HealthDiseases and Conditions

Where are the kidneys, and what can the pain in the back say

Kidneys are a paired organ that is responsible for removing toxins, harmful substances and other unnecessary compounds from the body. Also this part of the body takes part in providing acid-base balance of blood. Where the kidneys are, everyone should know, because the pain in their area can be a sign of a serious illness. Naturally, improper functioning of the kidneys affects the entire process of urination, so if it hurts you to go to the toilet and you feel unwell, then it's worthwhile to see a doctor. Scientists distinguish acquired kidney pathology and congenital. The type of disease affects the further treatment.

Symptoms of kidney disease

There are a number of signs on which it is possible to assume the presence of the disease, after which it is necessary to conduct the necessary examinations. Many people suffer because of high blood pressure and temperature, general weakness, bloating - all these symptoms can be signs of kidney disease. Also here can be attributed characteristic pain in the back. The kidneys are in the lumbar region, so the pain sensations are localized in the lower back, along the spine. This pain can be confused with the muscle. If you do not know where the kidneys are, you should familiarize yourself with the anatomy of a person and only after that draw conclusions. You can try to find the relevant illustrations on the Internet, in order to use them to familiarize yourself with the location of the internal organs of man.

If you find these symptoms, it is important to pay attention to how the urine looks, because You can see its turbidity or the admixture of blood. In addition, stones and salts accumulated in the kidneys can escape.

It is worth noting that red bruises under the eyes and swelling in the morning are bright signs of kidney disease in adults and children. In addition, the pallor of the skin, problems with the nails and a yellowish complexion can speak of kidney failure.

Symptoms of kidney disease in adults do not differ much from those that occur in children. True, babies can swell up heavily.

Causes of the disease

Many factors, for example, unbalanced harmful nutrition, the use of dirty water, heredity, stress, alcohol, etc., can cause a malfunction and disruption of the kidneys. Many medications have a detrimental effect on the functioning of the body, as often happens: one is treated, the other is injured. It is important to know where the kidneys are, since often problems with this organ can be caused by bruises. In this case, the characteristic sign can be blood, allocated together with urine.

Proper nutrition

If the doctor has found out you have problems with the kidneys, you must urgently change your diet. It is important to include in it only useful products with a moderate salt content. It is necessary to follow the doctor's instructions and take the recommended medications exactly. Often in these cases, you can do without medication, using herbal medicine. This option is preferable, because the kidneys - this is a kind of filter. Also, it is worth making a menu for the whole day and eating food in time. Over time, your condition will improve, as well as all the symptoms of the kidneys.

Stop using carbonated drinks, fatty pastries, smoked products, mushrooms, meat, fish, beans, etc. Increase the consumption of vegetables and fruits. Do not completely exclude foods containing protein, otherwise your body will be depleted.

From this article, you learned where the kidneys are, how to recognize the disease, what to do if the doctor confirmed the alleged diagnosis.

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