EducationSecondary education and schools

Extra-curricular event in informatics. Development of extra-curricular activities in informatics

With the introduction of the new federal state educational standard into schools, much attention has been paid to the extra-hour activities of the child with the goal of educating a fully developed personality. Therefore, now the thematic planning for extra-hour activities is not only a class teacher, but also a subject teacher. An exception is not even computer science. The events planned by the teacher must necessarily be approved by the pedagogical council.

In connection with the rapid development of computer technology, the school computer science subject becomes more and more relevant. After all, in order to become a successful person in the future, you need to know the computer. The computer science teacher should constantly keep abreast of the pulse, because often there is a new information for students, which has not yet found reflection in textbooks. And the teacher must himself understand well, whether it is worth trusting the source, whether to teach the innovations of children.

Basic rules for the preparation of extracurricular activities in informatics

Extra-curricular event in computer science is a specific occupation. And when preparing it, regardless of the age of students, the following rules should be taken into account:

  • Setting a specific goal;
  • Availability of technical equipment in sufficient quantity (computer, keyboard, computer programs, mouse);
  • The construction of questions taking into account the use of basic concepts of informatics;
  • The tasks offered to the students should be aimed at testing the skills of handling computers and promote the development of the outlook of the trainees;
  • Students should be familiar with the rules of the event.

Planning the event will have to in advance. A teacher should warn the children that a non-standard occupation is planned. You can give out the assignment to schoolchildren in advance. This is especially true if the event is open. Careful preparation is the key to success.

Extracurricular Activities in Informatics in Primary School

Informatics children in primary school are engaged in the form of a group work, the program of which is designed for all 4 years of study. The main goal is to introduce students to the basic concepts, to develop primary computer skills, to explain the concept of computer literacy to children.

Extra-curricular activities in informatics (1-4 classes) are often of several types:

  • Meeting of the subject circle;
  • Organization of school holidays and evenings;
  • Holding events in the form of famous intellectual games.

Whichever type of training is chosen, it must have a specific goal and objectives. For example, an extra-curricular activity in informatics in primary school should always be aimed at working out language culture on the subject, as well as on the education of aesthetic feelings.

For the primary school, the following activities can be approached: "Travel to the country of informatics", "Safety on the Internet", "Logic for Toddlers" and others. The development of these specific activities can easily be found in specialized literature and, based on the developments presented, to conduct their extra-curricular activities.

Extra-curricular activities for grades 5-7 in informatics

Of course, building a lesson always goes from simple to complex. And for extra-curricular activities in this age category, the following options are suitable: "Labyrinth", "Merry Informatics", "Sea Battle", "Big World of a Small Man", etc.

Extra-curricular event on computer science "Sea Battle" is considered a win-win option for children aged 11 to 14 years. The rules of the game are simple, they do not require unnecessary movements of pupils in the class. The lesson differs from the classic game "Battleship" in that the ships are all single-decked, and the team that shot, if not hit the target, should answer the question. Regardless of the correctness of the answer, the move is passed to the team of opponents.

Extra-curricular event in informatics "The Big World of a Little Man" is best conducted at the end of the seventh grade, as it provides for the generalization of knowledge for the academic period from grades 5 to 7. This allows students to demonstrate all their knowledge, skills and skills obtained during the educational process.

Extra-curricular activities for grades 8-9

Extra-curricular event on computer science for 8-9 grades should be built taking into account the psychological development of schoolchildren (personal interests). After all, teenagers are very demanding not only to themselves, but also to others. They try to show their "I" and establish themselves in the team according to their social status. Therefore, the following kind of extra-curricular activities are suitable here: "Clever and clever", "Who wants to be an excellent student?", "The smartest", "One-to-one."

When conducting an extra-curricular activity in informatics, it is necessary not only to teach children the subject knowledge (for this there are lessons), but also to promote the formation of personal qualities such as:

  • Express your thoughts;
  • Listen to a friend;
  • Find the solution of the problem in the team;
  • to take responsibility;
  • Adequately treat criticism and remarks.

Extra-curricular activities in informatics for high school students

The students of the senior classes have tremendous responsibility - this is the preparation for the USE. Extra-curricular computer science event for 9-10 grades should contribute to the increase of the knowledge coefficient. It should teach the children the correct use of Internet resources in order to prepare for the USE.

In addition, the extra-curricular informatics event should reflect interdisciplinary connections that would demonstrate to students that success in one school subject can not ensure success in general. Here it makes sense to conduct the following events: KVN, Virtual Battle, "And for fun, and seriously", "What? Where? When?".

How to properly develop an event on computer science

The development of extracurricular activities in informatics is not an easy task, but at the same time fascinating. To properly prepare an activity, remember the following:

  • Determine the type of extra-curricular activities according to the age category of children;
  • Set the goal and objectives of the lesson;
  • If the event is a scenario, then it is necessary to think over the sequence of actions;
  • Fill the content of the event with competitions and assignments, the implementation of which will stimulate interest in the subject;
  • Carefully consider the composition of the jury, if it is provided for in the scenario;
  • In the event, the auditorium must necessarily be involved;
  • The technical equipment should be carefully thought out (there is no need to overload the event with extra equipment).

The game "Tournament of experts in informatics"

Extra-curricular event "Tournament of experts in informatics" is suitable for any age group of children. This lesson is designed for a team game and consists of several stages. It can be:

  • Solving children's crosswords;
  • Relay "Believe, do not believe";
  • Game-contest "Flip-flops";
  • Competition of captains;
  • Game "You to me, I to you".

Teams can be formed from parallel classes or from representatives of several teams, depending on the scale of the event. In this game, it is necessary to provide for the presence of a judiciary and fans, and also to think through all the tasks taking into account the educational program on the subject and the possibilities of the students. Despite all educational and educational goals, extra-curricular activities should create a sense of joy and success for the child.

Analysis of actions

After the lesson is completed, it is necessary to analyze the extra-curricular activities in informatics. The teacher must spend it twice. The first time this is done together with the children to identify all the pros and cons, and then independently to assess the achievement of the set goals. After both analyzes are made, their teacher-teacher should bring their result to the teaching staff, because they were the ones who approved the conduct of extra-curricular activities. Students must be aware of the effectiveness of such a lesson.

Meaning of informatics activities

An important role in the upbringing of the personality is played by an extra-curricular event in computer science. After all, here you can learn:

  • Correctly use additional information;
  • Independently obtain knowledge on the subjects of interest;
  • Work in a team and independently;
  • Receive and transfer knowledge using an Internet resource;
  • Properly use the computer and care for it in order to maintain it in good working order.

Teachers should not be afraid to conduct extra-curricular activities. After all, they will not only be able to pass on their knowledge to the children, but also learn new things about their wards. Such activities contribute to the personal development of schoolchildren.

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