
First aid for anaphylactic shock

Due to the deterioration of the ecological situation, the issue of increasing allergic diseases has recently become more acute. Today, there is an increase in the number of allergic reactions that threaten human life, for the neutralization of which an emergency assistance of qualified specialists is needed. Anaphylactic shock is one of the manifestations of allergic effects.

Anaphylactic shock is a life-threatening, rapidly developing systemic reaction to repeated contact with an allergy object, which leads to circulatory insufficiency and oxygen starvation of vital organs.

In people with hypersensitivity, such an allergic disorder may appear for several minutes or may form after a certain time, for example, a few hours after coming into contact with the allergen. Before the arrival of doctors, the victim should be given first aid in case of anaphylactic shock. The causes of anaphylactic shock can be very different - insect bites, pollen of flowers, latex, food, as well as medicines. Sometimes it is not possible to establish the cause of the anaphylactic reaction.

First aid for anaphylactic shock can be provided with symptoms of severe hypersensitivity: urticaria, severe swelling. Swelling of the larynx can lead to respiratory failure. When the blood pressure decreases, the internal organs may be damaged. Also, the symptom of anaphylactic shock may be dizziness, colic, nausea and the like.

If a severe allergic reaction occurs, every second and first aid for anaphylactic shock should be given immediately. Initial signs may appear for 10-20 minutes due to the effect of the allergy object. Sometimes a shock can appear at once - at introduction of medicines. It should be borne in mind that with an early symptomatology it is necessary to expect a strong manifestation of anaphylactic shock. Therefore, if you do not provide prompt medical assistance, a fatal outcome will occur in half the cases.

Symptoms that require first aid in anaphylaxis are poor health, excitement, an increase in the number of heartbeats, itching, redness of the parts of the body, swelling of the body, coughing, rashes, difficulty breathing, and so on.

First aid in case of shock - it is necessary to quickly call an urgent ambulance. When talking with the dispatcher, it is necessary to explain the situation, since this can affect the responsiveness of the doctors. Also do not forget that first aid for anaphylactic shock, without the help of qualified medics is impossible.

After the call, the victim must be placed in a horizontal position, make sure that the head was in the "on the side" position. Such a situation will prevent the sinking of the tongue, and also prevent the stopping of breathing. It should also be noted that the lower jaw needs to be fixed in such a way that the tongue can not get into the pharynx.

To restore blood circulation you need to warm the limbs of the victim. To do this, you can use a hot water bottle or bottles of hot water.

If the cause of anaphylactic shock was the injection of a drug, you need to squeeze the vessel, which spreads the medicine throughout the body. In case the cause of the allergic reaction has entered the body orally, it is necessary to wash the stomach. And wait for doctors ... Resuscitation of anaphylactic shock should be entrusted to a qualified doctor. And the success of treatment directly depends on the prompt delivery of the victim to the hospital.

To restore the body of the victim, various components containing vitamins are prescribed.

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