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Education in Finland: schools, universities. Study for Russian

In this article we will talk about education in Finland and its features. Also you will learn how a Russian can become a Finnish student and how best to do it.

Preschool education

Every child in Finland is treated as a full and completely independent person. That's why every citizen gets a passport right after birth. From the age of nine months the child has the right to a day nursery and even to a round-the-clock visiting of a kindergarten, if one of the parents, for example, works on a night shift. Great attention in preschool institutions is paid to the health of the child, so children walk a lot and play mobile games. In Finland, there are several types of kindergartens:

  • The state.
  • Private - usually in such gardens selected a certain program (Montessori, Waldorf Garden) and all classes of children are built in accordance with it.
  • Private-municipal - in this case the cost (or a fee for a kindergarten) is borne by the state.
  • Family kindergarten - children are supervised in a private house or apartment. Organizers are required to fulfill a number of conditions. For example, to organize an imported meal or hire a cook, provide supervision to children - up to three years for one adult there can be only four children.

From the age of six to seven, children begin to prepare for school. And it's their right, not their duty. Compulsory education begins in the year when the child turns seven.

Finnish school

Statistics state that Finnish schoolchildren have high results in many school subjects, but they spend very little time studying. Here are some interesting facts that demonstrate the veracity of the last statement:

  • Children do not receive grades until the third grade.
  • Examinations in schools are not compulsory.
  • The child can decide for himself whether he needs the knowledge that is given in the lesson. If not, he has the right to do something else.
  • Stay for the second year is not a shame.

For all this, the discipline in the local school is quite tough. Each child has an electronic diary, in which comments are made by the teacher, paramedic or psychologist. Parents can monitor the child, know about his affairs and whereabouts. Each child skips a missed lesson - he can attend classes of the class that the teacher will indicate.

Education in Finland is based on the principle of equality. So, every school in the country has the same equipment and financial support. There are no classes for "stupid" and "gifted", "disabled" or "children with mental retardation" in institutions. In general, children with physical characteristics try to be included as early as possible in the children's team and adapted to normal life. "Ordinary" children also do not see a big difference between themselves. Perhaps, that's why parents choose for themselves a school that is closer to home, do not seek to get to a particular teacher and do not lead children to tutors.

Separately, I would like to discuss the Finnish teachers, as in this matter the Finns stand out against the background of other countries. For example, each teacher has an assistant in the classroom, receives a high salary (5,000 euros per month), but with him they conclude an employment contract for just one school year - from August to May. Teachers in this country work quietly, no one is tormented by checks and paper reporting. But they gladly help the students in their own time, pulling the laggards in some subjects.

The principle of equality extends to Finnish schools and to pupils. So, it is not accepted to collect questionnaires with data on the place of work of parents or to be interested in the income of the family. Children are not accustomed to one of them singled out, hung a pet label or nedotepy. On the contrary, every child tries to identify talents and develop them. The teacher of the future (this is such a profession) is studying the inclinations of students with the help of tests and oral conversations. And there is no shame in that someone is more interested in the profession of the bus driver than the prospect of becoming an influential banker. As they say, all professions are needed ...

Training in Finland is not limited to standard account or letter lessons. On the contrary, it is very practical and directly related to living conditions. For example, each student is able to calculate taxes, summarize discounts and understand the terms of the action. Also, children learn how to write a resume, make presentations and use the Internet. Even for the exam, students bring reference books and tablets. It is important here not to memorize dates, but to find the right information.

Secondary education

After nine compulsory classes, at 16 years old, children should choose the further path - vocational education or training in higher education (analogue of our lyceum). In the first case, a graduate at the end of the school can go to work or continue to be educated at the University of Applied Sciences. In the second case, he will choose the institution that suits him best. And the decision taken may not be final, and there are cases when after the lyceum the student chooses a completely different specialization. To enter the Lyceum, the student must pass a rather difficult examination in the secondary school. In recent years, children can choose their own subjects and the degree of their study. So, the future student of the mathematical faculty, most likely, will choose in-depth lessons in the exact sciences.

Higher education in Finland

Universities of the country are known and popular among students all over the world. It is not surprising that many young people dream to get here. In order to enter the University of Finland, you need a certificate of completed school education and fairly high marks. Each university places additional conditions for applicants independently. Education in the country is free, even for foreign citizens. The only condition is payment of membership fees or payment for methodical allowances. All universities are divided into universities and polytechnic institutes. Here you can get not only the usual degrees of bachelor, master or doctor, but also an intermediate between the latter - the licentiate. Students of the university should be prepared for the fact that they will have serious scientific work, huge lists of literature, course and laboratory research. The University of Applied Sciences attracts those who want to start working immediately after school. Often this institution offers a part -time course of study, since many students are already employed at enterprises and firms.

Foreign students

Education in Finland for Russian students is still quite affordable and completely free (with the exception of mandatory contributions for all, of which we wrote above). To fulfill his dream, the entrant must prepare a package of documents, including a certificate confirming the graduation from the school with fairly high ratings. In addition, on the account of the future student there must be an amount that will cover his current expenses for several months in advance. However, the availability of work can be taken into account by the university's management (but it should be remembered that a student can spend only 25 hours a week during the school hours). If you want to get an education in Finland, then you need to know at a basic level one of three languages - Finnish, Swedish or English. However, for the first time, English is sufficient, and the state language of the country can be mastered on free courses.

Language Schools

As you know, Finnish is one of the most difficult languages in the world. But if you know one of the Finno-Ugric languages (for example, Udmurt), then the task will be greatly simplified. If not, but you still decide to study Finnish, then you will immediately have a few problems. First of all, in this country there are practically no language schools for foreign citizens. A set for learning Finnish from scratch is held several times a year at a certain time, and for businessmen it is difficult to find corporate courses. But the best method of full immersion is when the student lives at home with his mentor. In this case, he not only learns the language, but also gets acquainted with the way of life, the traditions of this country.

In recent years, many Russians have started to visit other countries in order to learn English. However, Finland practically does not practice such experiments. Most of the school camps are organized by Russian companies for Russian children. Students do not show good results, because they communicate with each other, and most teachers are not native speakers. But for students, a visit to a summer language camp can do a good job. First, there will be an opportunity to deepen the existing knowledge, and secondly, to improve your English. But remember that the trip will be productive only if the student already knows the language well enough.


This ancient academy is located in the student city of Turku and is here the second largest educational institution. Many students who decided to study abroad choose this university, since for many years the English language training programs have been successfully implemented. Another feature of the Academy is that the main language of teaching here is Swedish. That's why the Abo Academy is so popular among Scandinavian students who, by the way, pass a compulsory language test. Each year, the university takes in its walls about 600 foreign students. Like other universities in Finland, Abo trains his pets for free.


This educational institution, founded in the middle of the 17th century, enjoys great prestige in Europe. The University of Helsinki offers its students a wide range of disciplines and a course of study on the Bologna system. Among the most famous graduates of this university are several presidents of the country, Nobel laureates and creator of the Linux system. At admission entrants choose one of the eleven faculties (each of which includes several departments). Later they will settle on the campus, where apart from the hostels there are cafes, sports complexes, language schools and many places for relaxing. The National Library of Finland and the University Museum are the pride of Helsinki. Foreign students can start their studies after passing the exam, interviewing and submitting a motivation letter. It should not be forgotten that the competition for admission here is always great, since the management has become accustomed to working only with the best students.


As in other Finnish universities, Aalto University has assembled a variety of faculties within its walls. Here you can get the education of a designer, become an architect, learn to manage in the field of business or plunge headlong into new technologies. More than 20 thousand students study at the university, 11% of which are foreigners. Young people are attracted to the opportunity to combine different disciplines and interact with different sciences. Their mentors believe that only in this way it is possible the emergence of innovations, which are so necessary in every field of activity.

University of Eastern Finland

This large scientific institution is considered one of the best in the country. Here, more than 15,000 students study and about 3000 teachers work. The UHF offers applicants a choice of 100 specialties, a constantly evolving modern educational environment and comfortable living conditions. It is interesting that this educational institution appeared only in 2010, when the University of Joensuu was united with the University of Kuopio.


Study abroad is the dream of many Russian schoolchildren and their parents. If you decide to enter the university of Finland, you can be congratulated on the right choice. First of all, you will get a quality education that is highly valued all over the world. Secondly, you can completely immerse yourself in a new language environment, learn several languages or improve existing knowledge. Another important point is that you will find yourself in conditions of life that are not too different from Russian ones. A similar mentality and similar climatic conditions will help to adapt to a new life. If you add to the above-mentioned free education, not too high prices and the possibility of finding a job in a good company, then there is a rather attractive picture. However, do not forget that getting an education in Finland is not so easy. To do this, you will have to withstand rather difficult examinations, present a high school diploma with high marks and prove your financial solvency. Also need to know fairly well English or Finnish. If you have all these papers and knowledge, you can safely submit documents to any university you like.

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