
"Cerebrum compositum" for children: reviews, instruction

So, today we find out in which cases "Cerebrum compositum" is assigned to children. Reviews about this drug, instructions for use, as well as contraindications and opinions of doctors will be presented to our attention. To be honest, in today's world it is rather difficult to determine whether one can trust one or another medication, or not. But when it comes to children, you have to study the reviews of this or that medicine carefully. No one wants the child to not improve his health, but worsens. Let us begin our study of the matter as soon as possible.


To begin it is necessary with acquaintance with a preparation. It is about "Cerebrum compositum" (children). Reviews this medication, to be honest, earns ambiguous. But more on that later.

We will deal with a homeopathic drug. He represents liquid in ampoules for injections, transparent, odorless. Produced in packages of 5 "bottles". In each of them, 2.2 milliliters of substance. In principle, nothing special. The most common physiological solution for injection. Its main feature is that it can be applied orally.

Indications for admission

But in what cases is "Cerebrum compositum" assigned to children? Customer reviews say that the spectrum of action for this drug is quite extensive. And prescribe his doctor can in any case. Or for prevention, or for real treatment.

In general, our today's medication is, as already said, a homeopathic remedy. It is prescribed in cases of circulatory disorders in the brain or in head injuries. These are the most common variants of the development of events.

In addition, "Cerebrum compositum" can be prescribed in the case of a depressed state (including in children). Syndrome of chronic fatigue, impaired coordination, as well as impairment of mental abilities - all this is a direct indication for the use of the drug. Often, "Cerebrum" is used in cases of lag in development. This includes both physical health and mental abilities. In addition, sometimes you can give "Cerebrum compositum" in order to improve the mood of the child. Not the most popular option, but it has the right to exist.

Who is prohibited?

For all this gets good "Cerebrum compositum" reviews. To children this preparation, as you can see, is appointed very often. True, he has a number of contraindications. Which ones?

They are not very many. First, it is hypersensitivity. Secondly, the child's propensity to allergic reactions. Thirdly, the individual intolerance of the components that make up the drug. To very small children (up to a year) this medication is prescribed extremely rarely and only under the supervision of a doctor.

In principle, this concludes contraindications. And it, certainly, pleases buyers. You can almost not worry about your child. "Cerebrum compositum" is a remedy that for children has almost no contraindications.

Side effects

Very often "Cerebrum compositum" is assigned to children. The instruction says that there are almost no contraindications to the drug. But is it so? Parents are interested in what side effects can be after taking.

The manufacturer says that you will not see any negative consequences. "Cerebrum" is transferred easily at any age. But there are exceptions. In rare cases, the patient may experience irritability. At very young children - whims, tearfulness. In addition, sometimes there are various allergic reactions: itching, rash. Reducing the child's activity for a while is also a side effect of the drug. It is not necessary to be frightened - soon the patient will come back to normal.

Terms of Use

Here such ambiguous gets "Cerebrum compositum" reviews. For children this medication is prescribed in different dosages. Depending on the age. And sometimes with an accurate definition helps to disassemble only the doctor. Some parents are not particularly happy with this scenario. After all, instead of treatment, you will have to spend time consulting a specialist.

In any case, the manufacturer gives his recommendations on this matter. Rather, they are for doctors, not for parents. "Cerebrum compositum" children are extremely pricked up to a year. And in small amounts - about 1/8 ampoules once a week. Babies at a more conscious age (up to 3 years) give from 1/6 to 1/4 of the liquid contained in the vial. The periodicity does not change in this case. All also once a week. As you can see, the dosage increases with age. Children under 6 years of age are injected with a drug in the volume of 1 / 2-1 / 3 ampoules, and after this age - for the whole.

From the above, it can be concluded that it is possible to make and organize a dosage on its own, but only at your own risk. On the one hand, there will not be an overdose of the drug - it's good. And on the other hand, injections are not very pleasant. And not every child will agree to injections. Therefore, it receives ambiguous "Cerebrum compositum" reviews. Children drink this solution, by the way, you can also. To do this, dissolve the whole ampoule in 50 milliliters of water, and then distribute the resulting solution for a day. To the child did not experience discomfort, you can pour "Cerebrum compositum" into any drink. For example, in juice. The frequency of reception - once a week.


Do not forget about such a factor as the price of the goods. When it comes to medicines, the price tag strongly affects the popularity and rating of the drug. As already mentioned, "Cerebrum compositum" is very often assigned to children. Comments from moms and dads on the cost remain pretty good. Often even parents themselves ask doctors to advise them on the use of "Cerebrum" at home. Prevention for the sake of.

And all this because on average one package of the product will cost the buyer 1,200 rubles. Not too expensive if you take into account how much the drug is distributed. The child will have enough of this for a period of one to four months. So on the budget this drug will not hit. And this, of course, pleases. After all, most drugs in Russia, especially children, are expensive.


The last thing that remains to be clarified is how effective is our current medicine. Perhaps, this is the most important thing that only can be. It's not for nothing that doctors write out "Cerebrum compositum" for children. Reviews of parents about this drug, for the most part, please.

Why? After the first application, you will see progress. Not strong, but he will. A few weeks later the result will only please. "Cerebrum compositum" really helps children develop and remain always curious and active. In children up to a year, this effect is difficult to see. You will simply notice how the child began to develop and behave more calmly. Just remember - "Cerebrum compositum" is not a solution to all the health problems of the child. Do not neglect the recommendations of doctors during the course of treatment.

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