
What are the means of expressiveness in Russian?

One of the skills of language training, which students should receive in the process of training, is the ability to analyze an artistic text, to determine by means of which means the author has managed to achieve its expressiveness.

This is one of the requirements of the program, causing the greatest difficulties for schoolchildren in the literature class. Trying to make it easier for them, I will try to list the means of expressiveness, give them a brief description, lead the simplest (not from art texts) examples.

What is the use of expressive means? To make the speech brighter, colorful, more emotional. In order to give the text author's originality, to convey the subtlest nuances of thoughts or images. Think, which of these proposals more accurately conveys the author's attitude to the subject? We built a hut. We built a hut, huge, like a real house. It is noticeable that the means of expressiveness help not only to ascertain the magnitude of the object, but make it very clearly.

One of the methods of creating an artistic text is an anaphora or one-man management. ( I do not like it when it rains, I do not like it when the sun shines.) I generally do not like anything ). Anaphora is needed in order to convey the essence, the quintessence of thought or text.

To emphasize a certain thought in the text helps the epiphary - a single ending of sentences. It can be lexical (one word repeated) or semantic (it is repeated synonym). ( She gave me life, now she wants to ruin my destiny ).

Using some means of expression, you can give your speech an ironic meaning, to emphasize the comic character, the caricature of the character. The grotesque helps. Perhaps one of the most striking and famous grotesque images is Koschey the Immortal.

Means of expressiveness help express their attitude to the subject without directly naming its qualities. This is helped by irony (allegory). ( The choice of dishes was endless: potatoes, potatoes and potatoes once more. )

Exaggeration in literature is called a hyperbole. It is also designed to enhance the expressiveness of speech. ( I called him a million times, but he still did not pick up ).

In contrast to hyperbole, they use lithoty, an understatement. Quite popular today, the vulgar expression " below the plinth " was built with the help of a litote.

Comparisons in the literature are a technique that speaks for itself. This allegory, which establishes the similarity between the two phenomena. In comparison, there is a basic image in which the meaning of the whole statement is concluded, and an additional image attached with the help of the union. ( The head is buzzing like a huge copper bell ).

Combine in the text uncombinable, to strengthen the image, allows an oxymoron. The complexity of its use lies in the fact that in the image should be connected to the opposite in meaning concepts. (There was a hot snow in his lips, and there was cold boiling water in the jar .)

To distinguish the most essential of what is said helps the inversion or, in another way, the reverse order of words. The closer the word is to the beginning of the sentence, the more important it is. Compare: I went to the store. I went to the store. I went to the store .

In Russian there is such a thing as neologisms. And means of expressiveness allow the use of occasionalisms (neologisms copyright). In Sholokhov it is a brick of blush , in Mayakovsky - a worker , in Severyanin - azure (color). The main task of occasionalisms is accuracy. Here are examples of modern neologisms that appeared as authoring, but are now known to many: google, robot, keyboard (keyboard) .

It is impossible to list all expressive means in one article: they are taught for years in school, at philological faculties. One can only list some of them (which I did) and encourage people to learn Russian at least in order to convey their thoughts juicyly, intelligibly, emotionally.

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