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Animals and plants of the Yenisei River: description, list, photo

One of the greatest rivers of our country flows through the steppes and forests, through plains and mountains, from the southernmost latitudes to the Arctic Ocean - 3487 kilometers of track, during which we have to trace which animals and plants of the Yenisei River enliven the banks.


Ionesu (in Evenki - "big water"), the Russians called a word closer to the native language. All Siberia from the bottom to the top pierces the current of the Yenisei, starting in the Sayan Mountains from Lake Kara-Balyk, absorbing the tributaries, breaking on the Tuva Basin with a lot of sleeves and emerging from there already a powerful, crushing mountain stream. The cliffs of the Western Sayan left the Yenisei a small gap in the cliffs, but the river broke.

At the exit, people built a dam at the Sayano-Shushenskaya HPP, so that Big Threshold, which rustled like a racing train, the Joy threshold and the Kabachok rock are only present on old photographs. Now here is a reservoir with bays formed by the confluence of mountain streams and rivers. The entire Yenisei is easily divided into three parts - the Velky, the Middle and the Lower. The channel from the source to the reservoir is the upper one, then the middle section from the reservoir to the Angara, and the lower part of the Yenisei, after the confluence with the Angara, reaches two and a half kilometers of width.


The animals and plants of the Yenisei River are numerous and diverse, as these reserved places are a typical taiga. In the valley of the river, mostly coniferous forests - spruce, cedar, pine. On the Middle-Siberian plateau, the vegetation is unique, since the altitudinal zonality varies drastically. Dense larch and cedar forests of the lower belt are replaced by more rare fir and cedar-fir.

On the half-kilometer mountain peaks clearly expressed mountain tundra and alpine meadows. The animals and plants of the Yenisei River feel at ease here, because here there are only reserves: Central Siberian, Krasnoyarsk poles, Sayano-Shushensky, then Putorana, Taimyr, Tungus, Great Arctic, national parks Shushensky Bor and Ergaki, three State order of federal significance and 27 - Krasnoyarsk Territory.


On the border with the Central Siberian Plateau in the north-western spurs of the Eastern Sayan lies one of the most beautiful natural reserves of the world - "Stolby", founded in 1925. Its area is almost 50 thousand hectares. Animals and plants of the Yenisei River of this belt live in the reserve. There are more than 750 species of vascular plants and 260 mosses. There are 290 species of vertebrate animals in the fir-tree taiga alone: protein, chipmunk, sable, forest vole, hazel grouse, musk deer and others.

However, forest-steppe species of animals are also present in plenty: steppe trousers, roe deer, long-tailed gopher, etc. In the Red Book of Russia, among the plants growing here are feather feather grass, a helmeted orchis, calypso bulbous - a very beautiful flower, large and fine shoes - more More beautiful, from the family of orchids. There are also many animals and birds listed in the Red Book of Russia: the golden eagle, peregrine falcon, osprey, saker, and others.


This reserve is very large, not in vain it is called - the Great Arctic, the largest in Eurasia. And the Yenisei River is its central part. Migratory birds that nest in the territory (various waders, black goose, geese (four species), swans, four kinds of ducks and many others) are mostly guarded here. Many animals and plants of the Yenisei River, which are protected by the state, are also noted here.

162 species of higher plants from 28 families: cereals, cloves, cabbage, sedge, rock-hewed. The pillow-shaped poppy is very beautiful. Also here grows 70 species of lichens and 15 - mushrooms. 16 species of mammals - foxes, wolves, arctic foxes, wolverines, lemmings, musk oxs, reindeers and polar bears, live in the reserve, as well as beluga whales, walruses and other marine animals when the Yenisei flows into the Kara Sea.


Biosphere Reserve, located in the Western Sayan of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, is Sayano-Shushensky. It protects the most valuable fur-bearing animal - the sable, and also studies the flora and fauna of the Sayano-Shushensky reservoir. The Yenisei river is very rich, the river in Siberia is famous, called "father", since from the beginning of the century the Yenisei was the breadwinner of all people who lived on its banks: fish, meat, nuts, berries and mushrooms.

It is noted that the fauna changes very strongly in the reservoir itself: cold water lovers have disappeared - fine grayling, lenok, taimen, but new species appeared: carp, pike, bream, roach, perch and some others. In the reserve there is a Museum of Nature, which is readily visited by tourists of all ages on excursions. What are the plants and animals of the Yenisei River, the 4th grade of schools in the Krasnoyarsk Territory can be studied visually.

Putorana Plateau

The uniqueness of the Putorana Reserve - in its location - here is the Yenisei zoogeographic border, so there is an increased diversity of species: the plants and animals of the Yenisei River greatly enriched the list of flora and fauna of Siberia. In the reserve there are 36 species of fish, amphibians, 184 bird species, 34 species of mammals, and the list of only higher plants includes about 400 species.

Plants and animals of the Yenisei River of the 4th class will be interested even more than is stipulated by the school program, because such rare species as the snow sheep, white-tailed eagle, gyrfalcon, small swan, golden eagle, osprey and many others are protected here. The bear, wolf, fox, as well as lynx, sable, columns, wolverine are planted. There are almost 400 species of plants here, among them rare such as rhodiola rosea, spotted slipper (also Siberian orchid), Asian bathing-house, various poppies, kaluzhnitsa - everything is not listed.

The Yenisei Valley

What plants and animals of the Yenisei River are found in the Central Siberian Reserve, you can see in the list:

  • More than 650 species of higher plants;
  • Seven species of conifers;
  • 35 species of horsetails, ferns and plains;
  • More than 150 species of moss;
  • 223 species of lichen;
  • 45 species of mammals;
  • 274 species of birds;
  • Four species of reptiles and amphibians;
  • 35 species of fish;
  • More than 700 species of insects;
  • More than 420 species of spiders.

This reserve covers both banks of the Yenisei River in its middle section.


On the right bank of the Yenisei is a national park called "Shushensky Bor". Bor is also a forest, only a pine forest, which grows mainly on sandy soils. Here the forest grows on sand dunes - it is the belt burs left to us for a very, very long time, after the end of the glacial period. Relict boron is always extremely rich and beautiful. Why do the plants and animals of the Yenisei River feel free to feel here? The answer is simple: the reserve, nothing can not be destroyed. Only guard!

Many animals live here: only 254 terrestrial vertebrates, 45 of them mammals, more than 200 bird species, five reptiles, and four amphibians. Most of all, there are hares, squirrels, bears, foxes, sables, noble deer, roe deer, musk deer, elk, boar. Live here, and wolves, and lynx, and gluttons, as well as ermines, columns, steppe polecat, otter, American mink. To preserve nature in its rich diversity is the main task and the main question for the reserve. Plants and animals of the Yenisei River should not die out due to environmental problems or hunting greed.


In this reserve on the shores of the Yenisey live, as well as in neighboring, lynx (there are many of them), badgers, wolverines, foxes and wolves. There really is a lot of sables. In other places, he was mercilessly exterminated almost completely before the reserves were formed. In this reserve there are many ungulates: moose, taiga northern deer, musk deer. A lot of birds! There are also purely taiga species, and many species of waterfowl, some very rare - swan-swan, taiga bean, for example.

On the steep banks of the Yenisei, you can see the nests of the eagle-white-tailed. Also, birds of prey are represented by hawks, kites and huggles. And in the Yenisey it is in these places that the disappearing fish from the Red Book - Siberian sturgeon and sterlet - have been preserved. There are in the river and nelma, and omul, and muxun, and whitefish, and smelt. And, of course, many are not so rare and expensive species: burbot, pike, perch, crucian carp.

Hunting trails

In the reserve "Ergaki" there are tourist areas. Especially interesting excursions are held in the taiga, where you can personally assess the taiga variety, although, of course, not all the plants and animals of the Yenisei River come to their eyes. The photos that tourists bring from such excursions still impress the imagination of those who have never walked on hunting Siberian trails.

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