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What to do if the upper eyelid twitches

All the psychological overload of the organism has a negative impact on our health. Constant stress, depression, insomnia, regular fatigue - all this does not go without consequences. Some people have high blood pressure, someone starts to suffer serious psychosomatic diseases, someone complains about shaking hands, and someone jerks the upper eyelid.

Involuntary contraction of the muscles around the eye is called a nervous tic. This disease is not dangerous to health, however, the twitching upper eyelid causes unpleasant or painful sensations in a person. Nervous tick is a common cause of discomfort in overworked people. It interferes with communication and creates an insurmountable sense of insecurity. Nervous tics do not require a visit to the doctor, however, if your illness lasts more than two weeks - make an appointment with a neurologist.

Usually the patients jerk is the upper, not the lower eyelid. However, there are exceptions. If the nervous tic does not stop for two weeks, the muscles become overworked and begin to ache. Worst of all, when the tick spreads to both eyes, in this case the person suffers twice.

What if the eyelid twitches? First of all, you need to go to your boss and take a two-week vacation. Sign up for a relaxing treatment, pay attention to your mental and physical health. It would be useful to determine why the lower eyelid twitches. What events in your life have completely disabled you? Each person has his own individual ways of relaxing. Someone to relieve tension is enough to visit an elite SPA-salon, go through a Thai massage and relax in your favorite sauna. Someone needs to sit alone for a few days in complete silence, and someone will not be able to get rid of stress until they spend a week or two on the sea beach.

Remember, nervous tic - the first serious signal of your body! If you ignore these symptoms, continuing to work in the usual rhythm, you risk acquiring a variety of diseases, the treatment of which will require immediate hospitalization. Your health plays a major role in your life. Care for him is more important than work, the boss and overfulfilment of plans. After all, if you do not take the necessary time to your health, soon you will not be able to work at all.

If you are twitching the upper eyelid, you would be useful to start taking any easy sedatives. It can be a valerian extract or a motherwort extract. Experts recommend drinking chamomile and refusing regular coffee. When a person jerks the upper eyelid, he needs to focus on strengthening the nervous system. To do this, it is useful to increase the amount of magnesium in the body. Very enrich the human body with magnesium products such as fish, peas, bananas, chocolate.

If for a long time your treatment does not give positive results - visit a neurologist. In some cases, the same symptoms were seen in people with serious disorders. Sometimes people who have experienced head injuries, brain concussions or meningitis, jerks the upper eyelid. This ailment can also be caused by an allergy. In these cases, the doctor will prescribe you an individual course of treatment.

Most people have symptoms of a nervous tic only a few times over the entire period of overwork. This situation does not require immediate intervention, but still you should not bring yourself to such a state. It would be useful for you to take a few drops of valerian a day to calm the nervous system. And also devote the weekend to passive rest, to sleep longer.

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