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Frozen Pregnancy. Causes of Its Origination.

Frozen pregnancy and its main symptoms

The dead is called pregnancy, in which, for one reason or another, there has been a stop in the life and development of the embryo. This pathology occurs mainly in the first trimester, but in gynecology, there are cases when the frozen pregnancy develops and at later periods.


There are a number of reasons that inevitably lead to the death of the fetus. More specifically and available about why there is a dead pregnancy and the methods of its treatment, can tell an experienced and competent gynecologist.

The most common cause, of course, are genetic diseases or mutations in the fetus, leading to his death in the womb. According to statistical data, 70% of chromosomal abnormalities in the embryo and only 5% in the parents result in frozen pregnancy.

Another common factor is the presence of acute or chronic, venereal or infectious diseases in a woman, such as: herpes, chlamydia, toxoplasmosis, rubella, ureaplasmosis, influenza, syphilis, mycoplasmosis, cytomegalovirus, systemic lupus, gonorrhea, AIDS.

Hormonal disorders that are caused by a lack of progesterone or an elevated level of male hormones, as well as stress, constant fatigue, emotional shock, physical stress can lead to a woman developing a frozen pregnancy.

Taking drugs of certain pharmacological groups may adversely affect the bearing of the child. Quite often, women who have been treated with antibiotics or antidepressants are diagnosed with a frozen pregnancy.

The age at which pregnancy occurred is not the last. According to statistics, the likelihood of fetal death, both in the first weeks, and at later times increases in women after forty years.

If a pregnant woman in the early stages of abuse of drugs, alcohol or smoking, the risk of "fading" the fetus is much higher than that of a woman without addiction.

All future mothers should also have information on how to recognize a frozen pregnancy in order to seek specialist help in case of need.


As such, there are no signs indicating that a frozen pregnancy has developed. The woman can not immediately lose the fetus, as toxicomics persists for some time, while the uterus continues to increase. But there are certain symptoms that manifest themselves immediately:

  • Disappearance of signs of toxicosis;
  • The cessation of any sensations (pain and engorgement) in the mammary glands, the breast becomes unusually mild;
  • Presence of bloody discharge;
  • Pain in the lower back and lower abdomen (in the area of the uterus);
  • When the fetus decomposes, the symptoms of intoxication appear in a woman (high fever, vomiting, weakness, deterioration of general health);
  • In the late term - the absence of fetal movement and the lowering of the abdomen.

After the appearance of the above signs, a woman should immediately visit a doctor, undergo ultrasound and pass tests to establish the correct diagnosis. On ultrasound, there will be a discrepancy between the actual development of the embryo or fetus to the due date. At later dates, when it is already possible to listen to the heartbeat or see the wiggling of the fetus, these signs of life will be absent. In the general analysis of blood - increased ESR and leukocytes, in the analysis for hormones - a sharp decrease in hCG.


In this case, only one treatment option is to remove the deceased fetus. Depending on the period of pregnancy, the methods can be different: vacuum, taking special medication to provoke miscarriage, abortion and artificial birth. After the procedure, the woman is prescribed antibiotics, vitamins, sedatives and other special medicines.

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