EducationSecondary education and schools

Cognitive DMDs form their lessons in school

Universal learning activities should be understood as a system of ways to study the surrounding world, to create an independent process of research, search. This is a complex of operations for the systematization, processing, compilation and subsequent application of the information received. Let us further consider how the formation of cognitive DUHs takes place in modern pedagogical practice.

General information

DAM is a complex of generalized actions of the trainee, skills and abilities associated with them. They provide the ability to independently assimilate new information, skills, knowledge, conscious and active acquisition of social experience, self-improvement. Its integrated nature allows us to define the system of universal actions under consideration as a key competence. Through it is provided "the ability to learn." The key competence is defined by Bondarevskaya as a person-conscious, entered into subjective experience, having an individual sense system of knowledge, skills, having universal significance. This means that it can be used in various activities in the process of solving a lot of vital problems.


The GEF developers distinguish the following types of DFD:

  1. Regulatory.
  2. Cognitive.
  3. Communicative.
  4. Personality.

The latter give meaning to the learning process. They are aimed at accepting, comprehension of life values by schoolchildren. Thanks to them, students can orient themselves in moral rules and norms. Regulatory actions ensure the organization of training activities. This is achieved by setting goals, forecasting and planning, controlling and correcting actions, and evaluating the effectiveness of assimilation. Communicative UAD provide cooperation. It involves the ability to listen, understand, plan and co-ordinate joint activities. Communication in actions allows you to effectively distribute rhodium, establish mutual control actions. As a result, students get skills of conducting discussion, reaching consensus.

Cognitive DRA

This area includes logical, general educational activities, the formulation and solution of the problem. It is extremely important for a modern student to be able to navigate the flow of information that he receives during training. To effectively acquire knowledge, it is necessary to rework and assimilate the material, perform a search for missing information, comprehend texts. A schoolboy should be able to choose the most effective methods of solving problems in accordance with specific conditions, monitor and evaluate the process and results of his activities, reflect the methods and circumstances of actions, and formulate and raise problems.


Cognitive ACD at the lessons suggest the following skills:

  1. Read and listen, selecting the necessary information, find them in additional sources, in the materials of textbooks, notebooks, and literature.
  2. Understand the task.
  3. Perform analytical, synthesizing, comparative, classification operations, formulate cause-effect relationships, draw conclusions, generalizations.
  4. To carry out cognitive mental health and materialized forms.
  5. Understand the information presented with the model, schematic, pictorial forms, use symbolic and symbolic means for solving various tasks.


The formation of cognitive ACD in lessons is carried out by selecting assignments for which the correct results of solutions can not be found in the finished form in the textbook. Together with this in the illustrations and texts there are clues, using which the student can correctly solve the problem. Within the search and allocation of necessary information, knowledge structuring, various pedagogical techniques are used. With their help, cognitive forms of health care are formulated and improved. Mathematics is a subject in which you can use:

  • "Your examples." Learners come up with tasks, prepare examples on a new material, offer ideas for the further application of the information received.
  • "Help the teacher." The teacher makes the most of the circumstances in which children can assist him. For example, the teacher suggests that they voluntarily develop the material for later use in the classroom. For example, it can be a job for a test.

Cognitive DAU: "Russian language"

One of the often used techniques is considered to be repeat with control. Children make lists of issues on the entire topic studied. Some students ask questions, while others (on the call of a questioning classmate or teacher) are responsible. You can also hold a competition for the best list. For example, when studying nouns, children put such questions:

  • What is a noun?
  • What does it mean?
  • What are the essential names that characterize the animate objects?
  • How do the nouns change?
  • What questions can the inanimate nouns answer?
  • How is the genus determined?
  • What spelling rules are used for proper names?


Cognitive MA in math lessons, for example, can include:

  • Training tests. The teacher conducts them in the usual way, however, assessments are put in the journal at the request of the students.
  • Blitz Control. Within 7-10 minutes the teacher conducts a written poll at a fast pace. Thus, the level of mastering the skills that are necessary for subsequent effective work is determined. The teacher can give answers. In this case, self-testing is also effective, when the teacher shows or dictates the correct answers. In such blitz-control it is very important to establish the norms by which the evaluation will take place. For example, if from 7 tasks 6-7 are correct, then the score is 5, if 4 are correct, then, respectively, 4.
  • The poll is a total. Closer to the end of the lesson, the teacher asks questions that lead to reflection. The formulation of questions can be done by the children themselves.


This is a special cognitive DAM, which includes symbolic and symbolic actions. For example, when studying the human body, students present their models performed independently. Signed-symbolic cognitive cognitive MA in mathematics lessons can include the construction of logical schemes and chains of reasoning, summarizing the given concepts, deducing the consequences.


The game "yes and no" helps to link disparate facts into one. Cognitive DAUs of this type place children in an active position. They learn to systematize the information received, listen and understand the words of classmates. The essence of the game is that the teacher is guessing the subject, number or any historical / literary hero. Learners need to know it. At the same time, they can ask questions that suggest "yes" or "no" answers. Story "along the chain." The teacher begins the survey, with one student. At a certain place, he interrupts his gesture, offering the other child to continue.

Creating algorithms

Cognitive methods of solving the problems of exploratory and creative nature. In the process of studying topics, the instructor can use the following techniques:

  • Fantastic additive. By telling a topic, a teacher can, for example, transfer a literary or real hero in time, exclude him from the work. As a "fantastic element" can be the addition of a hero with a subsequent analysis of the alleged events. It will be interesting to consider a situation from an unconventional point of view, for example, through the eyes of an ancient Egyptian or extraterrestrial.
  • Intersection of topics. The formation of cognitive DAM may involve the creation or selection of tasks, examples, questions, with which the material submitted in the current lesson is associated with what was previously studied.

Amazing facts

Cognitive MDT in primary school is of particular importance. The teacher finds such a plane of consideration of the subject, within which ordinary things become amazing. In this case, we are talking about raising the problem, creating a contradictory situation and realizing it as learning. So, for example, using cognitive DM in primary school, it is possible to effectively present material on the topic "water". The teacher tells an interesting story that in one African country children are read about an amazing country where people can walk on water, and this is really so. The teacher offers the students to look through the window, behind which it snows. Thus, the teacher explains the different states of water and its properties.


The techniques that are included in it, act as the most effective cognitive methods of co-ordination of younger schoolchildren. From the 3rd grade, children learn to create presentations on the computer. They are also given tasks on compiling electronic photo albums, recording films on the topics studied. Design can be used in different lessons: math, the outside world, reading, and so on.

Results of using actions

In the work of the teacher, it is important not only to use, but also to constantly develop cognitive DAM. With the regular use of these or other techniques, and considered above, and composed independently, intensive professional growth of the teacher is noted. Such pedagogical work ensures the formation of children's ability to self-improvement and self-development through the acquisition of new experiences. Accordingly, there is obvious progress in the training activities of the students themselves. Improving the ability to acquire knowledge, in turn, acts as a key competency of the student in the framework of the implementation of GEF.

Approaches used

At present, methods for the formation of cognitive UAD are considered by such figures as Peterson, Volodarskaya, Karabanova, Burmenskaya, Asmolov. Peterson's conceptual idea, for example, is that universal learning activities are created just like any other skill. The latter, in turn, goes through several stages:

  1. The idea of the situation, the initial experience and motivation.
  2. Getting knowledge and the method of implementing the action.
  3. Practice in applying the information received, correction and self-control.
  4. Checking the ability to perform actions.

The same way, according to Peterson, students pass during the formation of the UAL.

Formulation of the problem

To teach a schoolboy to formulate and set a task, it is necessary:

  • Create the ground for the formation of experience and the ability to detect a problem.
  • Explain the concept.
  • Explain the importance of your own ability to formulate and raise problems.
  • Explain how to identify and compose a task.

The child should be able to formulate problems consciously. At the end of theoretical and practical cognition, the acquired knowledge is monitored.


Achievement of the set goal - the ability to formulate and raise problems - does not occur in one lesson. Solve the problem can only be through systematic systematic use of problem-dialogical, activity-based methods. Their application will allow to form the necessary cognitive ACD in children. In the book about the method of research training Savenkov considers the problem as uncertainty, embarrassment. For its elimination, it is necessary to take actions that are oriented toward the study of all elements related to the situation that has arisen. In this edition there are tasks that allow developing the ability to see, discover a problem, put forward various hypotheses, formulate questions, make generalizations, inferences. It is extremely important for the teacher to develop a system of thoughtful tasks, exercises, control activities.

Inductive method

At the stage of designing the way out of the difficult situation, the instructor forms cognitive DUUs among the students. In particular, general educational activities are being created. They include symbolic and symbolic DMMs - modeling the situation and getting out of it. In the process, the most effective solutions to the tasks are selected, taking into account specific conditions. It follows that most of the information that is to be studied, for example, in the lessons of the surrounding world, should be introduced inductively. It involves the observation, comparison of pictures, drawings, photographs, the implementation of the proposed tasks, a decision directly in the process of studying the emerging difficulties. The problematic and inductive approaches, which require children to think through and put forward arguments, contribute to the formation and improvement of cognitive MDT.


Formation of UAL is considered today as one of the priority areas of modern education. The standards that were in force in the old days focused on the substantive content of the learning process. The basis of education was the amount of skills, skills, knowledge that the child should master. Modern practice shows that the requirements set for the level of training in specific subjects do not guarantee the successful socialization of the student after school completion. Of key importance are the supra-subject skills to independently organize their own activities.

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