
Galidor: instruction, contraindications

"Galidor" is the trade name of the drug, which in international practice is called "Benzyclan". The drug "Galidor", the instruction explains, belongs to the group of antispasmodics. The drug reduces the motor activity of cells within the organs, lowers their tone. It has a calming (sedative) effect, relieves spasms and pain.

The drug "Galidor" is available in three forms: tablets, solution for intravenous and intramuscular injection.

The active substance of the drug is bicyclic, from which the international name of the drug has occurred. As additional substances in tablets are used anhydrous colloidal silicon dioxide, carbomer 934P, magnesium stearate, starch, talc. In the ampoules of the preparation "Halidor", the instruction explains that besides sodium biciclane there is sodium chloride and water.

Who recommends the medicine "Galidor"? The instruction gives clear instructions that the drug is intended for treatment:

  • Disorders of cerebral circulation ;
  • Ischemic disease;
  • Cardiovascular diseases of the eyes;
  • Diseases associated with circulatory disorders in the arteries;
  • Ulcers and other gastrointestinal diseases associated with the occurrence of spasms;
  • After operations on the stomach, intestines, kidneys.

Tablets "Galidor" are indicated for gastritis, enteritis, dyskinesia of the esophagus, duodenum. In urology, the tablets "Galidor" are prescribed for the removal of spasms of the urinary tract.

The medicine has proven itself in the treatment of all these diseases. However, this does not mean that the drug can be treated without the appointment of a doctor. There is a whole group of people who are categorically contraindicated in taking Halidor. These include anyone who suffers from any form of kidney failure, a violation of liver function, pulmonary insufficiency. It is established that the drug "Galidor" adversely affects the development of the fetus, so it can not be used by pregnant and lactating women. To the heart, especially those suffering from ventricular tachycardia , the preparation "Galidor" is contraindicated. Instruction says that it is not recommended for children under 18 years. Persons whose work is associated with increased concentration of attention should carefully use the drug "Galidor": tablets or injections can cause dizziness, disrupt concentration.

The doctor should be very competent in the appointment of the drug "Galidor". Injections or tablets can cause an overdose, which can greatly affect your health. Excessive reception of the drug can cause not only dizziness and sleep disorder, but also hallucinations, epileptic seizures, not to mention allergies. If the first symptoms of an overdose of the drug "Galidor" are noticed, the patient should be urgently sent to a hospital. Only in a hospital can you remove intoxication.

Despite the fact that the drug "Galidor" is good for all of the above diseases, its purpose should be treated very carefully. It is known that in combination with narcotic or sedative substances, the remedy "Galidor" very strongly depresses the nervous system, can cause attacks of drowsiness or epileptic seizures. If you combine the drug with sympathomimetics, then tachycardia can occur, and a single taking of the drug "Galidor" and diuretics can lead to hypokalemia.

It should be borne in mind that in case of using the drug for more than two months in a row, it is necessary to carry out blood tests to track the number of formed blood cells.

The drug "Galidor" is produced in Hungary. His counterparts are the other Hungarian drugs: "Benzyclan" and "Benzyclan fumarate".

How is this medicine consumed? The dosage is determined by the doctor. However, it is worth remembering that the daily dose of it should not exceed 400 mg. Most often, tablets are taken during the month for 1 or 2 per day. Then reduce the dose by half: a sharp drug cancellation can cause negative consequences.

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