HealthDiseases and Conditions

Condyloma - a small outgrowth of flesh color. Causes of appearance, treatment

Condyloma is a pathological growth of cutaneous or mucous membranes of corporal or red-gray color, which is characterized by the appearance of growths. In their form they resemble scallops. In this case, there are both flat and wide condylomas.

Description of the problem

Sprains, as a rule, appear in the period of decrease in immunity. They are caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV). It is quite common, but often it does not manifest itself.

It can be infected both sexually and by contact-household way. Sometimes it is enough to use some household items with a person who can see condylomata. Feedback indicates that if you want to get rid of them it is quite possible.

It is worth noting that people with good immunity may throughout the life of being simply carriers of this virus. But if the defenses of the body weaken, then the growths can begin to appear. It is necessary to understand, if condylomas have already appeared, they will not disappear anywhere. Such a person needs complex treatment. It should be aimed not only at eliminating the external signs of the disease, but also at suppressing the virus in the body.

Intimate Features

Quite often, women on the examination of a doctor find out that they have genital warts. They can be located both on the external genitals and on the internal ones. The most popular places of dislocation are the site of the entrance to the vagina, small or large labia, perineum. But sometimes they are formed on the cervix. In this case, a woman may not even know about the infection.

Condyloma can also grow in the region of the anus. This often happens unnoticed for the patient, because such education at first does not cause any discomfort. But the growth of the warts is accompanied by not too pleasant sensations. A person can be bothered by itching, discharge of mucus, blood and other discomfort.

Oral sex with an infected partner can easily cause the appearance of condylomas in the oral cavity. Neoplasms can begin to expand on the cheeks, lips, vocal cords and larynx. Characterized by such outgrowths in small sizes, uneven surface and towering edges. Sometimes there are only small dense single nodules.

In representatives of the stronger sex, as a rule, the foreskin is affected (the inner part of the surface). In some cases, condylomata in men can be formed directly on the penis, its head or testicles. By the way, it is noticed that from the external manifestations most often suffer those representatives of the stronger sex who have an excessive amount of sperm.

Nature of defeat

Not always immediately after contact with an infected person may appear signs of the disease. Some people have symptoms only after a few years. It happens that a person is a carrier of the HPV strain, which causes the appearance of condyloma, but does not even suspect it. It is not uncommon for cases when there are no clinical manifestations of the disease at all.

And yet, why do condylomas appear? The reasons for their growth in all people are similar. As already mentioned, they occur during the weakening of immunity. Provocative factors may include:

  • Stress, sedentary, sedentary lifestyle, bad habits;
  • Venereal diseases;
  • Bacterial infections;
  • pregnancy;
  • Excessive weight;
  • Slovenliness.

Before the appearance of neoplasms, a person may be bothered by itching or burning. When the growths are already noticeable, these symptoms usually pass.

Types of Warts

Experts classify kandilomy depending on their kind. For example, education on a thin stem of a red-gray or pink color is peaked condyloma. This outgrowth is visually similar to the rooster's crest or cauliflower inflorescence.

Wide condylomas are outwardly similar to mushrooms. They do not have a thin leg, and the base is dense enough. Painted outgrowths, usually in gray or pinkish color. Characteristic is the appearance of such papillomas for the secondary period of syphilis or for a disease known as yaws.

The most dangerous for women is flat warts. It grows on the cervix and causes changes in the epithelial cells. You can see it only with colposcopy. The sites affected by these formations turn pale under the influence of acetic acid. There is a clear boundary between them and epithelial tissues.

Flat condylomas in men often appear on the skin areas of the penis. They can also form on the foreskin and the walls of the urethra. But it is impossible to feel them, because they do not rise above the surface.

Possible complications

If any type of formation is found, it is necessary to know that the treatment of genital warts is mandatory. They will not pass by themselves, but can only develop and cause complications.

Pointed formations that appeared on the cervix can become the cause of the carcinoma of this organ. In men, a malignant tumor of the genital organs can be diagnosed with time. Even if the growths do not cause the development of oncology, they will still cause discomfort - to grow, inflame and ulcerate.

Flat condyloma can trigger the development of dysplasia and the appearance of malignant tumors. To establish an accurate diagnosis after colposcopy, a biopsy is done. If, as a result, it is determined that kandilomatosis is combined with dysplasia, then quite competent conservative therapy is enough.

Men can develop phimosis or even develop an oncological process.

Diagnosis of the disease

Noticing unusual growths, it is desirable to see a doctor as soon as possible. Caution should education in the genital area, anus, perineum. Preliminary diagnosis of the doctor can after a routine gynecological examination. In parallel, it is necessary to examine the urethra. Condyloma can be there.

Also, swabs are mandatory. In men, the material is taken from the urethra. The resulting biomaterial can be sent to a special microscopic study.

Analyzes allow you to determine which type of HPV the body is affected. PCR diagnostics are carried out for these purposes. If necessary, determine the antibody titer in the body of a woman. In addition, doctors recommend a comprehensive examination and check if there are other infections in the body. Perhaps you will need to carry out not only the treatment of genital warts, but also get rid of other pathologies.

If there are visible growths, it is necessary to make a biopsy. Histological examination can show the presence of atypical cells. If they are found, further treatment will be conducted under the guidance of an oncologist.

Methods of therapy

It is important to approach the treatment of the disease in a comprehensive way. It should be aimed not only at removing the condylomas themselves, but also at suppressing the virus in the body. It is worth noting that it is almost impossible to get rid of it. But with properly selected medication, you can significantly reduce its activity. Treatment should be aimed at combating viral disease and stimulating the immune system.

Appointed may be medicines such as Viferon, Immunomax, Isoprinosine, Allokin-Alpha, Likopid, Epigen Intim, or their analogues. A doctor can simultaneously prescribe several drugs, combining oral and local treatment. For example, the drug "Viferon" is available in candles, gels and ointments. The drug "Allokin-Alfa" is a lyophilizate for the preparation of injection solutions, "Isoprinosine" - tablets, "Epigen Intim" - a spray.

After the onset of active immunostimulating and antiviral therapy, it is possible to proceed directly to the removal of genital warts.

Methods of getting rid of external manifestations

Experts can give two answers to the question of how to remove warts. In modern medical practice, methods such as:

  • Chemical coagulation;
  • Cryodestruction;
  • Thermocoagulation;
  • Radiosurgery;
  • Laser destruction.

Each of these methods has its own advantages and disadvantages. But they all allow you to remove the external manifestations of HPV without any scars. After procedures, a smooth, clean, healthy surface remains.

Features of hardware procedures

One of the most common methods is cauterization of condylomas, or detemokoagulyatsiya. Under the influence of high temperatures of high-frequency radiation or an electron knife, condylomas are destroyed. The procedure is performed under local anesthesia.

Laser destruction of condyloma is considered one of the safest and most effective methods. Under the influence of the beam, the growths disappear. After the procedure, only the dried crust remains in the growth spots. She disappears in a few days. And under the crust is a healthy and even skin. But this is one of the most expensive methods.

Radiosurgical removal can also not be called cheap. On the pathological formations a beam of high-frequency waves is directed. With its help, the tissues are cut, and the condyloma is removed along with the leg. This procedure is considered the most sparing, because after its carrying out no traces on the skin does not remain.

Use of other methods

The use of special preparations based on nitric acid is called chemical coagulation. This is a painless method of removing condylomas. In pharmacies, you can find even drugs intended for home use. With their help, any wart can be removed. Condyloma also disappears under their influence.

The destructive effect of liquid nitrogen is also based on the cryodestruction method. It should be conducted only by an experienced specialist. After all, it is unacceptable to get liquid nitrogen to healthy tissues. This method is considered one of the most common and available.

When a condyloma is found in the urethra, a special approach to the procedure for their removal is required. For these purposes, use a special device - the urethroscope. It is injected into the urethra and, with the help of special preparations, treats the condylomas that have arisen there. Also, their removal is possible by means of a thermocoagulation or by means of a laser beam.

Features of treatment of pregnant women

Often, no symptoms appear in women with HPV for many years. But with the onset of pregnancy, the body's defenses are weakened, and it is at this time that the virus can become activated, and condyloma appears. This means that you should consult your gynecologist as soon as possible and choose a suitable therapy regimen.

Why is it so dangerous to have genital warts around the vagina, cervix or labia? Yes, because the child can become infected while passing through the birth canal. And this is fraught with serious consequences, because the baby growths can begin to grow in the larynx and become, thus, the cause of difficulty breathing. That's why such women are offered to do cesarean section.

Treat condylomas are recommended only in cases where they are located on the cervix. To remove them, use an electric loop. But you can do this not earlier than at the 14th week of pregnancy. In all other situations, treatment is prescribed only after childbirth. During pregnancy, use of local means is permissible. Candied can be a candle "Viferon" or other similar drugs.

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