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Why do we need memos for parents in kindergarten?

Working with parents is a very important aspect of the upbringing process in the preschool. The purpose of this activity is to help adults understand their babies, build relationships with them correctly, pay attention to the frequent mistakes that are allowed in the upbringing of children. To do this, use forms of work, such as consultations, questionnaires and memos for parents in kindergarten. Each of these methods has its own characteristics.

Questionnaires for parents in the kindergarten are filled in order to identify ideas about the establishment and organization of the educational process. In this way, you can find out what parents expect for their children. This is very important, since many, when defining children in the kindergarten, place high demands on it. The questionnaire helps to identify these claims and explain to parents which of them are realistically implemented, and which ones will remain dreams.

Consultation for parents in kindergarten is usually conducted by specialists: a psychologist, speech therapist, defectologist and so on. Its peculiarity lies in the fact that the existing problem is revealed as deeply as possible and is viewed from all sides. The expert will give detailed recommendations and algorithms of actions in this or that situation. The consultation can be oral or with the provision of printed, audio or video materials. In addition, consultations can be individual and group, when the expert speaks at the parent meeting or the audience gathers separately.

Memos for parents in kindergarten, in contrast to the consultations, carry information about common issues and sometimes arising problems. For example, parents are briefly introduced to the mode of operation of a pre-school institution. But they do not simply list the main points (the regime of the day, the schedule of classes, etc.), but they describe what patterns of behavior parents should follow, what can and can not be done.

Most importantly, memos for parents in kindergarten help outline the range of rights and responsibilities of the parties involved in the educational process. The main object of this activity is a child. All the rest should be directed to its development, creation of favorable and psychologically comfortable conditions for its existence. This applies to both preschool and family.

In what form can I submit memos for parents in kindergarten? One copy is desirable to put in a corner for everyone to see, it does not hurt to put it on the official website. One more copy should be given out to the parent of the newly arrived child in his arms. It will be great if in a statement with a request for admission of a child to preschool, he will make a note about what is familiarized with the memo. Why is it necessary? We still have an opinion that a man is a friend, a friend and a brother. Someone perceives this correctly. But there will always be separate "comrades" who begin to behave, to put it mildly, too fraternally, and when they try to reason, they immediately make a petition to the prosecutor's office. And this organization is deeply indifferent to such "related" relationships. Therefore, it is better if the relationship between the kindergarten as a pre-school institution that provides services and parents as clients will initially be official and business, and then - so to speak, in the process of communication - will understand.

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