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A talented reader is who? Who can be called a talented reader?

A talented reader is not someone who reads a lot. And not even the one who prefers scientific literature popular. A talented reader is a person who knows how to appreciate artistic prose and poetry.

Formation of literary preferences

In the famous poem by Gogol there is a character who shows an extraordinary love for books. But the author notes that he loves to read not because he appreciates literary works, but for love to put letters into words, and words into sentences. The author described the hobby of this hero not without sarcasm. In real life, if there are such people, it is very rare.

A talented reader is a person who enjoys acquaintance with the book, but the content does not forget it immediately after reading. Literature is the source of spiritual, moral and intellectual enrichment. To read it is necessary to be able. And the one who mastered this art, will not get involved in art works haphazardly. And consequently, a talented reader is an amateur of prose and poetry, who formed his own literary preferences.

The phrase, the meaning of which is disclosed in this article, can be used in relation to a person who has studied more than one work of a Russian or foreign writer. But, unlike the hero Gogol, I learned to analyze what I read.

Love of books

The character mentioned above is Parsley, the lackey of the scoundrel Chichikov. In relation to this literary hero, the phrase "talented reader" is not applicable. A synonym for this concept is a thoughtful personality. Parsley does not hamper understanding of the content of books. He takes the same zeal to read the letter, the prayer book and the French novel. But who is such a talented reader? A synonym for this notion is a person who knows a lot about literature. One who does not read indiscriminately, but is able to choose from a diverse book world that is really interesting and necessary for him.

Books Required for Reading

The school curriculum is not for nothing that includes the works of Russian and foreign classics. To form a literary taste, you should read more than one book. Only after studying a certain number of compositions does it become possible to evaluate the quality of a work.

How to learn to read?

Literary taste can be compared with musical ear. One reader enjoys only reading quality literature. The only thing that interests is an exciting story. An inept reader can not appreciate the artistic means that the author uses. He does not have the main idea of the work. It can be compared to a person who "has a bear in his ear". With one who does not distinguish harmony from disharmony. But unlike musical ear, literary taste is not innate. It can be purchased.

So, what is the meaning of the phrase "talented reader"? Who is this? The man who read the novels of Tolstoy, Dostoevsky, Bunin's stories and Pushkin's story? The school minimum involves studying the books of great classics. For successful delivery of the Unified State Examination, students read works that are included in the list of compulsory literature. The Zetas analyze and write essays on them. However, after graduation, not everyone is fond of reading. Consequently, not for every person who has studied the school minimum, the notion of "talented reader" is applicable.

Proposal, page by page ... And in the imagination of the reader a whole world of artistic images is born. In it, he sinks, living the life of the characters and empathizing with them. This condition is familiar to a person who can be given such a title as a "talented reader". The meaning of this concept is more complicated than it may seem at first glance. Talented can be called a reader who has a rich imagination, has behind him not one dozen books read, knows how to distinguish the classics from "chtiva." The ability to understand and analyze great works of literature comes with experience. Consider the abilities of a thoughtful reader on the example of a well-known novel.

Example: "Master and Margarita"

The novel won the love of millions of readers. What is the uniqueness of this work? Why does it cause interest in people of different ages and levels of education? In adolescence, the reader gets acquainted with the creation of Bulgakov, and he is fascinated by the mystique of the plot. With the acquisition of life experience, he is able to appreciate and flamboyant Bulgakov humor. But only a truly talented reader is available to the deep philosophical idea of this work.

The idea of the novel is based on a biblical story. To judge the wisdom of Yeshua's words can only be a deep, thinking person. The hero of Bulgakov speaks of cowardice as the most terrible vice. He hints at the unreliability of Matvey's records. The use of evangelical motives allows the author to express his moral position, original views on the history of Christianity. The reader can not understand the idea of the novel, for which this book was one of the first. To analyze the work, you should read a lot of critical articles, biographical works about the writer. Therefore, reading books does not mean understanding their content. To understand the term "talented reader", one more example from the literature should be cited.

"Crime and Punishment"

Dostoevsky's book is called a model of a criminal novel. This work, indeed, has all the signs of a detective genre. But the word "punishment" here does not have a legal connotation. Rather Christian. Raskolnikov violates one of the commandments. He acts according to antihuman theory. And this almost leads him to a moral death. His faith saves him.

To understand the depth of Dostoevsky's novel in his teens is difficult. A talented reader can be called, perhaps, a person who, after graduation, again returns to the works of classical literature, among which one of the most important is "Crime and Punishment", in order to look at the experiences of heroes from the height of life and reader experience.

Books of great authors devote their works to criticism. Is it worth reading these complex literary works?

A critic or a reader?

Is there a difference between these concepts? A critic is more than a talented reader. The use of such a concept in speech is quite common. A critic is called a specialist who analyzes artwork and does it professionally. The reader is one who enjoys acquaintance with the writer's artistic world. The assessment of professional critics is more objective. Their articles are published in textbooks on literature. The names of the best of them are included in the history of literature. But it is worth remembering that neither prose nor poetry can exist without a grateful reader. The writer does not create his books for illustrious critics. Its audience is talented readers.

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