Self improvementMotivation

7 reasons to laugh and smile more often, which you did not know about

Smiles and laughter have a positive effect on your condition, but many people, growing up, completely forget how pleasant it is. Think about the playground - on it children run, who smile for no special reason, just enjoying the moment. Parents watching them often express the depth of the current stress, only occasionally smiling. In the meantime, they should learn from their children and learn to enjoy life more. Studies have shown that a smile has a positive effect on health in several areas at once. In addition, laughter has a good effect on other features of your life. When you smile and laugh, there are physiological changes in your body that you do not suspect.

With a smile, the body produces endorphins

The reasons for producing hormones of joy are in certain movements of the facial muscles that the brain reads. As a result, it stimulates the production of endorphins, which raise your mood and reduce stress levels. Interestingly, if you pretend that you are laughing or imitating a smile, the brain can not recognize the difference and only pays attention to the position of the muscles. As a result, the release of hormones occurs in any case, and you feel happier, even if at first your smile was not entirely sincere.

Endorphins reduce stress levels

In addition, they serve as a natural anesthetic. For those who suffer from chronic diseases, laughter and smiles can be an effective treatment. If you fell and hit hard, try to grin - you will immediately feel better.

With an increased level of endorphins, the level of cortisol drops

Cortisol is a hormone of stress. It is produced when your nervous system is tense, you are nervous. Cortisol causes unpleasant emotions in you, so reducing its level, you help yourself to avoid depression.

Laughter strengthens the lungs, coaches muscles and stimulates lymph flow

When you laugh, your whole body works. Cells in the lungs are renewed, due to increased intake of oxygen, and muscles are trained, as in physical exercises. All this stimulates blood circulation and accelerates the movement of the lymphatic system.

Laughter helps to release steam

If you like to hunt, you can cope with the emotions that accumulated inside for a long time. After a fun joke on the world, it's easier to look positively. You perceive life better if you laugh regularly. In addition, laughter and smiles help you to build relationships with others, so be brave, relax and laugh.

Smile makes you more attractive and attracts people to you

When you smile, others perceive you more positively. Interaction with others becomes easier and more enjoyable if you can share a joke and poulybatsya each other. This behavior quickly becomes contagious, and the whole company feels better, and you start to seem all attractive and pleasant person with whom you want to communicate. All this has a very positive effect on your life.

A happy face provides a good life

This is especially true for situations such as job interviews - a relaxed, smiling person radiates self-confidence, he can certainly cope well with a tense situation. In addition, it is useful for your career - you can build with your colleagues a more healthy relationship, which means that the employer will appreciate you higher.

How to start laughing and smiling more often?

It is not difficult to achieve this. As already mentioned, the brain can not determine the sincerity of a smile, so the more often you consciously force yourself to smile, the better you feel. See funny comedies and television shows. So you get a sense of humor in your life. And on the contrary, try not to look sad news and news. Spend time with family and friends, it will fill you with happiness. You will look at life more positively, which means that it will be easier to smile. You are looking for reasons for joy and smiles - you are surely surrounded by many nice and funny things. If you consciously pay attention to them, you can laugh and smile more often without much effort. Spontaneous joy is a valuable feeling that you can achieve on your own.

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