HealthDiseases and Conditions

Worms in humans: treatment of parasitic diseases

Helminthiases are serious worm diseases, which can lead to terrible consequences. Since childhood we are taught to observe the principles of personal hygiene, but not always only such measures can prevent infection with worms (helminths). How to determine if there are worms in humans? Treatment of diseases caused by parasite infestation is often carried out after many days after infection. This is due to the fact that people rarely pay special attention to such symptoms of helminthiosis as weight loss, dizziness, stunted growth of children, memory disorder and slowing of puberty.

What can be done if worms are found in humans? Treatment of invasion of these parasites depends on their type. Science knows more than 250 species of different helminths that can live in man. In this case, a significant part of them can live in almost any organ. More than 60 species of worms are found on the territory of Russia. Only ascarids, according to research, have infected up to 1.3 billion people worldwide. How do worms appear in humans? Treatment of some species of worms does not affect the possibility of infection with other parasites. Worms penetrate the body with the use of invasive fish, meat, crustaceans, mollusks, through unwashed vegetables and fruits, dirty hands. They can penetrate the blood through blood-sucking insects. Larvae of some species of helminths are able to enter the body through the skin.

When invaded with helminths, digestive organs, lungs, urinary tracts, liver, etc. are affected. Glistes undergo three stages of development: an egg, a larva, an adult. From the intestinal tract, they migrate to their place of permanent life (intestines, liver, muscles, skin, lungs, eyes). How can you find worms in humans? The treatment of helminthiases is based on conducting clinical studies and analyzes of feces, bile, urine and blood. Diagnosis is made when larvae or helminth eggs are found. Treatment is most often long. In severe cases, human health is irreparably damaged. In some cases, helminthiases end in a lethal outcome.

If worms are found in humans, treatment (drugs) is prescribed immediately. Most helminthiases respond well to therapy with modern anthelmintic agents. When intestinal nematodes (ascarids, pinworms) have long been used drug "Piperazin" and its derivatives. With ascariasis, enterobiosis (pinworm infestation), ankylostomiasis, trichocephaliasis, trichostrongylosis take medicine "Naftamone", "Diphezil", "Mebendazole", "Pirantel". For the treatment of trichocephalosis and strongyloidiasis use the drug "Dithiazanin". As antihelminthic agents also use thyme, sulfur purified, wormwood flowers of citric.

Such dangerous types of parasites, such as bovine and pork tapeworm, are very common. These are tapeworms. In humans, the treatment is performed with the help of preparations "Fenasal", "Aminoacrychin". Good results are obtained by the use of pumpkin seeds. Such agents are also effective against hymenolepidosis and diphyllobothriasis. With extraintestinal helminthiasign drugs "Chloksil", "Ditrazin citrate", "Antimonila-sodium tartrate" are prescribed.

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