Food and drinkLow-calorie products

Caloric content of buckwheat porridge and whether it is so important.

Buckwheat porridge is an indispensable product in any family. It is served both on garnishes, and separately, as an independent dish to the table. Since childhood we eat this simple dish.

Buckwheat is saturated with various useful substances. So, the microelements in buckwheat are 3-5 times higher than in other cereals, and the content of phosphorus, cobalt, iodine, boron, nickel, iron, copper, calcium, zinc, potassium, magnesium is high. In it there are vitamins B1, B2, PP. The buckwheat protein is equated to products of animal origin, since it contains a large number of amino acids, which practically equates this crop with meat.

Caloric content of buckwheat porridge depends on how it was cooked. Ways of preparation can be different, depending on the tastes. The initial calorie content of buckwheat porridge, i.e. If it was cooked on water, is about 305 kilocalories, the glycemic index is high-40. This indicates that the dishes from this cereal contain quick-wiping, simple or "fast" carbohydrates, when using the blood sugar level of a person rises sharply, saturation occurs Soon, but the feeling of hunger too soon returns. In addition, the eaten settles in the body in the form of fat. Buckwheat porridge is a high-calorie. Near it went oatmeal, then rice, very few calories in the barley. But, in spite of the caloric content of buckwheat porridge, nutritionists recommend to include it in the diet.

Now producers offer buckwheat in packages of 400 grams, where 4 sachets of 100 g. Caloric content of buckwheat porridge in this package is higher than that of regular cereals, and is 336 kcal. It is very convenient packaging, in 1 package - 2 servings.

If you cook cereals in milk, then the calorie content of buckwheat porridge will increase. Many people like buckwheat porridge with milk. It is usually cooked on water, and milk is then added to the plate. This way of serving the dish to the table is known to anyone since childhood.

The easiest way to cook buckwheat porridge is to pour boiling water in a bowl and leave it overnight. After pouring buckwheat into a bowl, pour water 1-1.5 cm above the level of cereals, cover and leave on the table. In the morning the porridge will be ready. With this method of cooking buckwheat porridge, the least useful properties of cereals are lost, which is more useful than cooking it. In the morning you can boil the milk and pour it into the porridge, without preheating it, you will get a warm buckwheat porridge with milk. When cooking buckwheat on water, you need to pour twice more water into the pan than buckwheat. Croup falls asleep immediately, or when water boils. Cooked porridge about 15-20 minutes. The water boils out - and the dish is ready. Here you can add a little milk, and you can serve buckwheat as a side dish. It is usually filled with butter. Originally, a Russian dressing for buckwheat porridge is butter in combination with onions, dried mushrooms (white) and chopped eggs.

Diet on buckwheat porridge quite often occurs because of its simplicity and usefulness. In the core there are vegetable proteins and B vitamins that help cope with stress and insomnia. Doctors recommend buckwheat, as a dietary food, including because of the routine entering into it . Rutin favorably affects the circulatory system, helps with varicose veins, strengthens blood vessels, helps with arthritis and rheumatitis, helps improve the immune system. The peculiarity of the diet on buckwheat porridge is that the main dish in the diet is, in fact, buckwheat. And you need to cook it, pouring boiling water for the night without salt and spices. Do not soak the rump before cooking. In addition to cereals, according to the diet, we offer salad, cottage cheese, yogurt, etc. For breakfast, in addition to buckwheat porridge, you can use cottage cheese skim (100 - 150 g) or fruit yoghurt with low fat content (100 g). For lunch buckwheat can be supplemented with a salad of fresh vegetables (green) and a piece of low-fat meat (100 g, preferably veal). At noon, you are offered a fruit (apple) and fat-free yogurt. For dinner porridge is supplemented with vegetables. With the help of a diet on buckwheat porridge the body is cleaned, fed by the necessary trace elements without harmful additions.

And also from buckwheat it turns out curative honey, which helps with gastrointestinal diseases, atherosclerosis and anemia.

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