gain. To avoid such consequences, try to give the baby longer to suck one breast in one feeding. It should also be noted that babies who are breastfed for up to six months do not need additional fluid intake, because breast milk is almost 90 percent water. The more a kid drinks an extraneous liquid, the less he drinks milk, which is so necessary for a crumb in the very first months of his life.

Also, a green stool in a baby can appear if the mother during the breastfeeding takes antibiotics or preparations containing iron, as well as if the diet includes foods that affect the color of the stool (broccoli cabbage, for example). When all of the above ceases to enter the body of the mother - the chair of the baby is normalized.

If your baby is on artificial feeding or if you use supplementation in case of shortage of breast milk, it is quite possible that the green stool of the baby is caused by dysbiosis, that is, a violation of the intestinal microflora, when the number of opportunistic bacteria exceeds the established norm. Here, to the green color of the stool is added an unpleasant putrefactive odor. In this case, all by itself will not be solved, it is necessary to resort to treatment, after consulting with a doctor.

It is possible that the green chair is caused by products that the baby himself ate (the same broccoli or pear cabbage, but it is important to remember at what age such foods can be given to him).

Among other things, another cause of green stool in a baby may be a food allergy, which is accompanied by vomiting, the presence of mucus in the stool, and there may also be rashes on the skin.

But whatever the reason for the appearance of a green chair is - do not self-medicate, contact your doctor. A qualified specialist will help you find the source of the problem, give explanations and, if necessary, prescribe the right treatment. After all, your baby is the most important thing.

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