
"Galazolin" for children: instruction, description

Many medicines are produced in a special (child's) form. Such drugs always have a lower dosage, they differ in the way they are used. The medicines intended for kiddies, pass more careful researches before to act on the pharmacological market. Therefore, they are allowed to be used for children when the adult form of the medicine is prohibited. In today's article we will talk about one of those. You will learn what "Galazolin" (children's) is. How to take the drug, from which it helps, and in which cases it should not be used - everything will be described further. You will learn the features of the medicine and you will be able to get acquainted with the reviews about it.

Description of the preparation and its form of release: preliminary characteristics

"Halazolin" for children is a vasoconstrictor drug used to treat and prevent ENT diseases. The medication is issued in different forms: for adult patients and children. These preparations differ only in the dosage of the active substance, which is xylometazoline. In the means for children, the concentration of this component is 0.05%. The pediatric form of the medicine, in turn, is divided into two more types: drops and gel. Both drugs have nasal application.

The composition of the drops includes additional substances: sodium hydrogen phosphate and dihydrogen phosphate, disodium edetate, sodium chloride, sorbitol, benzalkonium chloride and water. The medicine is produced in a plastic bottle of 10 milliliters. The price of such a medicine is not more than 50 rubles per package. Agree, it is inexpensive? The gel has different characteristics. It contains the same additional ingredients as in the drops, but also contains glycerol and hyethellosis. You can buy 10 grams of medicine at a price of about 150 rubles. The drug "Galazolin" (child) in any form is sold without a prescription.

Action medication

The drug "Galazolin" (children's) instruction describes as a vasoconstrictor, antiallergic and decongestant. By its action the preparation is obliged to the main component: xylometazoline. Medication refers to alpha-adrenomimetics. It begins to act immediately after administration and maintains its effectiveness for several hours (usually from 4 to 12).

Drops and gel contribute to the narrowing of the blood vessels, thereby eliminating the swelling of the nasal mucosa. Also, the medication reduces the amount of secret secretion. This makes breathing easier, and the patient feels much better. Medication with nasal use is able to have the same effect on auditory canals, Eustachian tubes.

Necessity of application in pediatrics: from what does the medicine help?

In what situations does the use of the preparation "Galazolin" (children's) be recommended? The annotation states that the drug is used for treatment and prevention in the field of otorhinolaryngology. Indications for the use of the drug in children are the following situations:

  • Viral and bacterial rhinitis (for symptomatic therapy);
  • Allergic rhinitis and conjunctivitis (with the purpose of emergency relief of symptoms);
  • Sinusitis and sinusitis;
  • Otitis and eustachitis.

A vasoconstrictor may be prescribed to prepare for diagnostic and surgical interventions when it is necessary to remove the natural edema of the nasal cavity. In adults, the agent "Galazolin" is used for the same indications.

Contraindications for children

It is forbidden to use the medicine "Galazolin" (for children or adults - it does not matter) with increased sensitivity to its components. The medicine is also not used (in any form) for children under two years old. Babies nasal gel and drops are categorically contraindicated. In the pediatric form (considered), the drug is prescribed from 2 years, and the adult medication is allowed only after 6. Contraindications to treatment will be the following situations:

  • Glaucoma and intraocular pressure;
  • Hypertension or high probability of its occurrence;
  • Atrophic and medicamentous rhinitis;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • Tachycardia and hyperthyroidism;
  • diabetes.

Method of using drops

How correctly to use "Galazolin" (children's)? The description of the drug indicates that the medicine has a hole through which drops enter. To inject the solution into the nose, you need to turn the vial and press it lightly on it. Be sure to monitor the amount of the drug so that there is no overdose.

  • Children aged 2 to 6 years, the drug is administered at a dose of 1 in each nostril. Manipulation can be repeated no more than twice a day.
  • To children from 6 years "Galazolin" children are introduced two drops three times. It is possible at this age to replace the drug with an adult form and use one drop three times a day.

The duration of treatment is determined by the doctor individually. In many ways it depends on the symptoms. Instruction for use does not recommend the use of children's "Galazolin" for more than three days in a row.

Application of gel

How to use "Galazolin" (baby gel)? This medicine is also administered nasally. It is not assigned to children up to three years. From this age and up to 12 years, a single dose is used. You can repeat the manipulation every 8-10 hours. No more than three injections per day are permitted. One dose is in the gel strip, which appears after a single tap on the tube.

Children from the age of 12 can use the drug in their adult form or increase the number of children's medicines by half. The duration of therapy with this medication is 3-5 days. If necessary, the doctor can extend this period, but the medicine is prohibited for more than two weeks without interruption.

Children's "Galazolin" during pregnancy: for and against

Is it possible for future mothers to use this form of medicine? It is definitely impossible to answer this question. Physicians are considering two options for action. We will learn more about them.

Do not use this medication during pregnancy, since it can have a negative effect on the condition of the expectant mother. The medicine raises pressure, because of what there are edemas, there is a tachycardia. All this is not only unpleasant, but also dangerous during pregnancy. Doctors strongly do not recommend future mothers to use the drug "Galazolin" also because it quickly becomes addictive. Medication, according to the instructions, is contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation.

Despite all the restrictions, in some cases, you can not do without the described drug. If the condition of a pregnant woman is such that the nasal breathing is completely blocked, she is forced to breathe through her mouth, then the medication is prescribed. Doctors say that in such cases the risk of hypoxia of the fetus increases, as the expectant mother receives less oxygen. Doctors prefer to prescribe medicine in the form of a gel (for children) for no more than three days. Less common are drops. It is worthwhile to closely monitor the patient's condition during the treatment period.

Side effects due to use of the medicine

It is known that the preparation "Galazoline" (drops) can be addictive. Children's medicine was no exception. If you use the medicine in large volumes and for more than five days, then the medicamentous rhinitis develops. In this case, the drops will still be effective. With their use, the nasal mucosa comes to normal. If you give up the medicine, the swelling persists. Subsequently, the patient's condition worsens, atrophic rhinitis develops . All this is very dangerous, and in especially severe cases a person needs surgical treatment. Therefore, it is necessary to strictly follow the doses and terms of use established by the doctor or the instruction.

Side effects also include a feeling of dryness and burning in the nose. These symptoms go away on their own within a few seconds. The drug can cause allergies, tachycardia, hypertension, headache. In these cases, you should always consult a doctor.

"Galazolin" (for children): reviews

The opinions that form about this medicine vary. Most consumers who used the medicine according to the instructions are satisfied. They say that the medicine effectively eliminates nasal congestion, reduces the amount of snot. If you urgently need to put yourself in shape with a strong cold, then "Galazolin" will be an indispensable medicine. It is important to remember that drops in the nose and gel are intended for symptomatic therapy. They facilitate the course of the disease, but do not affect its cause in any way.

Negative feedback on the drops of "Galazolin" is also there. They are often reinforced by the presence of an allergic reaction. If you have any, then it is worth remembering the following: in the future for you are contraindicated any funds based on xylometazoline. No patient reports any ineffectiveness of the drug. The medicine works always, but in some cases can cause unpleasant reactions. Side effects that occur during treatment, you already know.


From the article you were able to find out about an effective nasal medication that removes symptoms of rhinitis. The drug is also used for inflammation of the auditory canals as an additional means. Before using the drug, you should always read the instructions. Do not blindly trust positive reviews, because the body of each person is individual. The use of a pediatric form of the drug reduces the likelihood of adverse reactions, since in such a drug is half the active ingredient. Before starting therapy, be sure to check with your doctor. Breathe freely and do not be ill!

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