
A modern account system or where Arab numerals were invented

To date , mathematics is difficult to imagine without the use of numbers and numbers. Initially, mathematics used Roman numerals, which were 14, and which did not have zero, but soon the numbers began to be represented in the form of letters, as in many nations they had some hidden meaning. With the advent of Arabic numerals, zero appeared in mathematics. Now many people are wondering where the Arab numerals were invented . The answer to this question must be sought from historians.

The word "figure" is of Arabic origin and means "zero." In India, there was found a wall inscription, where there was a number of 270, this inscription refers to the I century and is the first evidence of the use of numbers. Already in the fifth century the Hindus set out the decimal system of calculus, and a century later they freely operated on this system, as well as the concept of "zero", which meant "nothing" or "empty." By this time most of the peoples of the world had their systems of account, however, only in India was used zero. For the first time in India, the scientist Muhammad al-Khorezmi used a system of recording zero-digits, this fact contributed to the spread of the Indian system of figures around the world.

Considering the question of who invented the Arabic numerals, one can see that the Arabic mathematicians have slightly changed the Indian numerals in order that they fit under their letter. Thus, the Arab people became the first people to get acquainted with the Indian system of calculus. And this is not surprising, because at that time in India, a system was invented, according to which the numbers were recorded on the stairs. The steps of these were somewhat larger than numbers, which is why, when calling a large number, you had to call the name of the step after each digit. This caused some inconvenience, so the Hindus soon began to call all the numbers of a large number without the names of their steps.

In India, where Arab numerals were invented, the digital steps used for a long time. If one of the steps was missing, the Hindus instead of its name said "empty." On the paper instead of the word "empty" Indians put a point first, and later - a circle. So there was a zero.

This way of recording numbers, represented by India, was convenient for various calculus, so the whole world now uses it. Thus, India can be considered a country where Arab numerals and a decimal number system were invented.

It would seem that with the invention of numbers and the decimal system of the account, the first hours should appear. However, it is known that more than three thousand years ago in Babylon the first clock was used, they represented a dial with twelve divisions at the edges and a rod in the center. This clock was sunny, so when the sun was moving in the sky, the shadow of the rod fell on the corresponding number on the dial. Such watches were used in the daytime, when darkness came, they were replaced by water watches, representing a clay vessel with water, flowing from it one drop at a time. The vessel had divisions on the walls, therefore, with a decrease in the water level, it was possible to see on what division it stopped, thus determining which hour. In Europe, the clock was in the form of a candle with divisions. About who invented the mechanical watches, historians argue to this day, some claim that it was Pacifikus, others - Herbert. In any case, the clock appeared before the invention of the Hindu numerals, before the dial had divisions with images of the signs of the zodiac, later on the dial represented letters and symbols. After a while, the Roman numerals on the watch dials began to be used.

Thus, for today it is known where the Arab numerals were invented. Invented in India by the system of account people used for many centuries, it has reached to our time, and is used to this day.

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