Food and drinkBeverages

Cocktails exotic: definition, history of creation, recipes and photos

The word "cocktail" in literal translation means "cock tail". Although there is nothing to do with this term, beverages belonging to this category do not. Is that only the appearance of some cocktails can resemble the colorful tail of this bird. But seriously speaking, it is a mixture of drinks (alcoholic or non-alcoholic) with the addition of additional ingredients in the form of sugar, fruits, berries, spices, ice cream, honey, ice and other products that give it an unusual taste. There are many options for cooking, among which exotic cocktails occupy a special place.

A bit of history

The history of the origin of the cocktail has not been disclosed. There are several legends, among which there are the most believable. The first story can be called the most romantic. According to her, the owner of a robbed army bar promised to give his daughter to his wife to someone who would find the missing cock along with the rest of the good of the beloved cock. Disappearance showed a young officer who had long claimed the hand of a beauty, but did not like her father. The innkeeper was so happy that he reconciled himself to this marriage. And his daughter joyfully slipped into the glass incomprehensible mixture of drinks, which turned out to be quite tasty. Since then, this composition has been called "cock tail". And in the bars began to serve cocktails made from several beverages and additional ingredients. Today you can meet many options, among which there are exotic cocktails. About which and talk.

"Pina colada"

This is one of the most popular cocktails among fans of exotic drinks. His homeland is considered Puerto Rico. In this country, a cocktail is a symbol. He was first introduced at the Caribbean Hilton Hotel in San Juan. As the story goes, the author of the cocktail was the barman Ramon Morrero. He was able to choose the optimal ingredients that made an ideal exotic cocktail. The classic composition of the drink includes coconut cream, white rum and pineapple juice. At first the recipe was carefully kept secret. But "Pina colada" became so popular that the secret was quickly revealed. The recipe was even published by the influential newspaper The New York Times. Today there is also a non-alcoholic drink, which is called "Virgin Pina colada."


Recipes of exotic cocktails, which are used in bars, do not always correspond to the original. Many bartenders add their own ingredients or replace them with cheaper counterparts. For cooking, use only freshly squeezed juice and a blender (especially if pineapple slices are used). Take 100 grams of pineapple juice, 50 milliliters of coconut cream, 20 milliliters of sugar syrup from cane sugar and 50 grams of white rum. Some bartenders use coconut liquor, but this already violates the originality of the recipe. All the ingredients are mixed. Then add 50-70 grams of ice and again work as a blender. The result is a thick soft drink with a light aroma of coconut rum.

"Mai Tai"

Exotic cocktail, home to which is Tahiti. Only in such a place it was possible to come up with such a delicious drink. And it happened in 1944. Trying to find a new recipe for an alcoholic beverage that could surprise visitors, the owner of the restaurant, the famous traveler Trader Vic, spent a lot of time thinking. As a result, he mixed freshly squeezed lime juice, dark Jamaican rum, caramel and sweet French syrup and a few drops of orange liqueur Curacao. It turned out an amazing in its taste qualities drink, which Trader Vic supplemented with ice cubes, lime slice and a sprig of mint. Friends of the traveler became the first customers who tried it. They were struck by the incredible taste of this cocktail, and they called it simply incredible, which sounds like "mai tai". Since then, the popularity of the cocktail has become immense.

Beverage Recipe

Exotic alcoholic cocktails always contain several ingredients that soften the taste and add an unusual zest. For preparation it is necessary to take 30 ml of dark rum, 15 ml of orange liqueur, 30 ml of golden rum, 15 ml of almond syrup, 10 ml of sugar syrup, 20 grams of pineapple, 70 grams of lime, 200 grams of crushed ice, 200 grams of ice cubes, cocktail cherry and Mint for decoration. Fill the glass with crushed ice. In the shaker pour syrups, liqueur and two kinds of rum. Then we squeeze out the lime juice and put ice cubes. We shake the cocktail thoroughly and pour it into the glass. The decoration of the drink will be pieces of pineapple, a sprig of mint and cherry. Cocktails exotic necessarily complement the original tubules.

"Blue Lagoon"

Many drinks have long been in demand among visitors to bars and restaurants. They are happy to try new items, not even guessing about the entertaining facts of their origin. Meanwhile, the history of creating exotic cocktails can be very interesting. The drink "Blue Lagoon" was coined in New York in 1960. According to one version, the barman named his creation in honor of the then-published book and the eponymous film with that name. In another, the cocktail was named after one of the most beautiful places on Earth. It is a hot spring among the mountains covered with snow, in Iceland. It is a magnificent refreshing drink that has a sky-blue color, an amazing aroma and a mild taste.

Recipe for the cocktail "Blue Lagoon"

The classic version of cooking in modern bars can be changed a little. But if you get all the necessary ingredients, you can cook it yourself. Take three parts of vodka, one part freshly squeezed lemon juice, 1.5 parts liquor "Blue Curacao", 4 parts of soda water and ice. The cooking process is very simple. Cocktails - exotic or simple - require only the presence of the necessary ingredients and some skills of using a blender or shaker. So with the "Blue Lagoon". First, pour into the shaker vodka, liquor and lemon juice. Then all is well shaken. We pour the cocktail into highball (a tall glass) or into a martini glass. After that, add the contents to the top of the soda. We decorate the "Blue Lagoon" with a slice of lemon, an umbrella and cherry for cocktails.


Perhaps, this is the most popular and famous exotic cocktail. The traditional composition of the drink includes only a few ingredients, but its flavor turns out refreshing and invigorating. Mojito has a rich history, which has been counted for many years. As early as the 16th century pirates added mint and lime to rum to soften its taste notes. Such a drink was called "fights". He could have appeared anywhere in the world where pirates lived. But still his homeland is Cuba, where the cocktail was called "Mojito". There it is considered a national drink. In 1930, at the Hotel Sevilla, in the capital of Cuba, the barman, whose name remains unknown, replaced bourbon on the Bacardi rum. This is how the "Mojito" cocktail loved by many people appeared. The recipe for a new drink quickly spread across America, and then around the world. His name remains unchanged, although many bartenders make their adjustments to its composition.


Today there are already many recipes for this cocktail. There is mojito grape, orange, blackberry, pomegranate, cranberry, strawberry, alcoholic and nonalcoholic. But the invariable ingredient in each of them is always lime and mint. If you replace rum with syrup with cane sugar, you get a refreshing drink without alcohol. To make one glass, only half of the lime is enough. Replacing it with lemon is impossible, otherwise it will be a completely different drink. In the tall glass we put pieces of lime and twigs of fresh mint. Then add cane sugar. The more the amount of this ingredient is, the sweeter the cocktail will be. Now all the contents of the glass should be padded with a pestle. After that, several ice cubes are put in the glass and 50-60 ml of Bacardi rum are poured. Everything is put into the shaker and shaken several times. Supplement the glass with cold water or a carbonated lemon drink (sprite). We decorate with a sprig of mint and lime slice.

In this article, by the way, you will find exotic cocktails with photos that will create a complete impression of how these drinks should look.

"Sex on the beach"

Back in the 80's this cocktail firmly won its huge audience. There are several options for this drink, but the most famous of them was offered in Fort Lauderdale (Florida). One of the companies for the production of peach schnapps announced a competition among the bars. That institution that could sell the most of this drink, received $ 1000, and the barman 100. The bar won, which served an unusual cocktail of schnapps, vodka, pomegranate and orange juice. Initially the cocktail was called "Sand in pants". But gradually it was renamed "Fun on the beach", and then in "Sex on the beach." Even today, this drink is the leader in sales. Especially he likes women.

Cocktail Recipe

The characteristics of exotic cocktails include an unusual taste and aroma, and a beautiful serving. Prepare "Sex on the beach" is quite simple. It is necessary to take vodka, cranberry and orange juice and add to them one part of peach schnapps or liquor. Be sure to add ice to the shaker and shake it well. The drink is served in a tall highball glass and decorated with an orange slice and a cherry. An obligatory attribute is an umbrella and a straw. If you need a stronger drink, then increase the proportion of vodka. For a more sweet taste, pour the pineapple liqueur. A simpler version of the preparation is a mixture of peach liquor and vodka. But I must say that this is a serious digression from the classic recipe. Exotic cocktails, a recipe for each of which, by the way, does not require the presence of complex ingredients, are very easy to prepare. But this is not at all about their taste.


The world of cocktails is very diverse. There is always a chance to come up with something new and unusual. But not everything that is called this word refers to beverages. For example, a battery of salutes is an exotic cocktail from the world of pyrotechnics. This is a magnificent salute, beautiful and colorful.

Well, when preparing a cocktail you should know some subtleties. Ice can be put directly into glasses or in a shaker, where all the ingredients will be mixed. There are alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks. The syrup gives them sweetness, aroma and color. Natural juices are a necessary component of any cocktail. They take part in the formation of taste. Some cocktails (especially alcoholic) are diluted with water or lemonade. Fruits and spices can be added to the drink or used as decoration. Using these ingredients you can prepare delicious exotic cocktails. The determination of the number of components can be inaccurate. If you add more alcohol, you get a stronger drink, and if the liqueur or syrup, then softer. Experiment and surprise your loved ones with new flavors.

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