EducationColleges and Universities

19 signs that you are very smart, although you do not know about it

Close people tend to exaggerate their mental abilities, while the smart often underestimate their intelligence. This phenomenon has been scientifically substantiated thanks to the research of Cornell University and is now known as the Dunning-Krueger effect. In other words, if you are critical of your own intellect, then you are much smarter than you think. The following signs will help you to verify this.

1. You took music lessons

It has been experimentally proven that music classes contribute to the development of children's intelligence, as evidenced by tests for verbal abilities conducted in 2011 among children aged 4 to 6 years. In subjects who received music lessons during the month, the results increased significantly. In addition, the level of IQ in children involved, for example, with vocals, is significantly higher than that of their peers who did not attend additional studies or preferred activities that are not music-related.

2. You are older than your brothers and sisters

The older brothers and sisters have a higher intelligence, which is not related to genetics. So, the Norwegian researchers analyzed the state of health and the results of IQ tests of about 250,000 men aged 18 to 19 years. They found that on average the first-borns have IQ 103; The second appeared - 100; Who was born third - only 99. The researchers believe that a slight difference in scores is due not to biological factors, but to psychological interaction between parents and children. For these reasons, the first-borns are more successful than their younger brothers and sisters.

3. You are slim

As a result of the experiment in 2006 (about 2200 people were tested), scientists came to the conclusion that the smaller the waist, the higher the intelligence. According to the study, 11-year-olds who showed poor results in verbal and non-verbal tests are likely to be obese by the age of 40. Smart child has a great chance to get a good education, high status and decent work. He will have more opportunities to take care of his health.

4. Do you have a cat

In 2014, scientists conducted an experiment with the participation of 600 students and found that people who love dogs are more sociable and friendly than cat-owners, and the cats themselves have higher cognitive abilities.

5. You were breast-fed

A 2007 study suggests that children nurtured in a natural way are smarter than their peers who were deprived of their mother's milk. Specialists observed more than 3000 children from the UK and New Zealand. Children breastfed are 7 points ahead of their peers according to the results of IQ tests, but this happens only if they have a specific version of the FADS2 gene, which can be found in every child, regardless of the type of feeding.

6. You used light drugs

The results of the experiment, conducted in 2012 with the participation of 6,000 Britons, showed that people who demonstrated higher intellectual abilities in their childhood than their peers in adulthood, most of them tried light drugs. Found scientists and a possible reason for such a paradoxical relationship: it is the high level of IQ in childhood could contribute to the adoption of forms of behavior that can cause potential harm to health.

7. You are left-handed

Previously, left-handed specialists were often associated with crime (in a criminal environment, the percentage of lefties is slightly higher than among law-abiding citizens). More recent studies have established that left-handers have "divergent thinking" - a creative ability that allows you to quickly generate new ideas. This is most relevant for men.

8. You have a high growth

In 2008, experts at Princeton University found that people with a growth above the average in childhood showed the best results in tests that determine the level of intelligence, and when they grew up, they began to earn more money than others.

9. Do you drink alcohol regularly?

Evolutionary psychologist Satoshi Kanazawa found that among adults, Americans and Britons who achieved high rates at IQ tests at the age of 11, the majority regularly consumes alcohol.

10. You learned to read early

Observing 2000 pairs of twins, the researchers found that children who learned to read earlier than their siblings and sisters have great intellectual potential. Reading from childhood develops both verbal and non-verbal abilities.

11. You worry a lot

As it turned out, people prone to anxiety may be smarter than others. So, during one of the experiments, 126 undergrads filled out questionnaires, indicating how often they are inclined to worry and worry about situations that upset them. As it turned out, people who are inclined to think about problems, achieve higher results when passing tests for verbal abilities.

12. Do you have a sense of humor

Within the framework of the experiment, 400 students passed a test that determines the level of abstract thinking and verbal skills. Then they were asked to make funny signatures to comics, which later were evaluated by independent experts. The authors of the most amusing works were the most intelligent students.

13. You are curious

Specialists at the University of London have established a connection between curiosity and intelligence. Developed and intelligent people have incomparably more flexible thinking and a constant need to acquire new knowledge and skills. They always strive for self-development, which positively affects their cognitive abilities.

14. You are not very careful

Work in an unmade room, as shown by the results of an experiment conducted by the Carlson School of Management of Minnesota, stimulates creativity. 48 participants had to come up with some unusual ways of using a ping-pong ball. Subjects who worked in clean rooms, coped with the task somewhat worse than those who worked in the middle of the mess. The latter offered much more creative solutions.

15. You did not have any sexual experience before graduation from high school

Scientists from the University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill have tested more than 12,000 students and found that students with more advanced intellects for the most part do not have romantic relationships and sexual contacts before entering the university. Smart people have a decreased libido. Perhaps they just have a poorer skill in finding partners.

16. You are a night owl

According to data obtained in modern studies, owls have greater intellectual potential than larks. It is proved that earlier night activity was more rare, therefore, only smart people can remain on their feet until late.

17. You do not need to make special efforts to achieve the goal

Certainly, laziness is not a sign of outstanding mental abilities. However, developed people do not make special efforts to achieve their goals. In the framework of the experiment, scientists observed 2,000 people with a sufficiently high intelligence. Only those who were not given the maximum to obtain the necessary results were recognized as gifted. It is these people who easily make a career, seek academic degrees or get patents.

18. You do not need a society of people constantly

People tend to be more happy when they are surrounded by relatives and friends. But this does not always apply to those who are endowed with high intelligence. Such people are self-sufficient and need a personal space.

19. You live in a city with a favorable pedestrian environment

The geography of your city could be a good indicator of your developed mind. According to statistics, it is in towns with extensive pedestrian areas that graduates of colleges are drawn. The least attractive for scientists are the minds of the city, built "for cars."

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