HealthHealthy Eating

Bran - what is it? How to use bran properly

The benefits of bran have been known for a long time. They perfectly clean the body, remove waste and stimulate the work of the intestines. Bran - what is it? These are the by-products left over from the milling process. They are rich in dietary fiber, which is very useful for our digestive tract.

How they are produced

Bran - what is it? It is a product that appears during the time when cereals are ground. Simply put, these are shells of grain and unsorted flour. It would seem that waste products. But in fact, this is far from the case!

Despite their not very attractive appearance, this is a very useful and valuable product - bran. Their composition is simple - milled shells of grains. But the benefits are enormous.

What are bran

So, we found out what bran is made of, what it is. Since the flour is made from different cereals, the bran is also of different types, namely:

  • Wheat;
  • Corn;
  • Barley;
  • Rye;
  • Oatmeal;
  • Buckwheat;
  • Rice and others.

All of them, regardless of the species, contain such an important element as fiber - dietary fiber.

Than useful bran

Even the ancient people did not throw away the waste that was obtained after grinding the flour. They used them for food and noticed unquestionable useful properties.

Bran - what is it? This, above all, a large number of dietary fiber. And they are very useful for the human body. These fibers perfectly regulate the work of the intestines, and this is very important for those who suffer from constipation, diarrhea, flatulence.

What is useful for bran yet?

  1. They perfectly restore the microflora of the colon.
  2. They contribute to the removal of harmful cholesterol from the body.
  3. They help to reduce weight very well.
  4. They normalize the level of sugar in the blood.

Several reasons to include bran in your diet

Many people suffer from chronic diseases of the digestive tract for years, but they need to add bran to their diet, as the body begins to self-repair.

Those who, for example, during six months took oat bran, reviews leave only positive. The body gradually gets rid of the accumulated slag, the toxins leave the blood, the person begins to feel more easily and freely. Fiber causes the intestines to work, like a clock.

Not only does bran perfectly help to normalize weight, cellulose binds fatty acids and reduces harmful cholesterol in the blood.

It is also worth remembering that bran is dietary in nature. In their composition, in addition to a high content of fiber, include:

  • Vitamins of group B;
  • Vitamin E;
  • Provitamin A (carotene).

Also all kinds of bran are useful:

  • As a cholagogue;
  • With violations of the liver;
  • With malfunctions in the pancreas;
  • Improve the treatment of peptic ulcer;
  • Excellent help with gastritis.

If you continue to indicate the useful properties of this product, then the list will be sufficiently thorough. It:

  1. Regulation of the metabolic process.
  2. Improved peristalsis of the colon.
  3. Increase of intestinal motility.
  4. Decrease in the level of decay of fats.
  5. Decrease in carcinogens in the body.

So it is difficult to exaggerate the useful properties of bran. One thing is clear - in your diet this miracle product is clearly not superfluous.

Treasury of microelements

Bran - what is it? It is also a well of various microelements, which our body needs so much. The composition of bran includes:

  • copper;
  • zinc;
  • selenium;
  • potassium;
  • chromium;
  • magnesium.

So adding this product to your diet significantly enriches the body with valuable nutrients and trace elements.

Patients with diabetes mellitus who for a sufficient amount of time consumed oat bran, the reviews left the following - almost all sugar levels fell after a week of regular intake.

Why is this happening? Because bran significantly slow down the process of starch digestion. Thus, the level of sugar in the blood decreases.

And this product, rich in fiber, creates a full stomach effect in humans. Appetite is significantly reduced, and weight, respectively, slowly but steadily begins to decline.

For those who have skin problems, bran will do a wonderful job. After all, they miraculously purify the body of toxins. Therefore, your skin will become softer, acne and inflammation will disappear.

What to advise

Despite the fact that almost all the bran contains approximately the same amount of fiber, there are certain features in each species.

  1. Barley bran. The soluble fiber content is very high. Excellent reduce the level of harmful cholesterol.
  2. Corn bran. The richest in insoluble fiber. Their consumption reduces the risk of oncology of the colon.
  3. Rice bran. Also contain a high percentage of soluble fiber. Good for those who have problems with the gallbladder and who have elevated cholesterol.
  4. Oat bran. Indispensable for patients with diabetes. Just 60 grams of oat bran per day - and your cholesterol level will drop by 7-10%.
  5. Wheat bran. Indicated by those who have a predisposition to tumors in the large intestine.

When choosing bran, it is important to understand what effect you want to achieve - to reduce weight or to make your bowels work more actively, to relieve pain with gastritis or to normalize liver function. In addition, it is worth paying attention to taste preferences - someone will not like bran from corn, but rice will perfectly suit.

Caution does not hurt

It is important to remember and to properly use this product. Then you certainly will not harm the body. It does not matter, corn, rye, rice or oat bran, harm to the body can be caused by improper application of this product.

The most important rule - it is not recommended to eat them dry. Be sure to dilute them with water. True, now there are special dry bran capsules. Here they can be consumed, without first diluting them with water. The usual bran is better to pre-brew.

Some people like to add bran to kefir or juices, as well as sprinkle them with salads. With this application, the positive effect will be significantly reduced.

Oat, rice or rye bran - how to take them to get the most benefit? It is best to pour them with boiling water and set aside for swelling for half an hour. Then excess water must be drained. In the resulting gruel you can add milk, fruits, raisins and eaten. Important recommendation - drink this food with plenty of water or tea.

Ready, steamed bran (and not dry) can be added to cutlets, in meatballs, porridges, puddings and casseroles.

What dose is recommended

Remember that a large amount of bran can contribute to the fact that you will have a feeling of heaviness in the abdomen and discomfort. Therefore, start taking is recommended with a small dose - 1-2 teaspoons per day. Gradually, if you do not experience any problems, increase the amount to 30 grams per day.

Do not forget that bran is very fond of water, and you should increase the amount of liquid drunk per day.

To whom are they contraindicated?

Bran is a dietary and healthy product; nevertheless, there are certain restrictions on their use. It is not necessary to take them during the exacerbation of gastric diseases. If you have exacerbated colitis, enteritis, gastritis or peptic ulcer disease, wait for the inflammatory process to subside. And only then you can introduce small amounts of bran into your diet.

If you have an infection or have diarrhea, then during this period, you should also not use bran. They can significantly distort the picture of the course of the infectious disease. It is better to first cure finally, and then change your diet.

Remember that a large amount of bran will not heal you faster. On the contrary, you can get flatulence, bloating, disruption of the intestine, hypovitaminosis.

Be careful with medications

If you undergo a course of treatment and you are prescribed medications, remember the important rule. You can not simultaneously take bran and medicines. Fiber quickly absorbs the active substance of the drug and will not allow it to dissolve completely in the body. You will not benefit from either bran or medicine. The pause between medication and bran intake should be at least 6 hours. And it is best to stop taking bran at the time of drug treatment.

Useful rolls

If you love pastries, and it is contraindicated to you, the flour will come to the rescue from bran. It is less sticky, and in its composition is more useful than the highest grade flour. Do not be afraid to add it to any dish - pancakes, pies, pancakes. Remember that the flour from the bran is more sticky, so the dough should be added more water.

If you decide to add bran to your diet, remember that you need to take them regularly and for a long time, for several months. Only then will you achieve the expected result.

Many people ask whether it is possible to give bran to children. Of course, but in the right doses. Since 10 months, the child can be added to the porridge boiled bran. It is important to remember that the daily dose should not exceed 1-2 teaspoons. Also, make sure that the baby does not develop an allergic reaction.

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