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Cytomegalovirus in pregnancy: diagnosis and treatment

Cytomegalovirus is very common among the population. Most people become infected with it as a child. Basically, people do not even know that they are infected, because the virus does not bother him at all. In this case, cytomegalovirus during pregnancy can be very dangerous, especially if the future mother will catch it for the first time.

It is part of a group of infections that have very adverse effects on the health of the fetus. Depending on the term on which he contracted, he can develop severe pathologies right up to his death. Infection can also occur during labor and breastfeeding, but if the child is full, then this is usually not dangerous.

Cytomegalovirus can not be cured, after being hit it is in the human body for life. However, it exacerbates only with immunodeficiency, causing severe consequences.

Primary infection with cytomegalovirus is usually not even recognized and is perceived as a normal ARI. In the future, he does not remind of himself. However, pregnancy is a special condition, in which immunity decreases and the hormonal background changes. Quite often, during this period, long-term sleeping infections become aggravated.

If a woman was infected long before conception, then in her blood there are antibodies to the virus. Therefore, the probability of infection of the baby is much less, and the possible consequences are minimal. If the mother's body first encountered the virus, then in a third of cases the child will be infected. For every second it will not work without consequences. The later this happens, the easier it will be.

So, cytomegalovirus during pregnancy can lead to the following consequences:

  • Death of the fetus;
  • An underdeveloped brain;
  • Heart defects;
  • hepatitis;
  • jaundice;
  • pneumonia;
  • Loss of hearing and sight;
  • Enlarged liver;
  • Pathology of the nervous system;
  • Delay in development;
  • Problems with the cardiovascular system.

Therefore, it is so important to be tested for a virus before conception. Then the woman will know if she needs to be afraid of infection or simply to strengthen immunity.

The virus is contained in the fluids of people in whom it is in active form. It is found in urine, saliva, semen and other secretions. After the initial infection from a person for a long time you can get infected.

Since people usually face a virus in early childhood, it is with this category that pregnant women should limit their communication first. However, it is better to reduce contacts with people in general.

Treatment of cytomegalovirus during pregnancy is reduced to taking antiviral and immunity - strengthening drugs. If therapy is started in a timely manner, then it gives good results.

Today, all pregnant women are tested for TORCH infection. This group includes and cytomegalovirus. As a result, the titers IgG and IgM in the blood are determined. Immunoglobulins of the first type indicate a chronic process, and the second - on acute.

Cytomegalovirus IgG in pregnancy and before it - it's good. But the presence of IgM - an alarm signal, and requires treatment. Especially bad when they are present, and IgG - no. This indicates a primary infection within the last two weeks.

Cytomegalovirus in pregnancy is not an indication for its interruption or caesarean section. But his active form should alert the woman and the doctor. It is necessary to assign additional examinations before drawing conclusions.

The active form of cytomegalovirus in humans is also indicated by its detection by PCR in saliva, urine, swabs, blood. Women in the position it is desirable to undergo a test for him every trimester.

So, cytomegalovirus in pregnancy is dangerous only in active form, because in this case the fetus can be infected. This early on can lead to his death, and on later - to serious pathologies. Primary infection is much more dangerous than activating a long-existing virus.

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