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Diseases, the structure of teeth of rabbits. How many teeth does a rabbit have?

Decorative rabbit in the house is a joy for all family members and pleasant troubles. But how not to make a mistake in the choice? How to know the age of a rabbit? What diseases do they have? And many people are interested in the question of how many rabbits have teeth. Often there is an opinion that two - the lower and upper, because in this way they are depicted in the pictures. This will be discussed in the article.

Teeth and age

Often you can hear the question: "How much does a rabbit have teeth (adult)?" In the domestic rabbit, in addition to the long incisors, there are four additional and twenty-two root and premolar teeth. In total, an adult rabbit has twenty-eight teeth: six incisors, twelve molars and ten false teeth (premolars). The main part of the teeth is located deep in the oral cavity, so they are not visible. Sixteen teeth are located on the upper jaw, and twelve at the bottom.

When buying a rabbit, you need to pay attention to how much the rabbit has teeth and what they look like. In a one-year-old, they begin to acquire a yellowish shade, and the older the rabbit, the more yellow it is on the teeth.

Milky teeth and their shift

In young rabbits, the teeth change until the year. They, like other animals, have milk teeth. Of course, it is important to know how many rabbits have dairy teeth and how they change. The rudiments of such teeth are formed still in utero on the twenty-first day from the moment of conception.

When rabbits are born, they already have sixteen milk teeth, six of which are incisors. The remaining ten teeth are false (root). The replacement of teeth occurs from the eighteenth day to the end of the first month of life.

What is important to know about bite?

Of course, it is very important to know how many teeth a rabbit should have at birth and at adulthood. But even more important to know that domestic rabbits are different from those that live in freedom. Wild rabbits have the opportunity to constantly eat something - branches, bark of trees, shrubs. Home is often kept in a cage. If they have nothing to gnaw, then their teeth quickly grow, which affects the bite.

Knowing how many teeth the rabbit has decorative and the fact that his teeth need constant work, the owner of the animal must observe a number of rules.

  • To avoid problems with the bite, the rabbit needs a lot of hay and items to be able to chew them. For such purposes, perfectly fit fruit tree branches, special sticks from the pet store.
  • If branches of a tree are taken, it is necessary to make sure that they have not been treated with pesticides.
  • An animal must have solid food in sufficient quantity. If there is none, the anterior incisors noticeably grow and can cause an incorrect bite (otherwise, malocclusion). With this pathology, the teeth are poorly worn, the rabbit's mouth does not close tightly, and the sharp edges of the chewing surfaces damage the soft tissues in the mouth. Rabbit feels severe pain when chewing. Then there is the development of other diseases. There are abscesses and problems with digestion. This problem can be solved by cutting teeth.

When is it important to contact a vet?

The veterinarian should be consulted if the rabbit has a saliva flowing profusely, the wool near the mouth is moist and tangled, the eyes are watering, it refuses food or chooses only soft.

Also, the reason for visiting a specialist are abscesses on the cheeks and jaw, the animal is hurt when it touches its cheeks, it has red or, vice versa, white gums, it smells uncomfortable from the mouth, the pet loses weight.

So, the age of the pet can be determined by the color and how many teeth the rabbit has. Features of rabbit teeth is that they are thin. Therefore, some owners, saving on veterinarians, at home cut rabbit teeth with nail clippers. After pruning, they file a nail file for the same nails. Such a method is possible, but it is dangerous. The tooth can crack. In addition, there are cases of exposure of the tooth pulp, which causes pulpitis.

Still there is an important point: the rabbit is hurt, and it can react to this procedure unpredictably. Therefore, the best way to solve the problem of grown teeth is to go to an experienced veterinarian. There the doctor uses a special tool.

There are times when a rabbit breaks a tooth. There is nothing to worry about, they grow very quickly. But in this case it is necessary to shorten the second to the appropriate size.

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