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Where do owl owls live? Owl Owl: description, photo, content at home

For a long time it was perceived in our region only as a wild, predatory bird, the main habitat of which is the forest. But everything changed dramatically after the release of the legendary epic about Harry Potter. In this film, owls of owls appeared in the image of postmen, the appearance of which was associated with the fabulous Horgvards. Needless to say, almost every child immediately wanted such a real, living bird?

Owl owl, the content in the home which requires special attention, has become a desirable pet for many adults. However, few people think that it is a real predator, and its proper maintenance in the house or apartment can require the owner of certain victims.

A wonderful bird

In Latin, the name of this bird sounds like Tyto alba, which in Russian means "barn owl". This bird is found almost anywhere in the world and has one more common name - a barn owl of barn owl. On average, its length reaches 33-40 cm, and the wingspan, as a rule, does not exceed 95 cm. It has a small weight - not more than 700 g.

Owls of owls attract attention due to their pretty appearance, and also they have very soft, pleasant to the touch plumage. And the main distinguishing feature of this species from others is the facial corolla, which has an original heart shape.

Difference from other species

In addition to the facial disc, which has a pronounced heart-shaped form, the owl of the barn owl, the photo of which can be seen in our article, differs from its fellow beings in lighter plumage. These birds have a peculiar structure of the hearing aid: the right ear is located at the level of the nostrils, and the left one - at the level of the forehead. Due to this arrangement of the owl organs, the barn owls are the owners of a truly perfect hearing. They are able to capture the sounds of a potential victim in a huge range and at different angles.

Owl Owl: Where is found

More often than not, a bird can be found on wastelands, ravines and a swamp. In natural conditions, the owl of owl, photo of which is presented in the article, prefers for the village to choose open plains where there is a small number of trees.

Also, these birds are very fond of settling around people's homes and rural farms. The activities of people for clearing forests and cultivating the land, unlike many other predators, barn owls only benefit. The agricultural work of man greatly facilitates the search for food.

Features of behavior

In the wild, this species prefers to lead a solitary lifestyle. At the tips of their wings, these birds have specific feathers, so that their flight is absorbed, becomes very soft, smooth and almost noiseless. These owls have almost perfect vision and are perfectly oriented both in daylight and in pitch darkness.

If a person comes close to the wild owl, then, as a rule, it immediately rises into the air, can start to swing from side to side and even begin to build various funny grimaces. They prefer to lead a sedentary lifestyle and can live for years on the same spot. Send an owl in search of a new place can only lack of food.

The activity of barn owls exclusively at night, during the day she basically prefers to sleep. During the reproduction of the owl, the barn owls can make various sounds - screaming screaming, hoarse "hoot," sniffing. In quiet periods birds like to click with their beaks or clink their tongues.

Food for a sweet owl

Pretty heart-shaped face, funny habits and expressive eyes of the owl of many can be misleading. While in a state of affection, people sometimes forget that this bird is a real predator. Those who think that the owl of owl at home can eat like an ordinary parrot are very mistaken. It is necessary to understand that oats, millet and fruit for it will not be enough.

The basis of the owl ration is made up of various rodents. These can be hamsters, field mice, gerbils, gofers, rats. In nature these owls can hunt reptiles, invertebrates, shrews, opossums. If necessary, the barn owl can also eat other, small birds, frogs and bats.

Features of digestion

Even if a person does not mind the need to feed the bird with living things, then it is necessary to pay attention to a special process of digestion. The owl of barn owl at home must necessarily receive live food. Some owners try to cunning and feed birds simply by fresh meat, chicken and rabbit hearts. Such food can completely upset the digestion of the pet.

Owl owl common, like other representatives of its genus, has a specific digestive tract, which needs to digest hair and bones. After eating their prey for several hours, the bird forms a paddy. It is a spool that eats an owl after eating, and it consists mostly of undigested bones, wool and feathers. It is very important to follow that after each meal the gadget goes outside. After that, she immediately has to clean up by the owners, as owls can foolishly eat it again.

How to choose the right pet and where to buy it

If (despite all the specifics of the owl's house contents and upcoming difficulties), it was decided to buy a bird, it is necessary to know where it is done. Today the offer on these wild predators is quite large. But do not buy an owl over the Internet or on the bird market. Firstly, it can be sick, and secondly, it can be a newly caught, absolutely wild individual, which will be very difficult to accustom to living in an apartment.

Ideal option for purchase are specialized nurseries, where it is advised to purchase young chicks. Also, employees will be able to advise the owners on any questions and will prompt you what to do next, after the purchase.

Each owl taken in the nursery has on its foot a special ring with a number stamped on it. When buying, it is important to ensure that in the documents for the bird and on this ring the numbers are identical. If there is such an opportunity, after acquiring a pet, it is recommended to show the ornithologist or at least a vet. The doctor can take the necessary tests, assign an X-ray and conduct a complete examination, which determines the general condition of the bird.

So, you brought the owl to a new house. Naturally, she can be frightened and confused. Do not annoy her with your attention, constantly touching her. A box with a bird needs to be placed in her new room, open and leave the owl alone until she does not get out by herself. Most likely, she will be constantly hiding, and this state of stress can last about 3-4 days.

Cage arrangement or rooms for owls

An ideal option for living a bird will be a separate room. All sharp objects and angles that may pose a threat to injury during flight must be taken out of the room or covered with soft material. It is necessary to allocate and a corner for sitting, but, as a rule, roosts the owl independently, having chosen any place.

If the decision is made to contain a bird in a cage, it must necessarily be large enough to be able to fly in it, completely spreading its wings. Also do not forget that if you keep a cage, the owl must regularly leave it, walk and fly around the apartment so that its wings do not atrophy.

Clean drinking water must be present in the reach zone constantly. Water is recommended to be changed at least twice a day.

Features of bird care

Very carefully you need to monitor the beak and nails of owls who live at home. For any deformation or damage to the owl's beak, the doctor should be shown. Regarding nails - almost all owners shear them with their pets, because they are very sharp and often lead to various injuries. It is best if this procedure is carried out by a specialist. If you can not contact the ornithologist, you should cut your nails very carefully, removing only the white part. In the place where the nail darkens or the veins are visible, nothing can be touched. These veins are blood vessels, and their damage will be very painful for the bird.

How to feed an owl

You can feed your pet only after his retirement has passed because of a previous meal. Otherwise, the owl may have an obstruction of the stomach. If it is fed with improper food, after which no recovery is formed, it leads to a complete disruption of the digestive tract and the formation of a stomach ulcer. Owl with such a problem, unfortunately, will not live long and will suffer greatly.

Within a day, an adult can eat about 2-4 mice. At the same time, it can be fed when she asks. One of the rare species that eats only if necessary and does not suffer from excessive gluttony is the owl of barn owl. A nestling of this bird, especially a small one, may have a completely different attitude to food.

Small owls at the age of about several days are required to feed constantly, almost every half hour. At the same time, food should be given at their first request. It is believed that it is impossible to overfeed them. The more the sucker becomes, the less often there should be meals. For example, a bird at a month's age is fed only 5-6 times a day.

To feed small owls sometimes mice must first be stripped. The fact is that large rodents, struggling for their lives, will resist and can injure their paws, then various inflammations and infections are possible.

What should you prepare for if you decide to have an owl at home

As soon as the owl appears at home, without the slightest exaggeration and any doubt, it can be argued that the life of the master will never be the same. This step should be very deliberate, and a person who buys a predatory animal that will be kept in captivity should realize the responsibility it takes on itself.

It is necessary to prepare for the fact that with the onset of darkness the pet will begin an active life. Constant stomping, clinking, rustling, knocking will become the hallmark of your apartment at night.

The owner of a domestic owl will rarely be allowed to release a rag for cleaning from his hands. These birds go to the toilet very often, in some cases up to 15-20 times a day, and the droppings have to be cleaned constantly. Owls can be emptied in any place and at any time - sitting, in flight, while playing, bathing, playing or sleeping. For the sake of justice, it should be noted that this litter is very easy to clean, does not leave a trace after itself and does not have a sharp odor.

The owl will require constant attention to itself - every day you need to monitor whether after retirement, the payout has gone away, check the condition of the wings and nails. Most owls have a playful character and are constantly showing their curiosity. It is for this reason that they can not be left unattended for a long time.

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