Spiritual developmentAstrology

Character and meaning of the name Nikita

The meaning of the name Nikita should be sought in the ancient world: in translation from the ancient Greek language it means "winner." It would seem that it predetermines a heroic future. However, according to the sound, Nikita's name is soft, beautiful, even slightly feminine. Subconsciously, the owners of this name always felt his weakness. Remember the boom of the 1930s, when citizens were allowed to officially change their name? Among those who went for a new destiny, was the most Nikita.

What is the name of Nikita?

Owners of it are stubborn and selfish. They do not tolerate commanders over themselves. But at the same time, deep down, these people are vulnerable and sensitive. This duality can also be traced to the fact that many Nikits look like a mother to their appearance, but they go to their father in character. In family life, these men are very devoted to parents, and then to children. Rarely get divorced with spouses, and it is because of the children.

Talent of people named Nikita

The origin of the name of this, as we have already found out, is ancient Greek. And where, if not in ancient Greece, was to develop the greatest talents and minds? So you can say about Nikita - his talent, as they say, is from God. For what it takes, everything turns out so that it's all-too-expensive to look at. Because he plans everything to the smallest detail. He does not like empty conversations, flattery, chatter in the workplace. Another thing is that fate often gives Nikita a chance to ascend to the desired height, he can not or does not want to use this chance. Kind, soft, non-touching, these people do not strive for wealth and influence. Despite the importance of Nikita's name, its owner is not a winner as such. He does not even think of subordinating anyone to his will.

The meaning of Nikita's name depending on the time of year

Nikits, born in the winter, like to argue and always stand up for their point of view. In dealing with them is not easy. Summer - on the contrary, are patient and sympathetic. They are not always lucky in marriage, but they are very fond of children and animals. Nikits, born in the spring, are selfish, slightly squeamish, painfully apprehend criticism, but are ready to admit their mistakes on their own. They have a philosophical mentality, predisposition to literature and a penchant for artistry. And in autumn the most unique and extraordinary of all Nikita are born. They embody all the abilities that a person can have, everything is given to them easily, everyone wants even a little attention of such Nikita. Therefore, in the company of friends, and in girls, it is in great demand.

The meaning of the name Nikita: marriage and family

Most men with this name are simply devoid of diplomacy, so it's difficult to get along with them. Of course, Nikita has a charm, but women for him - it's nothing more than a passing entertainment. Therefore, happy marriages for such men - a rarity. But they should take a closer look at their surroundings: maybe there is Natalia, Lyudmila, Polina, Irina, Veronika, Svetlana. This woman can become a good wife, provided that Nikita is ready for such a serious step. With Tatyana, Jeanne, Angela, Anyone, Catherine, Anastasia, Vera, marriage will not work out favorably.

Great people with the name Nikita: Mikhalkov, Dzhigurda, Khrushchev, Bogoslovsky, Tyagunov.

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