
Bodybuilding and Trekresan. Feedback on the product

Athletes and adherents of a healthy lifestyle to strengthen immunity and increase the endurance of the body to various physical and mental loads often resort to an inexpensive drug called "Trekresan." Reviews about it, visitors to various forums leave mostly in a positive way. What is the reason for such a success of the medicine? How safe is this remedy? Why is it so popular among athletes?

Composition and principle of pharmacological action of the preparation "Trekresan"

Reviews about this medication, obtained synthetically, most consumers prefer to leave optimistic. His immunomodulating and adaptogenic properties in ordinary people and athletes are thankful comments. Adults and children who have reached the age of 12, "Trekrezan" helps:

  • Strengthen the protective function of the body against colds, in the prevention and treatment of many viral and bacterial infections;
  • Increase physical and mental performance, restore strength after overwork (including overtraining), resist various stressful situations (hypoxia, excessive hypothermia or overheating);
  • In combined long-term therapy with the use of antibiotics;
  • When complex treatment of poisonings (salts of heavy metals, organic solvents), has an antitoxic effect, eliminating the consequences of abuse of strong alcoholic beverages (including withdrawal symptoms).

To whom and how is it expedient to apply an effective adaptogen?

The drug "Trekresan" is recommended for prevention and treatment of colds not only for adults, but even for children who have reached the age of 12. Students this tool helps to cope with increased mental and physical stress in school, strengthen immunity and protect the body from infections. Apply the drug inside within a week: adults and children over 12 years - 0.2 g (or 0.1 g) 3 times a day. The daily dose should not exceed 0.6 g. After the active phase of therapy, you can go to the supporting one, taking 1 capsule of medication for a week. The maximum rate is 30-45 days. Treatment if necessary can be repeated at intervals between repeated doses of one to two months. In the season of colds, to increase working capacity and prevent diseases, you can take "Trekrezan" one tablet or capsule within 14 days.


The substitutes for this medication are "Ergoferon" and "Anaferon", "Ingavirin" and "Tamiflu." However, these antiviral drugs in their effect on the body significantly differ from the Trekrezan drug. Analogues (reviews about which are positive) are aimed at the treatment of viral respiratory diseases, they have immunostimulating and antihistamine action, alleviate the symptoms of the disease. At the same time, these drugs are effective against a wide range of different viruses, but they do not have adaptogenic properties, they do not increase mental and physical performance, like Trekrezan. This inexpensive preparation is produced by Shchelkovo Vitamin Plant (Russia).

For amateur and professional athletes

Most fitness trainers or people who are keen on sports recommend Trecreezan to improve their effectiveness. The feedback on his stimulating effect on a person's physical capabilities, ability to withstand immobilization and painful stress, improve adaptation to changing loads and restore strength after intense training can be found in professional forums and social networks.

The drug allows you to increase the effectiveness of sports activities for all people, including those who want to lose weight, prolonging the time of physical activity. It is known that Trekresan, the athletes' reviews of which it is called a powerful adaptogen, is popular among a variety of categories. In the process of training, bodybuilders and athletes are exposed to significant loads, causing rapid fatigue, so it is normal to restore strength by just draining an adaptogen tablet. According to their feedback, he increases his endurance several times, increasing the effectiveness and duration of classes. Especially appreciated "Trekresan" in bodybuilding. Athletes' reviews praise the adaptogenic and immunomodulating properties of the drug. Intensive physical loads are transferred much easier, if you include in your mode of taking an available medication. In addition, the athletes' fitness adjustments to changes in climatic conditions after Trekresan intake are equal to 30-35%, which insures them against colds and guarantees participation in competitions anywhere in the country and the world.

In the successful struggle against stress and overtraining of the organism, this adaptogen also plays a big role. It is relevant during the training process, before and after the competition. His appointment is appointed by the doctor, there are no special contraindications, since Trekresan is safe, has no side effects and is rapidly excreted from the body.

Neutral or negative comments

Why do not everyone like the effect of Trekrezan? Feedback, filled with disappointment, often leaves a person who has not received the therapeutic effect of the drug. Doctors explain the absence of a positive result by late treatment and appointment of Trekresan, self-medication of patients or individual reaction of the human body.

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