Sports and FitnessFishing

Fishhungry: divorce or not? Reviews about the activator of Fishhungry in the winter

Means of a new generation in the field of bait for fish was the Fishhungry additive (or "Hungry Fish"). Many fishermen are familiar with it not by hearsay. Producers say that this product is not only able to lure fish from long distances, but also causes her increased appetite. Since the constituent components are more perceived by large fish, it is stated that Fishhungry increases not only the quantity, but also the size of the prey.

However, among the fishermen there are still discussions on the topic Fishhungry - divorce or not? To get to the bottom of the truth, it is necessary to take into account the opinions of experts, as well as professionals and amateurs of fishing. This will clarify the contentious issue.


To understand, Fishhungry - divorce or not, you need to start by studying the composition of this tool. These are ecologically safe ingredients. The structure includes three main components.

The first of these is synthesized artificially pheromone, which plays a major role in the action of the presented agent. It causes an increased appetite in fish. Next to her at that moment is the bait on the rod, so the probability of choosing it is the maximum. Pheromones included in the composition, among other things, make the fish gather in flocks at the site of complementary feeding.

The second component, which has the activator Fishhungry, are special combinations of essential oils (garlic, anise). They are balanced in the correct proportion, which allows the substance to stay for a long time in place of bait.

The third ingredient is universal food. It is suitable not only for river, but also for sea fish.

Principle of bait work

Moving on in the study of the issue of groundbait Fishhungry - divorce or really effective means, we should consider the principle of its work. The above composition physiologically affects the fish. Synthetic pheromones force several of her reflexes to work.

First of all, the remedy causes the fish to gather in large quantities in the place of complementary feeding. Further, she develops an irresistible desire to satisfy hunger. And this feeling remains with her for a long time.

The remedy is applied, both for peaceful fish, and for a predator. It is added to the bait for the feeder or float equipment. The bait activator processes bait, nozzles, as well as other artificial baits for spinning.

Instructions for use

The package contains 5 bags of Fishhungry ("Hungry Fish"). Each package protects the mixture from moisture or contamination. To prepare bait, you need to prepare a foundation. It can be cake, mixed fodder, porridge and other similar means.

A prepared activator is added the Fishhungry biting activator. For fishing, just one sachet (5 grams). To mix the mass was more convenient, the activator is dissolved in water. 1 sachet is enough for 2.5 kg of base.

All means in the form of bait or lures are treated with the agent. In 0.5 liter of water, the second bag of the drug dissolves. Before casting, the bait or bait is dipped into this liquid.

It is possible to form boilies in combination with the agent presented. Such "bombs" are thrown into the place of supposed fishing.

Accounting for the time of year

There are some recommendations that experienced fishermen give given the time of the year. These nuances should be taken into account. Reviews about the activator of the Fishhungry bite in the winter say about some difficulties with the processing of baits and baits.

To prepare the liquid did not have time to freeze, all tackles must be processed immediately after the preparation of the solution. If the product is frozen, its further use is excluded.

In spring, biting during spawning is high and without the use of special means. But after the spawning fish rest. During this period, the presented remedy will come in handy as well as possible.

In summer Fishhungry is used exactly according to the manufacturer's instructions. In autumn, during a period of weather change and unfavorable conditions for fishing, the biting activator will be a real rescue for lovers of fishing.

History of the creation of an attractant

To understand, Fishhungry - the divorce of marketers or really effective tool, it is necessary to study the history of its creation. The original additive was prepared for commercial fish farming on specialized farms.

In 2011, a synthetic pheromone was produced by a group of Italian scientists led by Dr. Andy Moore. The substance obtained by them after a number of studies was called universal, because it equally influenced fish of any family.

This tool began to be used in the industry of breeding fish of various varieties for the rapid increase of individuals in weight.

Over time, the tool was made available to ordinary fishermen. In an open water body, it showed the same qualities as fish farms. The remedy has become popular in many countries.

Divorce or not?

One part of the fishermen with a rather long experience argue that Fishhungry is a fraud, while others can not enjoy their results during a trip to the pond. To understand why opinions are so divided, it is necessary to understand the process of acquiring the presented funds.

When a fisherman acquires a bite activator, he may not pay attention to a number of obvious violations. This is fraught with buying a banal fake. Such funds, for obvious reasons, can not justify high hopes and bring the fisherman a rich catch.

To avoid cheating, you need to buy a bite activator in trusted stores. They necessarily have quality certificates for products that are on sale. If on the back of the pack you can see small hieroglyphs, most likely, it is a fake. Such a bag of fishhungry is better not to take with you to the pond.

Negative feedback

In the discussion on the topic "Fishhungry - divorce or not", both negative and positive responses stand out. And it should be noted that the same number of opinions is presented, both on the one hand and on the other.

Many negative reviews claim that the wonderful properties of this product are in fact a fiction. This is a clever invention of advertising agencies that try to shove the ordinary fisherman a product that he dreams about.

Some fishermen have never heard of such remedies and treat them skeptically. There are broadcasts, discussions, in which they expose the presented drug in all ways, calling it an obvious deception. Therefore, to purchase such a drug or give preference to proven brands, the choice remains purely for the fisherman.

Positive reviews

The Fishhungry activator has a lot of positive feedback. Fishermen noted increased biting in any fishing season. Reviews on how to increase the level of bite, as well as the size of fish, can be found everywhere.

Some reviews claim that with the use of Fishhungry it is possible to obtain significant volumes of fish even to novice catchers. The agent is used everywhere, both in river and sea water. For fishing on rivers, lakes, in private fisheries this means yields high results.

However, it should be noted that positive reviews are widely distributed by firms that sell the product. Therefore, their objectivity is difficult to judge. In any case, this is a fairly new tool. Therefore, conservatives who prefer proven and long-familiar means to activate biting, today there are a lot.

Entering into the discussion about whether Fishhungry is a divorce or not, it can be said that the opinions of the fishermen were divided. On the one hand, this is a quality tool of a new generation whose action can increase bite. On the other hand, many fishermen have not heard anything about the presented attractant and do not want to try something new. If you decide to buy a similar product, you should do it in a trusted store, where you can see the necessary quality certificates for the product. This will reduce the risk of acquiring a fake.

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