
"Bellataminal": reviews. "Bellataminal" - indications for use

In 1966 the preparation "Bellataminal" was developed in Russia. Indications for the use of this remedy are neuroses, anxiety-depressive disorders and insomnia, which have long become a scourge of modern man, forced to live in a world of great speeds and a huge amount of information.

Comments on the action of "Bellataminal" tablets and the features of their reception will be considered in this article.

Drug analogues

Preparations that have a similar effect on the patient's body are the Czech medicines Bellaspon (Leciva) and Akliman, the Hungarian drug Gideon Richter and the Romanian medicine Lenbiren.

Action of "Bellataminal" tablets: reviews

The described preparation is combined and has properties due to the action of its constituent components. So, thanks to phenobarbital, it has a calming and relaxing effect on the nervous system of the patient, helping with conditions accompanied by a feeling of anxiety and anxiety. And the presence of ergotamine tertrate and alkaloids of belladonna provides a small spasmolytic effect.

According to the doctors who have been using Bellataminal tablets for their patients for more than one year, they can be attributed to vegetative correctors, that is, to the means that normalize the work of the autonomic nervous system and everything related to its functioning, namely, sleep, blood pressure level , Heart rate and excretory functions.

"Bellataminal" tablets: indications for use

The feedback from experts confirms once again and again that the described device is effective:

  • To reduce irritability;
  • At manifestations of insomnia;
  • With vegetovascular dystonia;
  • When the menstrual cycle is disturbed;
  • In the climacteric period;
  • With neurodermatitis;
  • With hyperthyroidism, as well as eczema and some other dermatoses.

Indications for the use of this remedy are migraine and psychomotor agitation. The drug has antihypertensive properties (although not pronounced), and also eliminates excessive sweating. The medicine is also used as part of complex therapy in the treatment of brain concussions.

But take it should only after agreement with the doctor who diagnosed, and taking into account the specific nature of the organism of the sick! This is one of the most important rules for taking the described drug.

Dosage of the drug

The Bellataminal tablets, which are reviewed in this article, are taken one at a time after meals, twice a day. Severe cases involve taking one pills in the morning and two in the evening, before going to bed. Sometimes, in rare cases, up to six tablets per day can be recommended. The course of treatment is, as a rule, no more than three weeks. If there is a need for a long-term medication, the dose is reduced for a while.

Features of the drug

The effectiveness of "Bellataminal" tablets is confirmed by multiple positive responses from both patients and doctors. However, it must be remembered that the effect of taking this medication is of a short-term nature and occurs immediately after the cessation of treatment.

It should also be remembered that the instruction "Bellataminal" attached to the tablets Must be observed, since the risk of drug overdose in this case is very high!

Patients who suffer from cardiac conduction disorders need to refrain altogether from taking the described remedy.

The drug "Bellataminal" inhibits mental processes, which makes it necessary to be cautious when driving a car or when engaging in potentially dangerous activities, namely those that require concentration of attention, quick reaction and good vision.

Remember also that the drug reduces the effect of oral contraceptives. And sharing alcohol with a drug can lead to a loss of consciousness, and to psychotic disorders.

To whom is contraindicated the use of the Bellataminal

The described sedative is contraindicated for persons who have an individual intolerance of the substances included in the preparation, pregnant, lactating, suffering angina, atherosclerosis to a significant degree, spasms of peripheral arteries, angle-closure glaucoma, as well as impaired liver and kidney function.

How can I determine an overdose of the drug

If the rules for taking the pills were not observed or, worse, the patient began using the drug at his own risk, then the development of an overdose is possible. You can determine it by the state that accompanies:

  • Dizziness;
  • Development of drowsiness;
  • Tachycardia;
  • Pupils of the patient are dilated;
  • Urination difficult;
  • There may be cramps.

Rare cases of overdose can give a push even to the development of coma.

Assistance to an overdose usually consists of washing the stomach and taking up sorbents (activated charcoal), after which the patient must be urgently taken to a medical institution for further medical care.

Side effects of the drug

In some cases, the application of this remedy may result in impaired memory and other cognitive functions. Sometimes there is a violation of sensitivity and the development of depressive conditions.

Available from constantly taking the pill "Bellataminal" reviews tend to emphasize that the product causes drowsiness during the day, dry mouth, and in cases where the drug was taken not after eating, but during it, the occurrence of intestinal colic or feeling Raspiraniya in the stomach. As side effects of this tool in the instructions to it are indicated and constipation.

The drug may cause the development of uterine contractions and miscarriage. As a result of the reception, intraocular pressure increased. There are cases when, as a result of taking the described tablets, migraine attacks and tachycardia intensified in patients.

All of the above risks must make the patient extremely responsive to taking the described drug and not perceive it as a mild sedative, which can be used as soon as necessary.

This drug, we emphasize once again, requires observation of the treatment process by a specialist and an obligatory strictly individual dosage.

Use of tablets in children

Remember that all components of this product have a mutagenic and teratogenic effect. Due to the fact that the composition of tablets includes phenobarbital - a narcotic drug, there is a very high risk of overdose after taking just a few tablets. In addition, the drug itself after prolonged use can cause dependence.

Based on the above, children are prescribed this drug with great caution and only under the strict supervision of a specialist.

Whether it is necessary to accept a preparation?

But, despite the side effects listed in this article, and the contraindications to the use available on the Bellataminal tablets, reviews are mostly positive. If you adhere to the instructions of a specialist and strictly follow its prescriptions, then this time-tested drug will certainly help you cope with a whole "bouquet" of diseases of the nervous system and regain good health and sleep.

Be healthy!

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