
Date tree. How to grow dates from a bone at home

A lot of lovers of room floriculture at least once tried to grow something exotic and interesting from a stone or seed of purchased fruit. Perhaps it was figs, banana, kiwi, coconut or citrus, a date from a bone. Just about him and will be discussed. Overseas guest has long ceased to be something out of the ordinary, and it can easily be found on the shelves of stores. So why not try to grow your own palm from it? Knowing how to grow dates from a bone at home, you easily realize your wishes. There is nothing complicated in this, the main thing is to make a little effort and have a little patience. A grown-up date palm does not bother you at all, but will only please with its beauty.

Date tree

In other words, the date palm is a plant from the Palm trees, which includes 14 to 17 species that grow in Africa and Eurasia. The fruits of many of them are very common foods.

Phoenicians began to grow in ancient Mesopotamia (the territory of modern Iraq) in the fourth millennium BC. For millennia, dates remain the main food in the countries of North Africa and the Middle East.

Biological description of the genus

All representatives of a small number of species - mostly trees or squat shrubs with characteristic pinnately dissected leaves. In addition, the distinguishing feature of most representatives is a single trunk without branching. Long hard leathery leaves of dark green color near the base have spines. Finik - a tree with small yellow flowers, collected in paniculate inflorescences. Porous leaves are located on a long cut at an angle. The height of the palm can be different and ranges from 15 to 30 meters.

Date tree fruits

They are not edible in all species, but only in a few. Especially valued finger date. Sweet fruits have long been used by people as a high-value food product. For sale and for export, as a rule, they come in dried form. They have high caloric content and the highest glycemic index. Therefore, people with diabetes mellitus should be extremely careful with these fruits.

Date tree from stone

Growing an exotic palm tree at home is very real and very simple. Most importantly - pay attention to dates, it is desirable that they were fresh, not parched. Fruits can be eaten with pleasure, but a few bones left. Rinse thoroughly with water and lightly dry with a tissue. Then, in order to break the integrity of the seed shell, it is necessary to rub it with sandpaper, slightly scratching. This procedure will accelerate germination. Keep in mind that the home date tree will not bear fruit, you will get only a beautiful palm tree with large decorative leaves.

How to germinate seeds?

The first step is to prepare the soil in which you will plant the seeds. Recommended soil mixture of the following composition: peat, sand, sawdust in the ratio 1: 1: 1. Bones from the date put vertically, so that the top was covered with a layer of earth one centimeter thick. From above it is desirable to cover the container with marsh moss (sphagnum) to prevent evaporation of moisture. If it is not, then simply place the container in a plastic transparent bag and put it in a warm place (at least 25 ° C). Constantly maintain the moisture of the soil. The dates from the bones germinate in different ways, on average from one to three or even six months, so you will have to be patient. The sprouts most quickly appear in fresh seeds.

Date seedling

It is simply impossible to confuse germs with anything else. They, like soldiers, jump out of the ground. Thin and long sharp skewers of green color in the first days are stretched instantly. It is necessary to wait, when they grow to a height of 10-15 cm, and only then plant them in separate small pots. Alternatively, as an option, you can immediately plant the bones in a separate container. The date tree from the bones grows, as a rule, strong and healthy. The main thing is to take care of him properly. Let's find out how.

Place in the house and the soil for the date palm

Optimal is the place in the house, where in large quantities there is scattered sunlight without direct hit of scorching rays. To maintain the symmetry of the plant, it is recommended that it rotate about 180 degrees around its axis every two weeks. Then the palm will not bend in one direction, and all leaves will remain straight, even and green.

The soil for the date palm should consist of the following components: turf, leaf land, humus, peat land and sand (in the ratio 2: 2: 4: 1: 2). It is necessary to make a good drainage from the layer of expanded clay and add charcoal to the ground. The date tree, grown from the stone, is transplanted at a young age every year, and upon reaching the five-year boundary - every few years. The signal to this will be the roots that will come out through the drainage holes, which means that the pot has become too small.

Before you grow a date from a bone, it is worth considering whether you can provide him with suitable conditions, including the temperature regime. In winter, the air must be warm between 16 and 18 ° C, and in the summer - up to 25-30 ° C.

Water regime and fertilizing with fertilizers

In the period of active vegetation and build-up of green mass (from April to August), watering should be abundant, do not allow the earth's coma to dry out. And in the autumn-winter time, you need to make small breaks: at this time the plant begins a weak period of rest.

Extra fertilizing with complex mineral fertilizers is also carried out from April to August with a frequency of every two weeks. Use special preparations for palm trees or for ornamental foliage plants with an optimal content of basic elements - nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium - in a ratio of 3: 1: 3. The date tree refers to the dry air of apartments with city heating, it has enough humidity at 40-50%. In summer, the palm tree can be carried to a balcony or loggia and periodically wiped with a damp sponge.

Typical signs of a lack of useful elements

Having learned about how to grow dates from a bone at home, it is important to remember the main problems that may arise when growing a palm tree.

  1. Nitrogen deficiency. Symptoms: The palm leaves become light green, plant growth stops.
  2. Potassium deficiency. It appears in spots of bronze color on a leaf blade. Symptoms appear on the old parts of the plant in the first place, only then they turn to the young. Also on the leaves may appear yellow translucent or orange-colored spots. Gradually, necrosis begins from them. The sheet dries and curls.
  3. Magnesium deficiency. Symptoms are similar to the previous case, appear first on old leaves. Deficiency of the element is manifested in the form of a broad band of yellow color along the edge of the leaf blade, while it itself retains a bright green color.
  4. Deficiency of manganese. The first signs of a lack of element begin to appear on young fresh leaves in the form of chlorosis, weak development, smaller in size compared to the rest. The deficit is caused mainly by the fact that the element does not dissolve at a high pH or low air temperature in the winter.

Main problems

1) The date tree stopped growing. This phenomenon is usually accompanied by chlorosis of the leaves. The reason is in the low temperature of the air, the growth of the roots and, consequently, the absorption of nutrients by them stop at 16-17 ° C. There is a deficit of several micronutrients. The way out is to maintain the correct room temperature at 25-27 ° C.

2) Lack of nutrients. The first symptom is the appearance of chlorotic spots, which in case of non-acceptance of measures become necrotic. The lack of copper, manganese and iron can cause high soil acidity. Apply fertilizer correctly, in strict accordance with the instructions.

3) Edge burn of leaves. Palms, including the date tree, are very sensitive to water logging and do not tolerate poorly drained substrates. First, the roots are damaged, and as a consequence, a marginal burn on the leaves soon occurs. Output - change of substrate and reduction of watering.

Knowing how to grow a date from a bone at home, the basic conditions of detention and possible problems, you can get a beautiful and strong plant.

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