
Ointment "The King of Skin". Reviews of dermatologists and buyers about the Chinese ointment "King of Skin" from psoriasis. Instructions

As you know, the skin is the largest organ of our body. And his serious illnesses are often the most difficult to cure. This applies primarily to psoriasis, which is still one of the most mysterious and persistent ailments. Until recently, he was not treated at all, the patients were only offered drugs that could alleviate their condition, remove puffiness and redness. However, today you have a real way to solve the problem, namely the specialized ointment "King of Skin". Dermatologists' reviews confirm the high reliability and safety of this medication, although it is not recommended to use it without a doctor's appointment.


Many of you, after seeing an ordinary-looking box with a crookedly pasted name, will refuse such a purchase. Moreover, it is not credible that this ointment is Chinese. In most people, there is no association with a high-quality drug. However, the definition of "Chinese quality" is not always true, when it comes to the medical field. In many aspects, the eastern approaches to solving health problems are more progressive, and especially in the treatment of skin diseases. The most famous Chinese remedy is the "King of Skin" ointment. The comments of dermatologists emphasize the highest effectiveness of this remedy and the steady improvement of the patient's condition since the first application.

Description of the preparation

Let's remind once again, that skin diseases are often systemic. That is why it is not enough to treat them only from the outside. The ointment "The King of Skin" is no exception. The comments of dermatologists confirm that it relieves external manifestations of the disease. It can be itching and flaking, rashes and irritation. However, this may not be enough if you want to get rid of the ailment once and for all. Therefore, it is necessary to consult a doctor, rather than self-medicate. Now a little about the drug itself. Ointment is a cream of white color, has a uniform consistency. It is intended for elimination of the main symptomatology of dermatological diseases, has antifungal activity of a wide spectrum.

In what cases is this medication prescribed?

Be sure to get acquainted with this list, because the tool itself can be sold without a leaflet with instructions. Or he can be in Chinese. So, in what cases can the "King of Skin" ointment be useful? Dermatologists' reviews report a rapid improvement in the use of the drug in a number of cases of exacerbation of the following diseases. It can be psoriasis, and? Which is surprising, even cases with the most severe course of this disease are amenable to correction. Very often, doctors prescribe an ointment for various mycoses, that is, skin diseases caused by dermatophytes and yeast. There are too many of them to enumerate everything, it is enough to mention the multi-colored lichen and dermatophytosis, folliculitis and onychomycosis. There are still a lot of varieties, but it's up to the professional doctor to make a diagnosis.

However, this is not all cases when ointment is prescribed for psoriasis "King of Skin". Comments from doctors and patients indicate significant improvements in the treatment of eczema and seborrheic dermatitis, fungal sepsis and herpes. In some cases, prescribe the drug and with acne, though it should be done carefully, after consulting with a dermatologist.

Structure of the preparation

To understand what kind of drug we are analyzing today, we must carefully consider what is included in its composition. The main component is ketoconazole. It owes its ointment to psoriasis "King of Skin". The doctors' testimonies indicate that this is an extremely effective tool in the fight against various fungi. Ketoconazole disrupts the cell membrane of fungi, which is why it is very effective in combating staphylococcal eruptions, moldy and yeast-like fungi, various cocci and pathogens of systemic mycoses.

The second component, belonging to the main, is clobetasol propionate. He is responsible for the removal of the inflammatory process, which is also famous for the "King of Skin". Feedback, instruction and opinion of experienced dermatologists agree that it is this component ointment that is due to removal of the most severe symptoms, marked hyperemia and itching. It should be taken into account that the drug can be absorbed into the systemic bloodstream, so if you have a large area of damage you need to be very careful, an overdose of this hormonal agent can be very dangerous.

Finally, the third component is neomycin sulfate. It is an antibiotic that removes bacterial complications that often accompany skin diseases. As you can see, one drug provides a triple action, but only the "King of Skin" is capable of this. Reviews (psoriasis is a painful disease that is rarely cured completely), patients confirm that it is this remedy that makes it possible to quickly alleviate the condition and avoid periodic complications.

Auxiliary components of the preparation

In fact, that's not all. The composition still contains six valuable extracts of medicinal plants, each of which contributes to the treatment of skin diseases. Probably, that's why the "King of Skin" ointment won so much confidence. The doctors' reviews confirm that none of the modern European preparations that contain the same basic components are so effective. Therefore, the Chinese remedy today is very widely prescribed.

So, the ointment contains sandalwood, which has an anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect. It helps to eliminate itching and redness, it's an excellent antiseptic. But this is not all: the main effect of sandalwood is to improve skin, normalize the course of metabolic processes, eliminate stagnant processes. That is, the ointment will not only relieve redness and itching, but also will help restore the skin. This is precisely what makes the "King of Skin" unique. The comments of dermatologists confirm that this drug contributes to the removal of toxins and moisturizes the skin, normalizes the activity of the sebaceous glands.

However, we go further, we have not yet analyzed the whole composition. The next component is kachary kapoor - it is an effective natural antiseptic and antibiotic, which is extremely important in the treatment of skin diseases. Long ago, this herb was used to treat dermatological diseases. The composition of this unique drug includes basil, which perfectly heals wounds. In addition, to improve local metabolism and the early clearance of the skin in the composition is included and turmeric. It contains a large number of nutrients, contributes to the local saturation of the skin with vitamins and minerals.

Next on the list is Niem - the strongest natural antiseptic, which, in addition, has antipruritic effect. The extract of this evergreen tree has long been known as an effective remedy for severe dermatological diseases. Such a luxurious composition can not be ineffective, so be sure to ask your doctor if you will need a Chinese ointment called "King of Skin". The opinions of therapists and dermatologists suggest that there is a huge list of diseases in which it is able to help. Even if you have a severe, systemic disease, ointment can greatly alleviate your condition.

We did not mention only one component of the drug - licorice is naked. Many people know that it helps with coughing, but it contains substances that are close in composition to steroid hormones. In the body, they are synthesized by the adrenal glands and have an anti-inflammatory effect. Therefore, the extract of licorice is so effective in various skin diseases.

Instructions for use

This question does not arise if the drug has been prescribed to you by a doctor. However, in a number of cases, people themselves decide to use the ointment "King of Skin". Reviews and instructions are the data they are guided by. Of course, real reviews from those to whom the ointment quickly helped, very much, so there is nothing strange in that the remedy becomes more popular every day. Apply ointment necessarily on a clean area of the skin. That is, first you need to rinse the affected area with warm water, and only then apply a thin layer of ointment. Do not forget to wash your hands thoroughly, do not let ointment get on the mucous membranes and eyes.

Duration of treatment

Your doctor must determine this. However, there are data from those who have already undergone a course of treatment using the "King of Skin" ointment. Feedback and instructions for use suggest that, as a rule, it takes 10 to 25 days. Treatment continues until the symptoms disappear completely. In some cases, the doctor may recommend continuing treatment. To achieve a better effect, dermatologists recommend continuing the treatment for another 3-5 days after the disappearance of all the rashes.

How does the drug work?

Those who have already tried this drug, confirm that the drug has a whole complex of positive actions. First of all, people note that the skin patches soften and quickly descend from the surface. The severity of inflammation is reduced as early as the second day after the first application of the ointment. Many note a pleasant cooling effect, loss of tightness, itching and dryness. A slight tingling indicates that the local circulation improves, resulting in the normal structure of the affected skin being restored. It is for such positive changes and the Chinese ointment from psoriasis "King of Skin" is appreciated. Reviews of doctors and their patients confirm that the occurrence of complications is reduced at times, that is, the ointment not only effectively fights the symptoms of the disease, but also prevents their return.


In fact, the drug is hormonal, and therefore requires great care when it is prescribed. Extremely self-medication is not recommended. It is strictly prohibited to use the drug for children under one year old, pregnant and lactating women. No ointment is prescribed for treating youthful and rosaceous acne. In addition, the contraindication is intolerance components and acute liver disease. Individual intolerance of individual components of the drug is possible, therefore, a test should be carried out.

Side effects

Most often, the drug is well tolerated, but the development of side effects can not be completely ruled out. The most serious can become Cushing's syndrome, that is, the defeat of the adrenal glands. The likelihood of this is much higher when using the drug in children under the age of 12 years. However, in some cases adults can also notice increased dryness, itching, burning, pigmentation disorders and various unpleasant sensations. In this case, discontinue use immediately and consult a doctor. The likelihood of side effects increases with the treatment of large areas of the skin.

Opinion of doctors

Practically all dermatologists are unanimous in their opinion: despite the pathos name, affordable price and discreet packaging, this is the most effective tool for treating complex dermatological diseases, in particular psoriasis. However, it should be noted that, despite all the advantages, this ointment is only one of the components of complex therapy. She can not completely cure psoriasis, her task is only to remove symptoms and prevent another outbreak of the disease. In addition, doctors emphasize that it is necessary to carefully analyze the patient's health before prescribing this medication. Do not trust the seller's opinion in the Chinese "Health Shop". Often they promise that the ointment is completely natural and safe, but it has already been said that it contains not only a variety of antiseptics, but also hormonal components. Their dosage is small, but this must be taken into account, so do not self-medicate.

Patient's opinion

On the market for many years in a row freely and often without prescriptions is sold ointment "King of Skin". Customer reviews confirm that it really helps. If psoriasis has only proved itself, then the effect can be expected in a few days, with an old disease will have to fight longer. But despite this, almost all mark a significant improvement from the first applications. Itchy and dryness disappears, the skin ceases to crack, inflammation and redness decrease, plaques gradually come off. This ointment should be in the medicine cabinet for everyone who suffers from such systemic dermatological diseases.

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