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Activities in which the riddle about rowan for children is used

Practically for all children's activities, riddles are required. To organize competitions for the best "sage-otgadchika" you can and on family holidays, and during lessons or classes in kindergarten. For example, the riddle about rowan for children will help to learn to the small inhabitants of the planet about the amazing properties of this plant.

How to interest children in the study of the world?

A teacher at a school or a kindergarten teacher should take into account the specifics of age-related child psychology. Usually kindergartners and junior schoolchildren hardly learn boring stuff, if it is not supported by fairy tales, pictures, cartoons.

For example, the riddle about rowan for children can become that starting point from where the kids will happily set out on the road to knowledge of the world around them. Only it is very important, that in its text the main signs of this plant were concluded.

There are two options for how to use the riddle riddle for children in the classroom.

The material proposed by the teacher

A good effect is a riddle about the rowan in verse, which the adult presents to the children:

The tree in the garden is standing,

As if burning with fire!

Grapes are bright hang,

Birds in the "dining room" beckon.

Let the winter, let the frost

His cheeks, forehead and nose.

Berries are delicious fruits

The vitamins are full.

Adults and children love,

Birds, squirrels - everything in the world! -

Berries in the winter

And in the verses of the riddle listen.

Making an album of children with riddles

The second variant of the work is the independent creativity of the kids. Of course, the children themselves, without the help of adults, can hardly get good poetry. But if you skillfully guide children, you will be able to compose an album where riddles about rowan with answers, rhymed or presented in pictures will be placed.

Although tasty, but not raspberry,

With a tart taste - not viburnum,

In winter it's sweet ... (mountain ash)

By picking up the rhyme, the children easily recognize the answer to this riddle.

Rowan feast

You can even devote a whole event to this amazing plant. Prepare for it in advance by arranging:

  • An exhibition of crafts made of berries and other natural materials;
  • Competition of drawings "A bright picture - a tree of mountain ash";
  • Presentation of albums with riddles about this plant.

During the holiday itself Fairy Ryabinushka can appear to the kids. She will not only tell you why it is so useful to eat her berries, but also hold a contest with children for the best puzzles, poems and fairy tales. You can start it with the words:

It's true that all the kids love

To guess-guessing riddles.

We will seat the guests around the table -

Here's a riddle about rowan for children!

With interest, the children take part in a master class on the manufacture of crafts made of natural material.

It is recommended to arrange a tea party with pies from rowan berries at the end of the holiday. You can also tell about the fact that there is also chokeberry, and treat everyone with tasty and useful jam from chokeberry.

Moving game "Birds of a berry peck"

It is rather difficult for children to sit in one place for a long time. Therefore, it is necessary to include cheerful competitions, games, relay races in the holiday scenario. As prizes, winners can be awarded a cardboard medal "The best connoisseur".

With cheerful enthusiasm there is a collective mobile game "Birds of the berry peck". Its conditions are as follows: a team of birds opposes a team of berries. Touching the "feathered" "rowan" by hand means that the berry is eaten. It is necessary to divide all the participants in such a way that the "birds" were 2 times less "berries". It is useful for every bird to determine the name - so the kids will better remember the birds that consume the fruits of mountain ash. The game lasts for 2-3 minutes. The winning team is chosen by counting the remaining "berries". But it will be better if everyone wins - the game should bring joy, not disappointment.

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