Food and drinkLow-calorie products


Many people regularly complain of pain in the liver. However, not everyone knows that this may be the pathology of not the liver, but, for example, the gallbladder or bile ducts. A proper diet, including choleretic foods , can significantly alleviate the condition, normalize the digestive system and intestine.

In modern pharmacies there is a huge number of all kinds of cholagogue preparations that any doctor can prescribe. But, in addition to medical medicines, it is very important to know what choleretic foods can be eaten in your daily diet. First of all, these products include: olive oil, which should be used for three to four tablespoons at a time; Beer in reasonable quantities; cottage cheese; An excellent cholagogue is the morning cup of coffee; Porridge with the addition of oil; Fried foods; Freshly squeezed carrot, grape or beet juice.

It is important to remember that all these foods should be eaten in the morning on an empty stomach. After all, a lot of bile accumulates at night. If you take choleretic foods for food on a daily basis, this can save you from having to spend money on buying expensive medications. This is especially true of older people. It is known that with age, the gallbladder functioning worsens. This is promoted by thickening and flabbiness of the walls, improper copious nutrition, sedentary and sedentary lifestyle, constant overeating and other. Eating cholagogue food, of course, it is impossible to stop the aging process of the walls, but you can naturally remove some of the load from the gallbladder, thereby prolonging its performance.

When there is pain in the right upper quadrant, you need to first consult a doctor. It is impossible to determine whether the function of the gallbladder is violated or, nevertheless, the function of the liver. If the tests indicate a failure in the liver, you should determine for yourself which foods are harmful to the liver. Such products as fatty butter, fatty meat, strong mushroom or meat broths, lard are very hard to digest in the stomach, which will certainly affect the liver. Cakes, cookies, muffins, chocolate, cocoa - all these delicacies will provide an additional load for the liver. It should be remembered that all sorts of alcoholic beverages are extremely harmful to the liver. Vodka, brandy, whiskey, cognac liver perceives as a poison. A small amount of beer or a dry red wine - these are the alcoholic beverages to which in moderate amounts the liver is fairly loyal.

Speaking of diseases of the digestive system, it is worth remembering that they will necessarily affect the appearance of a person, especially on the skin. If the skin is smooth, clean and healthy, then at the moment the body does not lack a minerals, vitamins and trace elements. When the first problems appear, do not immediately run after medications. To begin with, it is worth to find out which products are good for the skin. These products include strawberries, olive oil, green tea, pumpkin and pomegranate in the first place. All these products are rich in antioxidants and vitamin C - substances that bind the free radicals present in the body, preventing the processes of withering, drying and aging of the skin.

Very often a person forgets that his health largely depends on him. First of all, it concerns the diet and food. Absorbing a large number of fatty, sweet, smoked dishes and strong spirits can not just spoil the appearance of the skin or hair, but also cause significant irreparable harm to health. Therefore, it is so necessary to adhere to a healthy and flexible way of life.

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