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Can I get pregnant with menopause? Favorable and unfavorable periods

Every living creature in nature has its own special cycle of development, which is characterized by a period of blossoming and subsequent fading. If from this point of view to consider the female body, then the initial stage of its decline is the onset of menopause - menopause. From this moment, the probability of pregnancy is significantly reduced, however, despite this, the frequency of unwanted conceptions, on the contrary, increases. Let's try to understand why this is happening, and also find out whether it is possible to become pregnant with menopause and give birth to a healthy child.

The connection of menopause with hormones

In the human body, all reactions are interrelated and dependent on each other. The endocrine system is subject to a huge number of processes that take place in our body, including conception and bearing of the fetus. Under the influence of progesterone and estrogen, the egg is maturing, after which the uterus prepares to take and fix the fetal egg. At the same time, changes in the mammary glands that are necessary for the successful feeding of the baby begin. Over time, the ovarian response to hormonal effects worsens, as a result of which the egg can no longer regularly and fully ripen. The first symptom predicting the onset of menopause in women is irregular menstruation or complete absence of menstruation .

It should be noted that estrogens act as a kind of protection of the vascular system from the development of atherosclerosis, therefore, menopause badly affects the general condition of a woman. As we know, the work of veins and arteries depends on the nutrition of our internal organs and tissues, therefore, if their functioning is disturbed, the concepts of "climax" and "pregnancy" become incompatible.

Delay in menopause

In principle, a possible delay can be explained not only by pregnancy. AT In most cases this is a normal reaction of the body to changes in the hormonal background that are associated with the onset of menopause. If a woman takes care of herself, she does not stop using contraceptives even during menopause, because she does not have the confidence that nature will not allow conception. Many ask the question: "Can I get pregnant with menopause?" The answer is positive. Until the woman reaches the last stage of menopause - postmenopause, she is considered capable of fertilization. Impossibility of conception can be confirmed only by the doctor, having carried out all necessary researches and analyzes.

For many middle-aged ladies, stress is often the cause of the delay. After all, each woman tolerates manifestations of menopause in different ways. Some have hot flashes, others become irritable, and others generally fall into a depressed state, which also affects the function of the ovaries and causes a malfunction of the menstrual cycle.

Can I get pregnant after menopause?

Toward the age of 50, a woman has a significant weakening of her functions Ovaries. This process is characterized by a slowdown in the production of the necessary hormones, as a result of which the maturation of the egg becomes impossible. However, the problem is that for a full onset of menopause, time is needed that can last for many years. During this entire period, it is possible to become pregnant, since the extinction of the activity of the female reproductive system is rather slow. Especially often ovulation with subsequent conception is observed in the early stage of menopause, so women should be more vigilant and use contraceptives.

Not only can you get pregnant during menopause, so the first signs of pregnancy do not always appear on time. Against the backdrop of irregular menstruation, a woman may not pay attention to semi-fainting conditions and frequent dizziness, and special tests for determining pregnancy in menopause, alas, are unreliable, because the hormonal background at this time is very unstable. There is a definite system that allows you to determine whether it is possible to become pregnant with menopause.

Periods of menopause

Let's consider the stages of the phenomenon we are considering and their main characteristics:

1. Premenopause - characterized by a decrease in the function of the ovaries, but their work does not stop.

2. Perimenopause - accompanied by a gradual cessation of ovarian function.

3. Postmenopause - is characterized by a complete absence of the oocyte. In this case, fertilization can not occur.

Gynecologists claim that pregnancy after menopause is possible, but not every woman is capable of such conception. There are cases when in the final extinction of the genital function in vitro fertilization using a donor egg, which makes it possible to take out and produce a healthy baby.

Accidental pregnancy

The average age of the onset of menopause is 52 years, but for every woman the menopause begins individually. It takes about 10 years to completely complete the hormonal adjustment, although only a couple of years from the moment of complete cessation of menstruation should pass for the extinction of the reproductive system. It is during this period that the woman loses vigilance, as a result of which the number of abortions increases. This suggests that many ladies do not have a clue whether it is possible to become pregnant with menopause and whether they need to be protected. In order to prevent an unwanted pregnancy, it is recommended to visit a gynecologist who will help pick up the necessary hormonal tablets that can also reduce the manifestations of menopause.

How to get pregnant with menopause?

For gestation and safe childbirth, the best age is the period from 18 to 38 years. In today's society, unfortunately, many women deliberately abandon motherhood in favor of a successful career. Despite the fact that each couple has the right to decide on their own when to become parents, it is still necessary to take into account such an event as the early pathological climax, the offensive of which is already observed in 35-37 years.

Pregnancy in menopause can be a serious problem for the health of a future mother. Despite this, many women consciously go to such a step, because the process of gestation and subsequent care for the child help to smooth the unpleasant course of menopause. Thus, some of the fair sex continue their youth, because the hormonal changes that occur during pregnancy and breastfeeding have a positive effect on the body. However, later the woman's health status may worsen, as the stock of necessary microelements and vitamins is not so great as before. As a result, there may be problems with teeth, bones and kidneys. Remember that the very fact of late pregnancy does not affect the timing of onset of menopause, because this process is genetically laid.

What is an artificial menopause?

Artificial menopause is an emergency stop of the ovaries, caused by targeted medical intervention. What is it for? The termination of the production of sex hormones in women is necessary for the effective treatment of uterine fibroids, endometriosis, malignant tumors and uterine bleeding. In addition, the temporary cessation of the production of estrogens is required for the treatment of certain forms of infertility. Let's see if it's possible to get pregnant after a climax created with medication.

Types of artificial menopause:

1) surgical menopause - achieved by complete removal of the ovaries; Is an irreversible procedure that is indicated for oncological pathologies of the mammary glands, uterus and ovaries;

2) radiological climax - is caused by x-ray irradiation of the ovaries, whose function in most cases can be restored completely or partially;

3) medicamental climax - occurs as a result of the introduction of special medications that are analogous to the hormones of the hypothalamus. This method is considered the most sparing, because after the end of treatment, the function of the ovaries can be fully restored.

Consequences of artificial menopause:

Symptoms of this phenomenon include:

  • Neurovegetative disorders;
  • Deterioration of appetite and sleep, general weakness;
  • Emotional instability, decreased libido;
  • Itching and dryness of the vagina, painful intercourse;
  • Decrease in skin elasticity, its thinning, as well as fragility of nails and hair;
  • Urological disorders;
  • Cardiovascular diseases;
  • Osteoporosis, pain in the joints and bones.

How quickly can pregnancy occur after an artificial menopause? Menstrual cycle in women is restored in 1-2.5 months after the last injection. The long-awaited conception can occur already within half a year after the abolition of drugs. As a rule, such a pregnancy is not a cause for concern, since its favorable course is not threatened.

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