Sports and FitnessWeight loss

How to twist the hoop to lose weight in the right places for you

One of the most effective simulators for the waist, abdomen, buttocks and thighs is a hoop. It will not only help to tidy up your figure, but will also improve the performance of the cardiovascular system, heart and stomach. Sometimes it is used to prevent certain female diseases.

The advantage of the hoop is that we connect the physical load with the massage, which in turn leads to a greater expenditure of calories. That is, fatty deposits will be split much faster than with the separate use of massage and physical exertion.

Exercises with a hoop are known to us from early childhood, but few people know how to twist the hoop to lose weight.

Before you start physical exercise, you must choose a sports inventory. There are four types of hoops: lightweight of plastic or metal (inside hollow), weighted, massage (with balls on the inside) and prefabricated (can be decomposed into two, four or six parts, depending on the type and weight). If you have never or very long time not used this projectile, then your choice is best to stop on light or prefabricated hoops, gradually moving to weighted or massage.

The next important question will be: "How much to twist the hoop?". To lose weight, 15-20 minutes a day is enough, but this is the minimum time, because in the first 10-15 minutes the body will consume glucose and energy, which is in the muscle tissues, and after that the process of splitting of adipose tissues proceeds. The best option is from 40 minutes to an hour.

Very much depends on technology, which describes how to properly twist the hoop to lose weight in the place you need.

Here's what's important to remember: that the body does not have bruises and bruises, the hoop must be turned in both directions alternately.

So, we learn how to twist the hoop to lose weight. Starting position: the legs are shoulder width apart, the stomach is drawn as much as possible, hands behind the head (you can attach them with a lock). We twist the hoop, gradually gaining momentum, while trying to raise and lower it from the level of the knees to the chest and back. During training, you can use special massage corsets, thereby increasing the speed of the fat burning process. It is very important to pay attention to how your feet are located. The closer they are to each other, the more effective the occupation will be. Also watch for the rotation of the thighs. The turning radius should not extend beyond the shoulder line, otherwise it will create too much strain on the spine.

And this is not all the nuances of how to twist the hoop to lose weight. During exercises with a hoop you can use special breathing exercises, saturating the body with the necessary amount of oxygen. Neglect this is not necessary, because oxygen - this is one of the components that is involved in the splitting of fatty tissues. During intensive training, the body must receive oxygen in large quantities, otherwise there may be oxygen starvation, the symptoms of which are dizziness, fainting, poor appetite and even a slowdown in the process of fat burning.

The specialized literature contains a lot of information on how to twist the hoop to lose weight. But we hope that from our article you also learned something useful for yourself.

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