HealthHealthy Eating

Gas-forming products. Knowing not to get into an uncomfortable situation

This delicate problem is rarely discussed aloud. But it is necessary to know about it as much as possible in order to avoid its appearance. Speech about gas formation. It's no secret that most often it occurs if you eat incompatible or gas-producing foods.

First of all, it is certainly all kinds of plants of the legume family, such as beans, peas and others. Almost everyone knows about their negative impact on our intestines. And the reason lies in the rich content of complex carbohydrates. They are almost the same here as in bread, which is also very difficult to digest. Therefore, not every organism, even quite healthy, is far from being able to absorb them.

Color, white, broccoli, kohlrabi and other varieties of cabbage are also gas-forming products. They are useful for our body, contain a lot of substances necessary for it, but when used (especially in large quantities) they form gases in the intestine. To prevent this from happening, you must strictly monitor your diet and limit the consumption of these foods.

All kinds of carbonated mineral water, other carbonated drinks (especially sweet), kvass and grape juices are also gas-forming products. Especially strong symptoms will arise after drinking directly from the bottle or using a straw, since in this way we, in addition to being in the drinks of gases, swallow a fair amount of air.

So useful fruit for the body, like figs, peaches, pears and apples - is also gas-forming food. They contain sugar, which is the main reason. It is best to eat them before the main course, use it separately. Rutabaga, onions and turnips without heat treatment also negatively affect our intestines, as well as various kinds of pickles, smoked products, spices and canned food. This should include both fatty and spicy sauces.

Some foods can create unfavorable combinations for our intestines. Each of them has different digestibility, and if you first eat a piece of fatty meat, and then a little fruit and sweets, you can cause a very strong increase in gases in the intestine. Therefore, products that promote gassing in such cases are unsweetened fruits and any kinds of dairy products, as well as animal proteins and milk. In no case do not drink food with sweet soda water, as this will certainly cause stagnation of a large number of gases in the intestines and the emergence of a mass of unpleasant sensations. If the predisposition to the occurrence of flatulence is innate, you should take care of yourself even more and exclude gas-producing foods such as meat, watermelons, raisins, bananas, apples and pears. Try to eat them as rarely as possible or replace them with other products that are identical in their useful properties.

If you list all the possible products that contribute to gassing, it is necessary to say about such a phenomenon, popular in our modern times, as chewing gum. Experts recommend chewing it after eating, but not more than a few minutes. Many people are so used to this bad habit - especially young people - that they simply can not do without it and chew from morning to evening, thus constantly swallowing some air. Gradually accumulating, it causes gas formation, eructations and other unpleasant sensations. Smoking, especially in large quantities, also leads to the ingestion of large portions of air. In addition, this habit is simply harmful to our body, so rejecting it in the most favorable way will affect its condition.

It's amazing how much space is occupied by gas-producing products on our table. But you do not have to shift all the blame on them only. Our habit of talking while eating, hurrying and ingesting large portions of food also contributes to swallowing the air, and hence to increased gas production.

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