HealthAlternative Medicine

Zabrus bee. Application in folk medicine

Zabrz is a product of beekeeping. It is obtained by cutting the top flat cap of the sealed honeycomb. Zabrus is like wax, but it differs in composition. When bees seal honey-filled honeycombs, a specific substance is released from their salivary glands . It contains pollen and propolis. There are secrets of the salivary and wax glands of striped laborers in the zabrus. Such a powerful composition determines the high medicinal qualities of the product. The use of zabrusa can deactivate the activity of all known pathogenic bacteria. That is why its use in individual cases is a necessity.

Zabrus bee, the use of which does not cause dysbacteriosis and habituation, should be thoroughly chewed. The taste of this product is very pleasant. In this regard, this process is a real pleasure. It is recommended to use the curative gift of nature in the treatment of airway and nasopharyngeal pathologies transmitted by viral and bacterial methods.

Zabrus bee, the use of which increases the motor and secretory function of the stomach, promotes abundant salivary fluid secretion. In this regard, and produced a therapeutic effect.

Beef zabrus during chewing can be accidentally swallowed. Do not worry about it. When ingested, the bee product has a positive effect on its mucous membrane and speeds up the process of excretion of toxins and toxins from the body.

Zabrus bee, the application of which can be carried out for preventive purposes, strengthens the immunity to various diseases of the respiratory tract. The product can last for four years. Much, of course, depends on the individual characteristics of the person and his way of life. But, however that may be, the positive effect of the curative product on immunity is not questioned.

Zabrus bee, the use of which is especially recommended for children, can begin to be given to them at the beginning of the school year, ending the course with the onset of summer vacations. In this stressful period, the child's organism is particularly at risk of various diseases. If desired, the product can be given in the summer, but experts recommend a short break between admission courses. Single use zabrusa during the day for the child will be quite enough. To strengthen preventive measures, it is recommended to additionally give one or two more spoons of honey. In this case, the drugs will have a systemic effect on the body, which with confidence will allow to avoid infectious diseases.

Zabrus bee is used for the prevention and treatment of hay fever. Chewing a medicinal product is recommended and with pollinosis, manifested in a mild form. Five times a day, chew zabrus with moderate allergies. After the first two days of this course, the product is used in the dosage of one tablespoon during the whole unfavorable period. Immediate adoption of such measures will avoid tearing, nasal congestion and inflammation of the throat. As an external remedy zabrus is recommended for the treatment of articular ailments, radiculitis, etc.

Before you there is a question: "Zabrus bee where to buy, what is its price?". You can go to the market. However, it is desirable to purchase a medicinal product from the beekeeper, who can be completely trusted. After all, the market is likely to purchase a poor-quality product. You can meet zabrus in the Tentorium. Here the bee product is sold with small plates, the cost of which is 100 rubles, or large packages of 500 rubles each.

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