
Growing lilies in the garden: tips for flower growers

Since ancient times, lilies have enjoyed great popular affection. They have a wonderful scent, they are captivated by their beauty. In the hands of the bride they are a symbol of innocence and purity. There are several of their types. These are Asian, curly, long-flowered, tubular, snow-white, American hybrids . The most popular are Dutch varieties. Coloring of flowers occurs snow-white, bright red, with pink divorces.

If you are interested in growing lilies in the garden, do not be afraid of failure. Care of flowers is required similar to that of other ornamental plants. They should be watered, weed weeds, loosen the soil and apply fertilizers. You can consider all these operations in more detail, in order to get to know more closely the peculiarities of the most beautiful flowers. Excess moisture to lilies is contraindicated. You should water them regularly, but moderately. Water should be poured under the root and monitor the moisture of the earth. It should not be overdried.

Since the lily garden belongs to the onion plants , it is grown from the selection of the planting material. It is acquired in the early spring. Before planting in the open ground, the bulbs must be wrapped in a cellophane bag, previously filled with dry peat or sphagnum, and stored in a refrigerator. The temperature should be slightly above zero. Under such conditions, the bulbs will not germinate before the time. You can transfer them to the open ground immediately after the snow falls.

Starting growing lilies in the garden, you must first prepare the ground. It must be mulched with humus or peat. Fertilizers should be applied simultaneously with irrigation. For all varieties, the soil is neutral or slightly acidic. In doing so, it should be loose and well flowing water. Flower growers, amateurs, for whom the cultivation of lilies in the garden turned into a real hobby, it is recommended to sprinkle ash beds 2 or 3 times during the summer. It performs two functions simultaneously: it serves as a fertilizer and destroys pathogenic fungi.

Small roots-bulbs plants (they are called children) are planted to a depth of seven to eight, and large adults - from ten to twelve centimeters. To better understand, just remember the following proportions. The depth at which the bulb is planted must exceed its size two or three times. It should be borne in mind that the cultivation of lilies in the garden requires the observance between the plants of an interval of 20 to 25 cm. The best time for breeding flowers is the beginning of autumn, but also the spring season. For tubular and Asian lilies (which are best suited for cultivation in our climate), one must choose solar patches. But the abundance of light without regular watering can lead to illnesses of flowers. In the shade under the trees for them, too, will not be the most successful place. Flowers need a regular transplant. For the winter it is recommended to cover them with film or lapnika.

Flower growers-lovers growing lilies in the country will not bring problems. In addition, this gentle and refined flower will be combined with other ornamental plants, for example, with perennials. The peak of the flowering of lilies falls on July, while they decorate the garden with themselves throughout the summer.

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