Food and drinkTea

"Green snail" - tea, unique in its properties

What could be better among the working day or after it than a cup of tea? There are a lot of fans of this drink. The variety of varieties of tea is incomparable with anything. Today our speech will be about green tea, which was called "Snail" or "Green snail".

What kind of tea is this?

The history of this tea begins with the great Ming dynasty. And this is not too much - since 1368! This tea grows in a single place - on Mount Dogting, in Wu County, Jiangsu Province (China).

Its real name is "Bilochun", "Pilochun" or "Luo Chun", which in literal translation will sound like "Spring of a green snail", but we call it easier - "Green snail". Tea got its name because of the shape of the tea, the color and time of the year of collecting this tea. The shape of the tea leaves resembles snails, or rather their shells. The harvesting time is early spring, the tea grade is green. Here is the name.

Features of taste and aroma

"Green snail" - tea, known for its "killer flavor", as the Chinese respond to it. The thing is that on the mountain where this variety grows, with the mist over the wind rose, the wind brings fragrances from fields dotted with flowers, and gardens where peach and berry trees grow. Tea absorbs this fog, leaving scents in itself. Brew the same tea can be up to three times - the aroma will remain.

By the way, this smell somehow caused the capture of thieves on tea plantations. Long ago, when tea was only discovered, it began to be collected for the Emperor and his family. But poor collectors also wanted to taste this drink and put the kidneys in his bosom. With the moisture, the tea leaves began to swell and smell all over the district!

The taste of the "Green Snail" is also special - honey and fruit. As we already know, this shade of drink was acquired thanks to the same mist on the mountain.

How to distinguish a fake "Green snail"?

"Green snail" - tea is rare, as it grows only in one place on the whole Earth. Of course, in connection with this, many counterfeits can be found on the shelves. Such teas are grown in the provinces of Zhejiang and Sichuan. But these are completely different species.

The fake "Green snail" is created from a mixture of different varieties to obtain a distinctive flavor. This "Green snail" - tea (photo it is given in our article), has the same size of tea leaves, while the fake one consists of different sizes. The non-existent "Snail" has many yellow leaves in its composition, and in the present there are only green leaves.

And, of course, the taste: the true "Green snail" has a fruity taste, and fake - tart, like a normal green variety.

Green Snail Tea: properties

Leaves are snails of tender green color, and when brewed the drink becomes bright, emerald. The fragrance carries a lot of fruit shades, mostly peach and floral. Its taste is spicy-sweet, with notes of dried fruits and nuts, the aftertaste is honey, long.

But the main properties of tea do not end in taste, aroma and color. Its beneficial effect on the human body is proved by scientists, and this is not a fiction, but a fact! "Green snail" - tea is useful in many respects:

  • He invigorates. If you need to cheer up after dinner, and generally during the day, then drink a cup of this drink. He is better than coffee, will fill the body with energy.
  • Stimulates mental and physical activity. It will be an ideal tea for athletes, and for people with a constant load on the brain.
  • Clarifies the train of thought. This is also associated with mental activity. If you are tired at work morally, you can not get together and begin to make creative and logical ideas, then the "Green Snail" will help.
  • Restores the disturbed metabolism. And this is good digestion, the dumping of extra pounds without diets and physical exertion, the health of the whole organism.
  • Normalizes the amount of cholesterol in the body. Cholesterol, as we all know, is harmful to health, shortens life.
  • Destroys fat cells. Want to lose weight - drink tea "Green snail." Reviews about his ability to help in losing weight are numerous. People really become slimmer with it.
  • Like all green teas, this variety is an antioxidant.

If you steadily drink the "Green snail" at least once a day, then in time there is the possibility of a complete rejection of medications, since they will not be needed anymore. People of China are famous for their health and longevity, why should we not learn from them?

How to brew this drink correctly?

This sort of tea should be brewed in a completely different way, not the way everyone is used to:

  • The temperature of brewing should not be more than eighty degrees, otherwise the Green Snail will lose its medicinal properties and taste.
  • If we pour boiling water on the brew, then we need to do the opposite - pour the tea leaves into boiling water! Only so, and nothing else.
  • A hundred milliliters of water should not take more than three grams of "snails." This will be enough to fully experience the aroma and taste of the drink.

And the most important thing! We used to brew tea for five minutes, at least. That is, we pour boiling water on the tea leaves and can calmly do our business for five to ten minutes. To brew the "Green Snail" is to forget this method. After you have started the tea leaves in boiling water, wait for brewing not more than fifteen seconds and quickly pour it on the cups. If the time has passed more, then instead of the long-awaited sweet taste and a pleasant fruit shade, you will get bitterness.

Acting exactly according to the prescription, you will get an amazing tea!

Green Snail Tea: customer reviews

There is a huge amount of information about this magic drink. People who first tried this tea say that they did not drink anything tastier in their lives.

Those who steadily drink the "Green snail" are advised not to use more than one cup a day. They claim that the taste buds get used to, and you can not fully enjoy the aroma and taste if you drink it several times a day.

Also note the effect of tea on the body. Those who drink a lot of time "Green Snail" emphasize that they feel much better overall. They are less likely to have colds or have completely stopped being sick.

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