HealthHealthy Eating

Use oatmeal porridge in the morning. A healthy and healthy diet

A healthy and proper breakfast is the basis for the charge of cheerfulness for the whole day. To neglect the morning meal of food is impossible in any case, no matter how much you hurry. However, not every breakfast is equally useful. A fat sandwich with sausage is likely to lead to a feeling of drowsiness and heaviness, besides, it will not give the body the necessary trace elements for normal functioning. Dieticians unanimously recognized the fact that it is the porridge that is the best option for the most healthy breakfast. The use of oatmeal porridge in the morning is an indisputable fact, but despite this, this topic seemed interesting to us, since it was not disclosed at all.

How to choose a useful product

In our minds, the concepts of "oatmeal" and "Hercules" have already firmly merged into one. But they need to be demarcated. Useful oatmeal is a whole grain of oats. It is a storehouse of vitamins and minerals, trace elements and protein. And "Hercules" is a trademark, which appeared in the USSR back in the 1920s. Producers, in fact, proposed a quick breakfast option , specially preparing the grain. For this, the shell is removed from the oats, then the embryos are separated, and then the grain is pressed into the petals we know. In this case, the benefit of oatmeal porridge in the mornings will drop sharply, as the grains are destroyed, deprived of fiber and the main stock of vitamins. There are calories left, which we increase by adding milk, butter and sugar. Such porridge can not be attributed to a healthy diet.

Whole-grain oats

If you want your food to be right, then be sure to eat at least 100 g of whole oat grains, subjected to only minor processing, every day. Oats are a family of cereals, which means it contains complex carbohydrates, and this is the most important source of energy. The outer shell of the grain is bran, a source of protein and fiber, minerals and vitamins of group B. Oats endosperm is an intermediate layer in which a reserve of carbohydrates, proteins, fiber is concentrated. Finally, the germ of oats is the most important source of vitamins and minerals. Thus, the benefit of oatmeal porridge in the morning is indisputable. This is an inexpensive product that contains almost everything that is necessary for your life. In this case, oatmeal is very accessible for all categories of the population.

Oatmeal - the choice is obvious

In fact, doctors have long paid attention to this grain. The benefits of oatmeal porridge in the mornings are thoroughly studied. Among all the other cereals (certainly also useful), oats rank first in the amount of protein, fiber, carbohydrates and fats, which are surprisingly easy to digest by our body. At the same time, its main property is that the assimilation of nutrients is very slow, which means that the feeling of hunger will not visit you for very long. It is thanks to this feature that breakfast from oatmeal porridge has become very popular in European countries. Passion for fast food among Europeans is just a fashionable trend that quickly passed, and again everyone returns to healthy food.

Useful material

Since the morning, dietary oatmeal fills your body with nutrients. Along with proteins and carbohydrates, it is also vitamins A, E, K, PP and B. However, this is not all that oatmeal is useful for us. Along with everything else, minerals come into our body: potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, iodine, sulfur, iron, calcium, nickel and a whole list of useful substances.

Regularly consumed, this porridge will help reduce cholesterol and reduce the risk of developing blood clots. With her help, the body quickly starts to adjust the process of digestion. It may seem that this porridge will quickly get bored, but you can also show your imagination here. Oatmeal with a banana or an apple, with condensed milk or chocolate, and maybe with cheese or a slice of ham, as you can see, variations can come up with a huge amount. After a few months of its regular use, you will notice that the liver and kidneys will become more stable, the thyroid gland will stop worrying. And many people note an improvement in mental activity. All brain processes start to go much faster, memory and attention improve, much faster you can concentrate and gather with thoughts, the mood considerably increases. That is, you get a fine, balanced breakfast and the opportunity to heal your body, and the cost of this product is low.

Oat flakes

However, all of the above applies only to wholemeal porridge. "Hercules" (flakes) is, in fact, already processed, refined product, which does not have such a noticeable effect. Did you notice the feeling of heaviness after a plate of semolina or oatmeal porridge? This indicates that the product is overloaded with starch, which is processed into glucose. That is, for your body there is not much difference if you ate a sweet roll or porridge, especially if it is supplemented with milk and butter. Further, affecting the pancreas, starch may also cause the development of diabetes mellitus and it also has the property of being deposited on the most vulnerable parts of a person's figure.

All pro and contra

Can I eat oatmeal? Flakes today are sold different, as they say, for taste and color. Choose the largest, where the package says "cook at least 20 minutes." Of course, such porridge will yield to the value of whole-grain oats, but it retains some of the nutrients. But the more significant technological processing was carried out, the less useful the final product remains. This concerns instant cooking porridge, which is sufficient only to boil with boiling water. Proper and healthy food and food from bags for instant cooking are incompatible things. Although, of course, if you have a choice: noodles or oatmeal of fast cooking, then, of course, it is better to stop your choice on the second.

The most useful breakfast

There is a lot of controversy about how to cook porridge to make it as useful as possible. In fact, everything depends on the goals pursued. If you want to lose weight, then you need to limit the use of extra calories, and therefore, cook porridge on the water. It is advisable to refuse in this case also from salt. And if you just advocate for a proper and healthy diet and want to strengthen health, fill the body with useful microelements and vitamins, then you can afford more caloric supplements. By the way, today on sale there is soy milk, as well as fat-free, which will become your wonderful assistant in the struggle for a beautiful figure. Oatmeal with milk is an excellent option for baby food, as well as for a nutritious schoolchild breakfast.

Unloading day on oatmeal

If you are considering using this product for weight loss, then for sure you are already interested in how many calories in oatmeal. In fact, its nutritional value is such that you can eat as much as you like, you can not get excess weight. On the contrary, by limiting consumption of flour and sweet, you will consistently lose excess kilograms. Per 100 g of product accounts for only 342 kcal. It should be noted that during the preparation of cereals greatly increases in volume, but does not acquire additional calories. Therefore, one portion of the finished porridge on the water (100 g) is only 134 kcal.

Dietitians advise to adhere to fasting days on oatmeal to everyone who wants to lose weight. It is enough 1-2 times a week to switch to oatmeal food. For a day you need 200 grams of cereals boiled on the water. You can drink rose hips and green tea. Oatmeal with honey is also acceptable, but on the day the consumption of honey should be limited to one teaspoon.

Preparation of oatmeal

We have already said that there are two options for cooking oatmeal in the market today. These are grains and flakes. You can choose the one that best suits your current needs. Grains are cooked for at least 30 minutes, flakes - from 5 to 20 minutes (more useful than those that are prepared longer). The selected product is covered in boiling water or milk and, with regular stirring, cooked until ready. Flakes are poured into the liquid from a ratio of 1: 3, as well as whole-grain oats. How many calories in oatmeal porridge - it is easy to count, based on the number of foods you took. Oatmeal with a banana - it's very tasty, but the caloric content increases noticeably, because one of this fruit gives you a practically daily calorie rate. But fresh or frozen berries are a wonderful filler for a healthy breakfast. Remember that honey can be added to the porridge only when it is slightly cooled, otherwise all useful substances will quickly evaporate.

Therapeutic properties of oatmeal

Today it becomes fashionable to eat oatmeal. Prepare this useful porridge for the whole family, and you can beat the serving of the dish with the legendary phrase: "your oatmeal, sir." Attention kids can be attracted with delicious fillers in the form of chocolate and nuts, and adults will rather listen to the voice of reason, because there are irrefutable facts about the benefits of this cereal.

In order to strengthen teeth and bones, as well as protect yourself from osteoporosis, it is recommended to eat a small amount of oatmeal cooked on the water daily. If you suffer from high blood pressure or just want to protect your cardiovascular system, you need to drink half the glass of oatmeal every day. Prepare it very easily, for this it is enough to take a glass of grains, pour a liter of water and boil for 10-15 minutes. This is an excellent remedy for getting rid of edema. Oat jelly is another excellent remedy for treating diseases of the stomach and intestines. Oatmeal is prescribed for exacerbation of gastric ulcer, gastritis and pancreatitis, colitis and poisoning. Oat pudding perfectly regulates the work of the stomach and intestines, helps with constipation and diarrhea. Prepare a medicinal jelly is not difficult, you need to pour the rump with water in the proportion of 1: 1, put a slice of rye bread and leave to wander for 12 hours. Then the liquid remains to be drained and boiled.

Possible harm

In fact, it's hard to say that porridge can be harmful. However, boiled in milk, it is a heavy product that does not fit well with the concept of weight loss. In such cases, oatmeal with a banana is the best choice, it is delicious, very useful and not too high in calories. However, there is oatmeal for breakfast, lunch and dinner is not worth it. The fact is that phytic acid, which is contained in this crop, will gradually accumulate in the body and wash out calcium from it. In addition, there is such a thing as intolerance to cereals, or celiac disease. It is inherited and is a complete contraindication to the use of this porridge. That is, caution and attention to your feelings will not interfere, but otherwise, cook the porridge as often as you want. Your oatmeal, sir is the perfect breakfast for the whole family.

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