
How is MRI decoded in medicine?

This method of examination is widely used in modern medicine. . MRI helps detect pathological changes in many organs . как расшифровывается МРТ – это магнитно-резонансная томография. For those who do not know how MRI is deciphered - it is magnetic resonance imaging. Let us consider in more detail what the procedure is and why it is used.

MRI - how the word stands

магнитно-резонансная томография) – современный высокотехнологичный нелучевой метод, используемый для диагностики различных патологий тканей и внутренних органов. MRI ( magnetic resonance imaging) is a modern high-tech non - radiotherapy method used to diagnose various pathologies of tissues and internal organs.

Without resorting to internal intervention, with MRI, it is possible to obtain a highly informative image of any body structures, including volumetric projections.

The advantage of the survey is its complete safety, ionizing radiation is completely excluded. Diagnosis is carried out even by pregnant women and young children.

Medicine has received ample opportunities in diagnosis through the use of MRI. . To ensure that the result is qualitative, the patient should strictly follow the doctor's instructions during the examination . ак расшифровывается МРТ, знает специалист, он учитывает при этом данные других исследований и анамнез. As the MRI is deciphered , the specialist knows, he takes into account the data of other studies and anamnesis.

Basic indications for MRI

With the following conditions, it is recommended to conduct an examination on an MRI unit:

  • арушения в кровообращении; In blood circulation;

  • Defects in development;

  • Various tumor processes;

  • Follow-up of the patient after surgery or during therapy;

  • демиелинизирующие изменения; Degenerative, demyelinating changes;

  • мальформации , аневризмы, тромбоз, стеноз сосудов, разные патологии сосудов; Arterio-venous malformations , aneurysms, thrombosis, stenosis of vessels, various vascular pathologies;

  • Inflammatory processes;

  • Chronic, acute sinusitis;

  • Suffered injuries;

  • Arthrosis, bursitis, arthritis;

  • Compression of the spinal cord, roots of the spinal nerves;

  • Heart diseases, ischemic disease, myocardial infarction;

  • Damage to tendons, ligaments, joints, menisci, nerve endings, muscles;

  • Pathology of the pelvis, abdominal organs.

ляет у пациента как ое-либо из перечисленных состояний, для проведения достоверного обследование он направляет больного на МРТ. If the doctor identifies the patient as one of the listed conditions, he sends the patient to the MRI for a reliable examination. After

МРТ, устанавливается точный диагноз. As the MRI is deciphered , an accurate diagnosis is established.

Advantages of MRI

In medicine, the advantage of MRI is given in the diagnosis of soft tissue pathologies. Widespread use of the survey was received in oncology, in the diagnosis of diseases of the brain, spine, as well as in angiology and some other areas of medicine. The key advantages of this method are:

  • There is no radiation load when compared with a CT scan;

  • высокоинформативен при диагностике опухолевых развитий на ранних стадиях; The method is highly informative in the diagnosis of tumor development in the early stages;

  • контраста ; A qualitative image is possible without the use of contrast ;

  • параметры (скорость кровотока, спинномозговой жидкости, активации коры головного мозга). The examination clarifies not only the structure, but also the functional parameters (speed of blood flow, cerebrospinal fluid, activation of the cerebral cortex). по этим показателям, знает подготовленный специалист. As the MRI is deciphered according to these parameters, the trained specialist knows.

MRI is practically not used to diagnose pathologies of the lungs, intestines, stomach and bones.

How is the examination conducted

Special preparation for MRI is in most cases not required. An exception is the MRI of the abdominal cavity.

Before passing the procedure, the doctor asks the patient to remove all items from the metal (buttons, ornaments, etc.), since they adversely affect the quality of the examination.

The patient passes into the research room, where he is placed in a special tube. In some devices during the study you can stand, but the image quality at the same time is lower.

During the procedure, it is possible to talk to the doctor through the intercom device , he closely follows the patient with video equipment.

For maximum quality image, the main requirement is complete immobility. The process takes about half an hour.

For a clearer examination of certain areas, contrast media may be used.

в работе техники. When examining some patients, noise is disturbing, this is the norm in the work of technology. To eliminate discomfort, you can use headphones.

Some experience claustrophobia, such patients are recommended to conduct an examination in an apparatus of an open type.

If a survey is conducted in newborns, small children, the doctor uses a short-term anesthetic, because it is difficult for babies to remain immobile.

Those who are worried before the procedure, have any negative experience, can take easy sedatives for sedation.

Contraindications MRI

все-таки имеется ряд противопоказаний: Although MRI examination is a fairly safe procedure, there are a number of contraindications:

  • The patient has a pacemaker;

  • Илизарова ; Metal plates, any splinters, Ilizarov's apparatus ;

  • импланты в среднем ухе; Some implants in the middle ear;

  • It is not recommended to examine patients with unstable psyche;

  • Pregnant women in the first trimester - there is still no information about how the magnetic fields affect the development of the fetus;

  • Coma or severe illness (decompensation stage);

  • на основе металлов. The presence of tattoos, if any dyes based on metals are contained .

  • If a contrast medium is used, allergic reactions to constituent components also apply to contraindications.

How is MRI in medicine deciphered?

The results of the MRI scan are in the form of layered images. They can be immediately seen on the monitor, they are recorded on a disc that the patient receives along with the pictures.

The main factor of diagnosis is the interpretation of the results. . This is not an easy process, which requires special knowledge . другого органа, знает только профессионал. How to decode the MRI of the brain or other organ, only a professional knows.

Correct interpretation of the result together with other indicators from the medical history enable the doctor to establish an accurate diagnosis and to prescribe the correct effective treatment.

In some cases, for the interpretation of MRI results, some patients receive a remote consultation via the Internet.

. If the case is complex, controversial, the doctor makes several images in different angles, so the picture becomes more complete and authentic . The diagnosis is established more precisely.

As for the length of the decryption, it takes much longer than the survey itself. МРТ головного мозга расшифровывают около полутора часов. For example, the MRI of the brain is deciphered for about an hour and a half.

Can I decrypt myself

MRI is the most accurate method in diagnosis. The patient receives black-and-white photographs on his hands, as well as recordings on digital media. In addition, with the pictures issued a conclusion of specialists, which is written on the basis of the study.

как расшифровывается МРТ головного мозга самостоятельно. Some think about how to decode the MRI of the brain independently. In fact, it takes a long time to learn. ласы, каталоги, однако полная картина расшифровки подвластна только специалисту, только его глазу заметны самые мелкие проблемы на снимках. You can, of course, try to study reference books, medical atlases, catalogs, but the complete picture of decoding is subject only to the specialist, only his eyes are aware of the smallest problems in the pictures.

она ярко выражена. It is only possible to see a major pathology on its own if it is clearly pronounced. But never try to make a diagnosis. The human body - the most complex structure and any self-treatment can only harm your health.

Decoding of MRI is impossible without experience, special education. For the correct diagnosis, further research may be required.

Decoding of MRI of the brain

With MRI of the brain, the result is a layered image. как расшифро вать МРТ головного мозга самому , повторяем – не стоит этого делать. If someone thinks how to decode the MRI of the brain himself , we repeat - you should not do this. This will take a doctor-diagnostician, he will carefully study the result and make a diagnostic conclusion. Only a qualified specialist correctly and objectively deciphers a snapshot, correlates the description with the clinical picture.

определит, каковы размеры костей, кровеносных сосудов, наличие очагов с жидкостью, увидит возможные новообразования и инородные тела. The doctor will study in detail and determine what the size of bones, blood vessels, the presence of foci with fluid, see possible neoplasms and foreign bodies. The presented picture correlates with the norms (for different age groups they are different).

Possible deviations, which can detect diagnostics in the pictures:

  • асширение желудочков мозга; Expansion of the ventricles of the brain;

  • Damaged nerve fibers;

  • Aneurysms;

  • Breach of the integrity of bones or vessels

  • Deformation of bones;

  • Tumor.

как расшифровать МРТ головного мозга самостоятельно, а доверьте процесс доктору. To identify such pathologies, you need to have a qualification, so do not think about how to decipher the MRI of the brain yourself, and entrust the process to the doctor.

All results of the examination are recorded in a cryptographic sheet, which is attached to a medical record.

For MRI, only professionals should be consulted, even a small oversight in the diagnosis can be of immense value in your favor. The MRI method identifies various diseases at the earliest stages, and this is the guarantee of a successful cure.

Decoding of MRI of the spine

ак расшифровывается МРТ позвоночник а ? How does the spine MRI decode ? програм мы- просмот рщика врач-рентгенолог делает визуальную оценку обследования и формирует экспертное заключение. After the shots are received, with the help of a special program, the examining physician radiologist makes a visual assessment of the examination and draws an expert opinion. рентген -пленку, на цифровые носители, отдают на руки пациенту. The results are taken out on photographic paper, X-ray film, on digital carriers, handed over to the patient. в историю болезни. Photographs and the conclusion of a specialist are also recorded in the medical history .

The patient will know about the results within 1-2 hours. In an individual interview, the radiologist can hold a consultation, point out the pathology found, special moments, tell you what to look for and to which specialist to seek help. интерпретирует результат, составляет заключение, представляет его лечащему врачу. After the pictures are examined, the radiologist interprets the result, draws up the conclusion, presents it to the treating doctor.

непосредственно лечащий врач. If the patient needs additional research, the doctor directly explains his cause .

Decoding of MRI of the abdominal cavity

MRI of the abdominal cavity allows to assess the condition of internal organs, determine the spread and nature of the pathogen process. At the same time, it is possible to establish the diagnosis accurately and start treatment in time, preventing the development of any complications. позволяет отслеживать размеры опухолей при онкологии. MRI allows you to track the size of tumors in oncology. очаги поражений, составить план хирургического вмешательства. To detect timely metastases, new lesions, to make a plan for surgical intervention.

Decoding of MRI is the most important factor on which the accuracy of the diagnosis depends. как расшифровывается МРТ брюшной полости, в точности знает специалист, имеющий глубокие медицинские познания анатомии человека, характеристики заболевания. This process is quite complex, and how the MRI of the abdominal cavity is deciphered , the specialist who has deep medical knowledge of human anatomy, the characteristics of the disease knows exactly. обычно имеет опыт расшифровки на УЗИ и рентген- аппаратах , проходит, к тому же, специальные курсы подготовки. The radiologist usually has the experience of decoding on ultrasound and X-ray machines , passes, moreover, special training courses.

интерпр етаций снимков. If there are controversial, complex cases during decoding, several interpolations of the pictures are used. специалисты. Currently, other specialists can be remotely attracted . услуга "второе врачебное мнение". There is a "second opinion" service. привлекают ведущих специалистов со всей Ро ссии , а также из-за рубежа. Large medical portals on the Internet attract leading experts from all over Russia , as well as from abroad. The importance of such a project is obvious, especially for small towns, where the shortage of specialists is very appreciable.

Differences between MRI and CT

ак расшифровывается МРТ и КТ и чем отличаются данные виды обследования. To aks decode MRI and CT and what is different these types of examinations.

CT scan (computed tomography) - this examination is performed using X-rays. тличие от обычного рентген-обследования, где двухмерно е изображение отображается на пластине или пленке - п ри компьютерной томографии изображение выходит объемным. About the difference from the usual X-ray examination, where a two-dimensional image is displayed on a plate or film - in computer tomography, the image is voluminous. ело в том, что аппарат устроен так, что человек находится внутри аппарата в кольцеобразном контуре. In fact, the device is designed so that the person is inside the device in an annular contour. Snapshots of organs are made from different angles, from different points, images are processed and a three-dimensional picture is obtained.

же. The principle of obtaining images on an MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) is the same. - в природе волн. The difference is in the nature of the waves. и МРТ используются электромагнитные волны. Pr and MRI use electromagnetic waves.

The main differences between the surveys in the rays, as well as the fact that each method of its kind better reveals this or that pathology.

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