Self improvementPsychology

Character - this is the basis of personality

Character - a system of relatively permanent mental characteristics of an individual, which determine behavior in different life circumstances and in interaction with the society. He is directly connected with temperament and other aspects of personality. Temperament determines the form of the external manifestation of character. The formation of the latter is strongly influenced by the social conditions under which a person's personality was formed , and that is why people who were brought up in similar conditions share many of its features.

Character is the fundamental part that directly affects how a person behaves towards the situation, and first of all - how he reacts to emerging stressful situations. Specialists distinguish several groups of character traits on which depends how a person reacts to circumstances and manifests his individuality.

The first group includes those features that show the attitude of the individual to the collective, society and other people. They include sociability, respect for other people, responsiveness and sensitivity; The opposite traits are closedness, contempt for those around them.

To the second group it is customary to relate those traits of character that express a person's relationship to his work and work. For example, conscientiousness and responsibility to their work, or passivity and laziness.

The third group of character traits shows how a person treats himself.

The last, the fourth group, characterizes the attitude of a person to things (how accurate or careless, carefully or carelessly he approaches his things).

A character is a fairly stable system. It is usually formed in childhood or adolescence. However, a change in character is possible throughout life, if the person wants to, or in connection with new established circumstances, to which the individual needs to adapt. However, it should be borne in mind that some character deficiencies can not be overcome, just as it is impossible to develop positive qualities if one ignores the core, central relations of the individual to work and the collective. It is impossible to form only one single, individually taken property. In order to change the character, it is necessary to develop the entire system of interconnected qualities, with special attention to the formation of the core relationships of the individual.

Character is the basis of happiness and well-being of every person. It should be thought of as soon as possible. The nature of the child is formed on the basis of the conditions and concepts in which it is before reaching adulthood, so the future of an individual depends more on the social conditions and the views in which it is brought up. It should be remembered that the properties of the character of each individual depend in large part not on hereditary factors, but on the social environment and the conditions under which the personality was formed.

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