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Why are women capable of experiencing orgasm?

It happens every day and around the world, but scientists still do not know much about the female orgasm. Although the debate about the chemistry of female ejaculation has already been resolved, it is still unclear how many types of orgasm women experience.

But the most agonizing question was solved, namely: what is the evolutionary cause of female orgasm? Scientists at Yale University suggest that they have found the right answer.

A new study of scientists and their results

Previously it was believed that the female orgasm evolved as a trait accompanying male orgasm, and this was a kind of adaptation to encourage partners to stay together and keep in touch. And now the researchers came to the conclusion that the female orgasm was once a key biological trigger, necessary for the onset of ovulation.

During orgasm, the female body produces two hormones - oxytocin and prolactin. In females of wild placental mammals, this type of hormonal discharge actively causes the onset of ovulation, since without it, pregnancy would be impossible. Thus, we can say that the male and female organism of animals work together to start ovulation.

It is likely that the same mechanism originally evolved in humans precisely for the same reason as in animals. Over time, women developed the ability to ovulate regardless of male sexual activity. As a result, this hormonal function was unnecessary and became superfluous, but she remained in female biology because of her role as a secondary pleasant mechanism of coition.

What do previous studies say?

Previous studies have focused on the data of human biology and modification of the trait. The evolution of its origin was not taken into account.

Indeed, earlier studies indicated that the fertility of women does not depend on their sexual activity. Following this logic, it was concluded that the female body had never played a direct role in reproductive success. So, contrary to everything that previously claimed many studies, we can conclude: the female body has evolved to help reproduce the offspring along with the male.

The evolutionary goal of male and female orgasms

Male orgasm has a clear goal, if we consider it through the prism of natural selection. Its purpose is to leave as many heirs as possible. Sex and conception are the main function of the gene muscles, not only in humans, but in all animals.

However, the driving evolutionary power of female orgasm is not so clear. Many researchers believed that it developed as an accidental byproduct of male orgasm. At the same time, other scientists assumed that he stimulates a man to communicate with a woman, ensuring the transfer of her genes from generation to generation. Some researchers also suggested that the rhythmic pulsations that occur during a woman's orgasm help collect sperm in the uterus.

New approaches of scientists

Scientists at Yale University in their study used a comparative approach in biology, and he suggests that the secret of the evolutionary origins of female orgasm lies in the release of hormones that accompanies it. Over time, this hormonal release has become unimportant for human survival through the reproduction of offspring, but, nevertheless, it still takes place.

Of course, the fact that the female orgasm no longer plays a "useful" reproductive role does not mean that it is useless. Sex is primarily for fun, and this is its main function in the 21st century.

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