CareerCareer Management

6 "toxic" beliefs that can ruin your career

Sabotaging is unnecessary and destructive. It sends you to the bottom of the emotional pit, from which it is difficult to get out.

Talking to ourselves, we find ourselves imprisoned in our own thoughts and convictions, but this plays an important role in motivating, pushing us forward or depriving us of confidence.

As once said G. Ford: "He who believes that he can and who believes that he can not - both are right."

When TalentSmart specialists conducted tests to measure the level of emotional intelligence (EQ), then, having tested more than a million people, they found out that 90% of the best workers have a high level of EQ. Emotional intelligence is the ability not only to recognize, but also to take control of negative thoughts, which helps to achieve success.

As an example, the average salary of people who showed a high level of EQ - 28 thousand dollars a year. It is also known that they often receive a promotion. In addition, an increase in the level of emotional intelligence by one point is directly related to an increase in the average salary by 1,300 dollars.

When it comes to self-study, you can find six common, but still "toxic" beliefs that hold people more than any others. Remember about them, because they can destroy your career.

Success can only be perfected

The error lies in human nature. If you aspire only to the ideal result, we are disappointed to disappoint: you will always be alone with a nagging sense of failure and ultimately will waste your time thinking about things that you have not been able to achieve.


Too many people succumb to the irrational idea that they are destined to succeed or fail. But they are wrong. Your fate is in your hands, and blaming or thanking the universe for gifts and hardships is an attempt to avoid responsibility for the choice made. Sometimes on the way there will be many obstacles, sometimes you yourself will be surprised how many trumps will be in your sleeves. But only your own willingness to get your own, not paying attention to how the circumstances will develop, determine your ultimate success or failure. See the problem? Solve it. Do you see the free path? Walk on it and believe in yourself, and not in the luck of mythical destiny.

"Always" or "Never"

To divide the world into black and white is a "toxic" belief. In fact, nothing in life happens "always" or "never". Everything is possible! You can do some things often or do something one or two times, but separating all actions into "always" or "never" is an excuse. It makes you believe that you do not control yourself ("I always had this habit, as long as I can remember") and never change ("that's my character, I could never do anything"). Do not give in to it.

I succeed, if there is external approval of my successes

Regardless of what people think of you at some particular moment, one thing is certain: you are not as good or bad as you are trying to convince them and yourself. It is impossible to completely turn off your reactions to the opinion of society, but you can take these views skeptical. Filter them, and do not pass through yourself in pure form. Objectively look not only at your own, but also at someone else's thoughts. Either way, self-esteem is an internal state that you should stop making dependent on external factors. Only you know who you really are.

Errors of the past must be repeated

Once burned and no longer approached the fire. Sounds familiar? Repeated failures can undermine your self-confidence and make it difficult to achieve a better result in the future simply because you yourself will not believe in it. In most cases, these falls are due to the fact that people are at risk or are trying to achieve something that is not so easy to obtain. Just remember: success lies in your ability to stand in the face of failure. All that is worth attaining will require you to take certain risks. You can not always control what is happening around you, but you can not afford to stop believing in yourself.

What I feel is reality

In the book "Emotional Intelligence 2.0" there is a detailed description of how to learn to objectively evaluate your feelings and emotions and to separate facts from artistic fiction. If you have read this work, you already know how. If not - be sure to read, you may need to work on yourself. Distorting the sense of reality, emotions pull you down, away from the opening of the potential and available talents.

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