
Sodium picosulphate: preparations, instructions for use

Each drug contains a certain active substance. In some preparations, several such components are present. Thus the manufacturer can give any trade name to a medicine, but the principle of its work will be unchanged. Sodium picosulphate also belongs to the active medicinal substances. The price of medicines based on it and their trade names will be presented to your attention in the article. Also, you will learn about the features of this medication.

Characteristics of the active substance

What is sodium picosulphate? This is the active ingredient of some laxatives. It stimulates the intestinal nerve receptors, strengthens its peristalsis, softens the stool and facilitates the act of defecation. The basic substance is formed by means of hydrolysis under the influence of useful microorganisms inhabiting the human intestine. The drug helps to reduce the absorption of electrolytes, as well as water from the digestive tract.

Sodium picosulphate is not absorbed into the systemic circulation, the component does not participate in the hepatic-intestinal circulation. The action of the medication occurs approximately in 6-12 hours. Drugs based on sodium picosulphate are not quick-acting laxatives, but they are safe medicines.

Sodium picosulphate: preparations

What trade names does this active substance have? Preparations are issued in different forms. These can be drops, suspensions, tablets or bars. In the pharmacy you can purchase the following medicines:

  • "Guttalaks" (250-350 rubles).
  • "Laxigal" (200 rubles).
  • "Guttasil" (150-250 rubles).
  • "Regulax" (300 rubles).
  • "Slabilen" (150 rubles) and so on.

The composition of medicines may include additional active ingredients. It is necessary to pay attention to this.

Indications for use, contraindications

Sodium picosulphate is used to treat constipation of a different nature and origin. The instructions indicate the following indications for use:

  • Weakened intestinal peristalsis;
  • Primary and secondary constipation;
  • Impossibility of emptying the intestine after surgery;
  • Climate change and diet;
  • Anal fissures and hemorrhoids;
  • Preparation for surgery or rectal diagnostics.

It is contraindicated to use medicines for the following pathologies and conditions:

  • Hypersensitivity to components;
  • Uterine bleeding;
  • Intestinal obstruction;
  • cystitis;
  • Acute pain in the abdomen;
  • appendicitis.

In the first trimester of pregnancy, these drugs are not used. For long periods, medicines can only be used as directed by the doctor and when assessing all risks to the fetus.

Sodium picosulfate: instructions, dosage, use chart

Drugs are used before night sleep. In this case, the desired effect will be obtained immediately after awakening. The medicine is taken orally in the amount of 10 drops for adults and 5-8 for children from 4 years. If a medicament is selected in the form of tablets, sodium picosulphate is used for 2 lozenges for adults and 0.5-1 for children. Please note that the medicine is prescribed to children under 4 years of age only by a specialist in the relevant indications.

Before using the drug, you need to study the annotation. In it the scheme of reception and duration of application of this or that agent is in detail described. Depending on the reaction to the initial dose, the volume of the drug should be adjusted, choosing the most suitable option for yourself.

If you consume large amounts of medication, diarrhea can occur, accompanied by paroxysmal pain in the abdomen. A prolonged overdose causes chronic ischemia of the mucous membrane of the large intestine, urolithiasis, a violation of the water-electrolyte balance. With such consequences, it is necessary to cancel the medication and carry out restorative therapy: rinse the stomach, use sorbents and, if necessary, take antidiarrheal drugs.

Additional Information

About the substance of sodium picosulfate consumer reviews are mostly positive. Patients say that with the help of the described drugs they managed to restore normal bowel function. Special attention is paid to the fact that medicines are not addictive. But the instruction does not recommend using the compounds themselves for more than 10 days. If, after the drug is stopped, the constipation has returned again, then you should contact the doctor to find the cause of the ailment.

During the use of sodium picosulfate substance, it is recommended that you consume a sufficient amount of liquid and follow a diet. The medication is poorly combined with broad-spectrum antibiotics. Such drugs can reduce the effectiveness of the laxative. Diuretics, by contrast, increase the likelihood of adverse reactions, in particular violations of the water-electrolyte balance. Good health to you!

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